View Full Version : free level

08-31-2004, 08:08 AM
Anyone know for sure how they work? Been hearing a lot of different things, and read something on the hearld from the grab bag. Just wondering becuase I am almost to 47, and well I want me freebie :D

According to the hearld, if you ding once in 7 days, you should get a free level, but only if you ding once. If you ding twice, then it's like the 7 days starts over. Just have to be once in a 7 day window. Or atleast that is how I understand it.

Would like to get my freebie to get to 47, then I just need about 1 whole bub then ding 48. Cleric about 5 bubs behind :rolleyes:

08-31-2004, 11:40 AM
U can ding as often as u want in the 7 days u just have to ding at least once! The 7 days start over once u USE your free level!

Edit: Not sure how much XP it will give tho! Will it give ya as much as you would have needed the first time u dinged or as much as needed to Ding from your current level to the next level! But the last option sounds more like it is to me! but we'll see today anyways :)

08-31-2004, 12:57 PM
the cap on it is lvl 47 though, so id stay at 46.99 till you get the free lvl :D

08-31-2004, 01:07 PM
I'm 46.5 on my cleric. I'm waiting for the big dingaroo today :P Would be sweet if I ding'd 47.5 but I think Sauron is right. It'll most likely only ding the 5 bubs.

08-31-2004, 01:15 PM
Mini dings only count as level in the determination of dinging but are not counted as level for the free level! (well that's how i understand it)!

Example : u leveled from 45 - 45.5 counts as ding but u will get the XP that is needed to get from 45 - 46 wich means it will get ya close to 46.5 if not even there

08-31-2004, 05:15 PM
Just found this in the patch notes. Had to dig for it, and it's different then what was posted in the grab bag (they said in the grab bag that it was only the design and could change)

The Enhanced Leveling System

Now that Camelot is nearly three years old, the bulk of our players are above level 35. Because of this it is becoming more challenging for casual gamers and low-level players to find groups, which can result in long leveling times and frustration. As such, we have implemented changes to the leveling system that will help all players level faster, no matter what server they play on. These changes are intended to be especially helpful to casual gamers and low-level players, allowing them to gain levels faster and more steadily.

- All characters will now be granted enough experience for a free level every seven days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. In other words, if you play your character and gain at least one level in a seven day period, your character will be given enough experience for the next level free.

- Underpopulated realms characters will receive the free level experience more often, up to a minimum of every two days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time.

- Players gaining experience from the Enhanced Leveling System will now also be awarded an amount of gold dependent upon the level the player has progressed to.

- When your character has gained a level by regular play, and qualifies for the free experience, a pop-up will appear, informing you that you can now gain a free level's worth of experience at your trainer.

- Please note that using the free experience at the time it is granted will be the most beneficial to your character, if you save the free experience until a later level (for example: you receive a free level at level 10, but wait until level 15 to use it), it will not be enough experience to grant you an entire level at that point.

- Characters will not lose their skill respec if they use the free experience at their trainer when the character is at levels 5, 20, and 40. Instead, the respec will disappear when the character has leveled again (for example: If your character is level 40, and your free experience takes you to 41, your free respec remains on your character until used or until level 42).

- After a character reaches level 47, that character may no longer make use of The Enhanced Leveling System.

Found here: http://www.camelotherald.com/patches.php?mode=live about mid way down :)

08-31-2004, 05:21 PM
Just logged into game, and found this link in the patch notes. Better explains it here.


OUTLAWS The Machine
08-31-2004, 06:48 PM
It gives you 10 bubbles worth of XP at your current level. Got min on MLF last night. You will get a pop up message when you are able to get it.

08-31-2004, 10:34 PM
i went from 46.6 to 47.5 and gained 387 gold :D

08-31-2004, 11:51 PM
update your sig blus before i eat your face

09-01-2004, 04:30 AM
I told him to update a long time ago but silly Blus is gonna just wait till 50.

BTW I went from 46.5 - 47.5 today too (forgot to look at the coin)

PS I hate Mythic's ideas of artifact encounters

09-01-2004, 01:37 PM
!!!!! fine fine ill update my sig here and on VN /sigh