View Full Version : Yo ARIES, you may find this interesting...

Alexis SC430
09-02-2004, 10:35 AM
I didn't know you were interested in <<AH>> sightings! ;)

Date/Time/Location of Sighting:
Tuesday, 31 August 2004 || 12:58 AM (PDT|GMT -08:00) || CF Leon's Server

The odd thing is that Leon himself is nowhere to be found in this screenie. I am "r e g e n X", "SANDRA" is a n00b I've seen elsewhere who is definately not him, and the same goes for "rat" and "BombIraq".

Now, it is possible that Leon started a dedicated server from within Sam (I tested and server was not running off dedicatedserver.exe) or simply started the server and joined as an observer.

HOWEVER, it is also likely that I may have discovered the true identity of the most famous spammer in Sam!

I (using an alias) once played one on one with <<AH>> in Little Trouble. I asked him a few questions about himself to which he (after I repeated several times) very politely appologized for not understanding me explaining that his English skills were very poor. Though the match was one massive spamfest from both sides (hehe) it was very fun and the first time I ever saw <<AH>> laugh and actually talk a little. It kind of made me feel bad afterwards, because he is so widely hated for his spam but seemed to be such a nice and friendly person.

Either way, we can sell this screenie to Fox for their upcoming special "In Search of AH". :)

(P.S. - If, by some chance, my "discovery" is already widely known please disregard this post as it will make me feel like an idiot.)

Die Hard
09-02-2004, 01:41 PM
Well Leon is the best and nicest camper I've ever known. So.....

09-02-2004, 02:40 PM
I didn't know you were interested in <<AH>> sightings! ;)

Date/Time/Location of Sighting:
Tuesday, 31 August 2004 || 12:58 AM (PDT|GMT -08:00) || CF Leon's Server

The odd thing is that Leon himself is nowhere to be found in this screenie. I am "r e g e n X", "SANDRA" is a n00b I've seen elsewhere who is definately not him, and the same goes for "rat" and "BombIraq".

Now, it is possible that Leon started a dedicated server from within Sam (I tested and server was not running off dedicatedserver.exe) or simply started the server and joined as an observer.

HOWEVER, it is also likely that I may have discovered the true identity of the most famous spammer in Sam!

I (using an alias) once played one on one with <<AH>> in Little Trouble. I asked him a few questions about himself to which he (after I repeated several times) very politely appologized for not understanding me explaining that his English skills were very poor. Though the match was one massive spamfest from both sides (hehe) it was very fun and the first time I ever saw <<AH>> laugh and actually talk a little. It kind of made me feel bad afterwards, because he is so widely hated for his spam but seemed to be such a nice and friendly person.

Either way, we can sell this screenie to Fox for their upcoming special "In Search of AH". :)

(P.S. - If, by some chance, my "discovery" is already widely known please disregard this post as it will make me feel like an idiot.)
If you checked the ping of the players, you could find out if the ded server runner was in there. :D

09-02-2004, 03:20 PM
Thanks Die, and Thank you for enjoyable Post, Alexis.

<<AH>> is my second son, and his actual name is Leon.
My game name is being quoted from him.
He is seven years old this year.

He likes network game very much.
Of course, Leons server starts, too, and plays with older brother's Rion.

He had been observing game for about two years in the side of me.
But, sorry to say, he likes spam very much, and sometimes troubles all.

His play has my influence. (Victory emphasis)

I'm sorry for everyone. :(

Die Hard
09-02-2004, 03:45 PM
Don't be sorry. Camping/Spamming is part of the game. [thumbs] If people don't like it they can leave. Personally I have always liked fragging with you very much.

09-02-2004, 04:12 PM
i hate spamming more than people using powerups but thats just me :)

09-02-2004, 04:19 PM
Don't be sorry. Camping/Spamming is part of the game. [thumbs] If people don't like it they can leave. Personally I have always liked fragging with you very much.
no no, its the people that camp and spam that need to leave, no reason for them to ruin my fun killing them....over and over again.

Alexis SC430
09-02-2004, 04:47 PM
Well Leon, as far as spammers go, <<AH>> is the best -- even better than Crazy Bomber! :) And omg, no one is scarier to see in Fortress or Lost Tomb... lol

You don't need to be sorry, but maybe you could teach him the finer points of the double-shotty. ;)

09-02-2004, 05:10 PM
Don't be sorry. Camping/Spamming is part of the game. [thumbs] If people don't like it they can leave. Personally I have always liked fragging with you very much.

You said it Die Hard, people do it in UT as well and it's just part of the game... :thumbs:

09-02-2004, 05:18 PM
yea but ut doesn't have mad lag, or so many grenades flying around, not to mention all the bugs.
i still like it though =D

09-02-2004, 05:27 PM
if u dont like how a person play u cant do anything about it anyway just change server then

09-02-2004, 06:22 PM
Hello Leon. I think it's great that you have another son playing the game. At seven years old I wouldn't expect him to be very good with a Shotty, not with the ping you all have to play with. So you just tell him to spam spam spam.

09-03-2004, 12:50 AM
if u dont like how a person play u cant do anything about it anyway just change server then
yea well i'd do that cuz i am Spam Hater numba 1 but theres no servers in sam!!
Theres usually only 2 servers with ppl in them which blows totally :(

09-03-2004, 01:32 AM
yay!!!! :P

09-03-2004, 02:25 AM
Hello Leon. I think it's great that you have another son playing the game. At seven years old I wouldn't expect him to be very good with a Shotty, not with the ping you all have to play with. So you just tell him to spam spam spam.
hahaha.... Hi, Goober. You understand us well.
Well, because you are an old friend. :)

But, I'm not guiding spam for him.

I guided Camping for him. :D :p:

09-03-2004, 11:15 AM
Some people don't realize that on the American servers European players' pings are 100 more than the Americans, and Japanese players' pings are 100 more than the Europeans. Try using a shotty with a 400 ping. Try to just figure out where your opponent IS with a 400 ping. And that's with 3 players on a map. With 8 players on an American server Japanese players are lucky to be able to even switch between weapons.

well life sucks =P sometimes smiles

Alexis SC430
09-05-2004, 02:05 PM
lmao yeah :)