View Full Version : Ml7

09-02-2004, 08:39 AM
I know most of you are done with the MLs, but maybe would have alts and/or time to help do ML7 steps and perhaps the group steps of 8 (4,7, and 9).

I would like to have all these darn things done eventually and atm I'm working on finally finishing 6.10 (which I have done 3 times for others, but couldn't get credit yet heh)

And as always...look me up if you need cleric help...If I'm not RVR, I'm probably looking for something to do :D

09-02-2004, 05:38 PM
I just need to finish ml3 so I can zone into ml7, and since I don't see a ml3 raid posted, guessing going to have to run one to finish it to get rolling on the ML's again... I'm guessing will probably run one next week sometime.. Maybe next weekend.. ~cringes~

As for ml8, cake... Let me know if you have a time in mind, will help ya out.. =)


09-03-2004, 09:44 PM
ML3 , uuughhh :( If your going to do one I will go. My bot needs it to work toward PF.