View Full Version : I'm back kind of.

09-01-2004, 10:34 PM
Just want to let everyone know if you see someone named Snip3r in a server it really is me. But I just play on my spare time when I'm not scrimming cs etc. So I won't be playing competitively. For those of you who remember me i miss you for those of you who don't know me, you will soon ;)

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
09-01-2004, 10:49 PM
I've never played you, but always admired you because of the map pack you made. I look forward to playing you. :thumbs:

09-01-2004, 11:48 PM
YAY! :) Welcome back.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
09-02-2004, 12:33 AM
I just played him in Little Trouble and he won!

Sam is like riding a bike. You don't really forget how to play. I've seen this in two other cases off the top of my head.

The first one that comes to mind was a few games with Black Rose at the Outlaws LAN party. For the first few games, it was just Chico, myself, and Rose playing. The first two games either Chico or I won, I don't really remember. But the third game, she beat the both of us. Now this was after at least a 3 month leave from Sam, and after playing a game which does not even come close to the reactional demands that Sam does(DAoC).

The second case actually happened today, with Slick Nick. He was using the name "SN is back". The first couple of games he came in second or third. But by the third and fourth game he was on fire like he used to be. If he had a different name, I would've assumed that he was an active player who was using an alias. It was like he never took a break.

That's why I think that if you took a leave from Sam and are afraid of coming back because you think you've lost all of your skill, you should really try a few games. I think you'll be surprised how quickly your mind and body readjust to the rigors of Sam.

09-02-2004, 12:46 AM
Yup! I agree. I took a break a while back and sometimes I feel like my old self right away and other times it takes like a week! That's if I don't force myself to adjust to the lagg.. *sigh* =P

OUTLAWS high ping camper
09-02-2004, 12:46 AM
Welcome back Snip3r. :wave:

09-02-2004, 01:02 AM
I was also in the match 99s. Snip3r is a good player. I had alot of fun with u 2.

09-02-2004, 01:10 AM
w00t! Welcome back! :wootrock: :thumbs:

09-02-2004, 01:40 AM
Howdy Do MR. Snip3r....Long time no see. Good to hear from you again.

09-02-2004, 01:50 AM
Welcome backk anddd333333444444!!!!11!1!!!1!!!!!!!!1

09-02-2004, 02:29 AM
Yea man i played you in a tourney match or whatev a long time ago and u were pwning like crzy.
Can't wait to play ya.

09-02-2004, 02:46 AM
Yea man i played you in a tourney match or whatev a long time ago and u were pwning like crzy.
Can't wait to play ya.Wow.. That was a really long time ago! I saw the demo, but didn't play in it.. Yup, that guy was a pwnzer..

09-02-2004, 06:35 AM
Hi Snip3r and welcome back man.......well kinda........nah me j/k :p: Its Great 2 have your presence back again Snip3 !!! :thumbs:

For those that dont know he personally moded quite of few the SSSE maps like Little Trouble into Shotty Trouble and a bunch of other SSSE maps into kewl or pupless maps !! :cool: Thx for that man !! They still make for some of the best play in SAM !!! :)

09-02-2004, 12:10 PM
welcome back, played you yeasterday. Great game as always..

Die Hard
09-02-2004, 01:38 PM
Welcome back man [thumbs]

09-02-2004, 07:26 PM
thanks :)
and gg 2u darren ;)