View Full Version : GEORGE W. BUSH’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS PRESIDENT (a personal overview):

09-07-2004, 11:39 PM

* I attacked and took over two countries.

* I spent the U.S. surplus and bankrupted the Treasury.

* I shattered the record for the biggest annual deficit in history.

* I set an economic record for the most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.

* I set all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

* I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

* I am the first president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.

* In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

* After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst security failure in US history.

* I set the record for most campaign fund raising trips by any president in US history.

* In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.

* I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in US history.

* I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.

* I appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.

* I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president since the advent of TV.

* I signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any other US president in history.

* I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

* I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

* I cut health care benefits for war veterans.

* I set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

* I dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.

* I've made my presidency the most secretive and unaccountable of any in US history.

* Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (The poorest multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her).

* I am the first president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.

* I presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud in any market in any country in the history of the world.

* I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

* I have created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.

* I set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any other president in US history.

* I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Human Rights Commission.

* I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Elections Monitoring Board.

* I removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.

* I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.

* I withdrew from the World Court of Law.

* I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.

* I am the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors access during the 2002 US elections.

* I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

* The biggest lifetime contributor to my campaign, who is also one of my best friends, presided over one of the largest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, former CEO of Enron Corporation).

* I spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.

* I am the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied, saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)

* I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government.

* I took the world's sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

* I am the first US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

* I am the first US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than by their immediate neighbor, North Korea.

* I changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.

* I set the all time record for the number of administration employees who violated US law by not selling their huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.

* I have removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history.

* In a little over two years I have created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided that the US has been since the civil war.

* I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.

* I have at least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available).

* I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during time of war.

* I refuse to take a drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.

* All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my father's library, sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public.

* All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading or bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

* All minutes of meetings of any public corporation for which I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.

* Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public review.

For personal references, please speak to my dad or uncle James Baker. (They can be reached in their offices at the Carlyle Group where they are helping to divide up the spoils of the US-Iraq war and plan for the next one).

And folks still want to re-elect him?????

09-08-2004, 12:04 AM

really, it looks stupid that people actually believe this and if you do, back it up with something rather copy and pasting from your received e-mail. the www is a highway for ignorance so people, please pull over.

i have read so much false information here lately and it gets sickening. if you hate bush, that's great but please if you want to bash him, know the facts and post about them. if you do not know the facts, moveon.org is not the place to learn them. really, think about it. do your own research and if you want to ask a question me and other would really answer with truth and something to back it up.

i would take the time to actually prove those sayings wrong but choose not to waste my time. here in ny, peple were protesting and when the protesters were asked why they hate bush so much, most don't have a valid answer. i am suprised that bush is not being blamed on the weather in florida.

hate who you want but please don't spread bs unless they are facts or you can debate about them. for instance, how did bush set the biggest drop in the history of the stock market? that alone proves stupidity and or you just copied and pasted from some morons false information. i will debate anyone of those statements as long as it has to do with america. not because i like bush but because i don't think it's right that americans can be so blind and lazy to get the real information.

Death Engineer
09-08-2004, 12:18 AM
Is there a mute button on here? (directed at Thundarr)

Caged Anger
09-08-2004, 12:33 AM
Thundarr, I like your posts, and I'm all for a political discussion. I would really love to talk to you some time on msn, but here on the forums...it just isn't a friendly place when it comes to the subject. I found that out a couple months ago. :et's just leave gamemecca for gaming and the off topic section for stupid pictures of cute dogs sleeping in odd positions, lol, oke?

09-08-2004, 12:46 AM

really, it looks stupid that people actually believe this and if you do, back it up with something rather copy and pasting from your received e-mail. the www is a highway for ignorance so people, please pull over.

i have read so much false information here lately and it gets sickening. if you hate bush, that's great but please if you want to bash him, know the facts and post about them. if you do not know the facts, moveon.org is not the place to learn them. really, think about it. do your own research and if you want to ask a question me and other would really answer with truth and something to back it up.

i would take the time to actually prove those sayings wrong but choose not to waste my time. here in ny, peple were protesting and when the protesters were asked why they hate bush so much, most don't have a valid answer. i am suprised that bush is not being blamed on the weather in florida.

hate who you want but please don't spread bs unless they are facts or you can debate about them. for instance, how did bush set the biggest drop in the history of the stock market? that alone proves stupidity and or you just copied and pasted from some morons false information. i will debate anyone of those statements as long as it has to do with america. not because i like bush but because i don't think it's right that americans can be so blind and lazy to get the real information.

I have never posted anything that I did not check out first, so perhaps this will help you out... Here are two links to websites. One says they disprove these statements Disproves it all (http://www.crossbearer.com/opinion/resume.html) and the other says it proves Proves it all (http://idontfeelsogood.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_idontfeelsogood_archive.html) them all... So let people think for themselves and then be the judge... You know my position and if you don't like it then don't read my posts... I am not out to offend, but I hope to get people thinking.... You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine... :thumbs:

09-08-2004, 12:47 AM
Is there a mute button on here? (directed at Thundarr)

Yep, it's called don't read my posts if you don't like what I have to say... :thumbs:

09-08-2004, 01:06 AM
*Stands up and cheers loudly*

Great post!

I think the American people should stop pretending that our president actually has a brain.

09-08-2004, 01:16 AM
stop it slice, or bush will send ivan over to your house:D

09-08-2004, 01:23 AM
*Stands up and cheers loudly*

Great post!

I think the American people should stop pretending that our president actually has a brain.

:) hehe

09-08-2004, 01:29 AM
I have never posted anything that I did not check out first, so perhaps this will help you out... Here are two links to websites. One says they disprove these statements Disproves it all (http://www.crossbearer.com/opinion/resume.html) and the other says it proves Proves it all (http://idontfeelsogood.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_idontfeelsogood_archive.html) them all... So let people think for themselves and then be the judge... You know my position and if you don't like it then don't read my posts... I am not out to offend, but I hope to get people thinking.... You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine... :thumbs:
thundarr, all i am saying is do the research for you rather using false information that is posted or mass mailed to people. thse people have a different agenda and it's simple to do your own research to see what's going on. i do not favor either of the parties but i will not pass on false information from some group with a different agenda. heres one better. do some research on that person making the post or find out who own's the site that posted it. i sugest beter off just looking at our country and weigh in what has happend in the past 4 years and choose for yourself if smeone else could or could of done a better job. what i mean by that is do you think if gore was president, he would of handled the situations that occurred. i hope you don't think i was isulting you but i just took the subject and insulted that. you have people like slice that will vote for kerry and bad mouth bush but not say anything that kerry will do better. all i know is that gas is more expensive but i still am able to manage to pay for it and buy other stuff. when i am unable to do anything, i will be a bit more frustrated. all i am saying is dont take the bs that people spread as truth. its not and those people have a different agenda. i also said i have nothing against your oppinion and if you like kerry, thats good for you. i just wish those who dont like bush would say something with facts and debate the difference between both running for president.:thumbs:

09-08-2004, 01:45 AM
Resume of JOHN F. KERRY


a.. Seven mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions.


a.. I graduated from Yale University with a low C average.
b.. Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A


a.. I used three minor injuries to get three Purple Hearts and an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam. I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers.

b.. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book "Vietnam Veterans against the War: The New Soldier" shows how I truly feel about the military.


a.. I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. As the voters in Massachusetts can attest, in my 32 years, not a single piece of legislation bears my name.

b.. I have no real world experience except marrying a rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.


a.. I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
b.. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself.

c.. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it.
d.. I voted in favor of every liberal piece of legislation.
e.. I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.

f.. I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator.
g.. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.

h.. Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.


a.. None.


a.. My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up.
b.. I ride a Serotta bicycle ($6500).
c.. My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel."
d.. I named my $850,000 42 foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the "Scarmouche.
e.. I don't own any SUVs but my family does, including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.

f.. I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it as it reflects our real culture.


09-08-2004, 02:03 AM
thundarr, all i am saying is do the research for you rather using false information that is posted or mass mailed to people. thse people have a different agenda and it's simple to do your own research to see what's going on. i do not favor either of the parties but i will not pass on false information from some group with a different agenda. heres one better. do some research on that person making the post or find out who own's the site that posted it. i sugest beter off just looking at our country and weigh in what has happend in the past 4 years and choose for yourself if smeone else could or could of done a better job. what i mean by that is do you think if gore was president, he would of handled the situations that occurred. i hope you don't think i was isulting you but i just took the subject and insulted that. you have people like slice that will vote for kerry and bad mouth bush but not say anything that kerry will do better. all i know is that gas is more expensive but i still am able to manage to pay for it and buy other stuff. when i am unable to do anything, i will be a bit more frustrated. all i am saying is dont take the bs that people spread as truth. its not and those people have a different agenda. i also said i have nothing against your oppinion and if you like kerry, thats good for you. i just wish those who dont like bush would say something with facts and debate the difference between both running for president.:thumbs:

I know you weren't insulting me, and yes I do think that it's time for a change, I mainly post to get people thinking and learning about the condition we are in... I checked out nearly every linky in the bloggers site and from the Crossbearer guy as well and many in both were from some crazy right/left wing organization but some were quite credible... I know that both parties have issues and they are both rich and greedy and this country isn't ready to accept that the alternatives might be better... We are very slow to adapt when changes are needed in the political system... I know that we have very intelligent and thoughtful members here and I just hope that through my posts that we get as many people to vote as possible so that our country doesn't look like we don't care who leads us... Whomever people like or don't like is not my concern, just make sure that when the time comes your voice is heard and your vote is counted.... :thumbs:

09-08-2004, 03:14 AM
i agree we need change but first we have to win this war. will you people really choose kerry just because it's not bush and do you think he will fix things? did you hear what his way of fixing things are? he will sell this country out and if you think him raising taxes is going to fix anything, think again. this guy does not know what what middle class is as much as he says so. i would prefer bush fo another 4 years over someone ho will say anything to get elected.

1 person here said it perfectly. that was jiminator. he said that you are voting for worst rather then bad and when i read that, i agreed.

i hope that before anyone actually chooses to vote for kerry takes a look at what he wants to do. if you think things are bad, wait until he makes changes and sells us out. there are alot of things that need to be changed and kerry is not the person to change them. we are at war and things are supposed to be tough. americans just do not want to face facts that thi sis not just a bush war and that the whole world has a problem. look at russia. i prayed so much for those families. those poor children. this is not a bush thing. it's a war that people are to greedy and selfish to face. i take my daughters future more serious than mine and i want her to be safe. if you think kerry is going to protect you or fix the war, trust me, he will reopen the same planning and let them sons of bitches rebuild and kill innoent people and children. as far as jobs go, we are no worste than we were when clinton was president but clinton didnt have the problems america has faced the past 4 years such as the war, the stock scandals, space shuttle, china taking one of our planes, 9/11, etc etc. i am suprised that americans do not count their blessings that we can still spend billions at the box office every week and have those nice suv's still or better be able to sit and relax with some coffee and chat with some good friends on game mecca. as soon as we all figure out that all politicians are crooked in all countries, they can realize that it's up to us not the president to make any real changes.


09-08-2004, 03:34 AM
Okay thats it on the ballot im scratching out everyones name and voting myself king.

09-08-2004, 04:57 AM
Resume of JOHN F. KERRY


a.. Seven mansions, including Washington DC, worth multi-millions.


a.. I graduated from Yale University with a low C average.
b.. Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A


a.. I used three minor injuries to get three Purple Hearts and an early discharge from the military and service in Vietnam. I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war, and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers.

b.. I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? My book "Vietnam Veterans against the War: The New Soldier" shows how I truly feel about the military.


a.. I ran for U.S. Congress and have been there ever since. As the voters in Massachusetts can attest, in my 32 years, not a single piece of legislation bears my name.

b.. I have no real world experience except marrying a rich women and running HJ Heinz vicariously through my wife Teresa.


a.. I set the record for the most liberal voting record, exceeding even Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.
b.. I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself.

c.. Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it.
d.. I voted in favor of every liberal piece of legislation.
e.. I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, despite family wealth in excess of $700 million.

f.. I voted to cut every law enforcement, CIA and defense bill in my career as a US Senator.
g.. I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant in front of my mansion, thereby endangering my neighbors in the event of fire.

h.. Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I oppose windmills off Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard as it might spoil our view of the ocean as we cruise on our yachts.


a.. None.


a.. My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, that he will never catch up.
b.. I ride a Serotta bicycle ($6500).
c.. My Gulfstream V Jet I call "The Flying Squirrel."
d.. I named my $850,000 42 foot Hinckley twin diesel yacht the "Scarmouche.
e.. I don't own any SUVs but my family does, including one parked at my Nantucket summer mansion, though I am against large polluting inefficient vehicles and blame George Bush for the energy problems.

f.. I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it as it reflects our real culture.

:rofl:LOL, you are funny Tip. Name all the poor presidents for me would you. Oh wait there isn't any......

f.. I am fascinated by rap and hip-hop and you had better listen to it as it reflects our real culture.Is this so unreal? I mean take a good look at our society today. I think it is great that the future leader of the US is interested in the multibillion dollar industry of music which molds our youth these days. Blow off those cobwebs Tip.

I can go on but I am yawning....

09-08-2004, 05:07 AM
http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/play.php?player=realplayer&type=v&quality=high&reposid=/multimedia/tds/stewart/jon_9027.html View in IE

09-08-2004, 05:52 AM
I'm really not that pro-Bush. If I had a better alternative I would vote for someone else. John Kerry is not a better choice.

He Is Legend
09-08-2004, 05:57 AM
John Kerry is teh l00se

Bush is teh ween!!!

09-08-2004, 04:52 PM
I think Bush still says it best of himself, hes got a "certain swagger"? :p:

09-08-2004, 05:23 PM
I'm really not that pro-Bush. If I had a better alternative I would vote for someone else. John Kerry is not a better choice.

Here's you alternative!! compare! (http://www.therealdifference.org/issues.html) or take some real time and educate yourself here (http://www.gp.org)

There are other alternatives, it's just that people make excuses for not choosing them.

Death Engineer
09-08-2004, 05:29 PM
I have heard nothing but Bush bashing from folks that say they will not support him in this election year. Please ... we get the point. You don't like Bush or his policies.

But how about this: Tell me what John Kerry is going to do to improve our nation. I have yet to hear a Kerry supporter tell me specifically which part of Kerry's platform they endorse personally.

09-08-2004, 07:20 PM
GAMEMECCA = For John Kerry
EdoG = For George Bush

09-08-2004, 09:10 PM
Heres Pres. Bush........hmmm, getting ready for the Pre Election Presidential debates? ;)

Presidential Debates 2004 (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5926845/)

Caged Anger
09-08-2004, 11:09 PM
hehe, funny pic man. I don't really know who to root for. I woted for Kerry, but just because I don't like Bush's policies and, in my own mind, i see another war being started if he gets in again. But that doesn't mean I wholly approve of Kerry either. He's done some things I also disapprove off. So I am torn, I know Bush's issues and want change, yet I don't know Kerry's problems. So it comes to the question, stick with what we know and can possibly defend, or go with something new and unpredictable. (Kerry twitches like a fish in his opinions, lol)

09-09-2004, 12:09 AM
Heres Pres. Bush........hmmm, getting ready for the Pre Election Presidential debates? ;)

Presidential Debates 2004 (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5926845/)

:rofl: Good one T I K!!! :thumbs:

09-09-2004, 12:09 AM
:rofl: Good one T I K!!! :thumbs:

Im ready for the debates too. :thumbs:

09-09-2004, 01:32 AM
i say we pet some wagers here on these elections. what will you do if your vote fails? i will place my bet on bush because i think he will win it. anyone want to bet something?

09-09-2004, 02:16 AM
hehe, funny pic man. I don't really know who to root for. I woted for Kerry, but just because I don't like Bush's policies and, in my own mind, i see another war being started if he gets in again. But that doesn't mean I wholly approve of Kerry either. He's done some things I also disapprove off. So I am torn, I know Bush's issues and want change, yet I don't know Kerry's problems. So it comes to the question, stick with what we know and can possibly defend, or go with something new and unpredictable. (Kerry twitches like a fish in his opinions, lol)Why do we need to defend our President? I pay hundreds of thousands in taxes every year and in return I get to defend some idiot that leads our country. Um yeah that seems like a fair trade off. Let's face it, he is not fit for the job! I am sorry, but stupid people should not rule one of the greatest nations on the planet. Again I ask the question, why do we accept him as our president? It really makes me wonder if the general population of the United States is even smart enough to recognize how stupid our president really is. The guy can barely get through a teleprompter speech that was written for him, without screwing up. Then when he is questioned afterwards he can barely sling a sentence together. All he does is mumble and stutter some horsesh1t and laugh at the end. Why anybody accepts this as ok is very disturbing to me.

09-09-2004, 02:19 AM
i say we pet some wagers here on these elections. what will you do if your vote fails? i will place my bet on bush because i think he will win it. anyone want to bet something?
No ones vote fails. If who you voted for does not make it in to office, it gives you the right to bitch even more when the elected ****s up. :D

09-09-2004, 02:51 AM
lol slice i have the light blue GM skin and i cant see any of ur above post
i liked that part about the rap music though :rofl:

09-09-2004, 03:16 AM
lol slice i have the light blue GM skin and i cant see any of ur above post
i liked that part about the rap music though :rofl:
That's because you're a loser. :p:

Death Engineer
09-09-2004, 02:41 PM
I rest my case.

09-09-2004, 04:26 PM
Here's you alternative!! compare! (http://www.therealdifference.org/issues.html) or take some real time and educate yourself here (http://www.gp.org)

There are other alternatives, it's just that people make excuses for not choosing them.

Pure, thank you for turning me off to the Green Party more than I have ever been before!

09-09-2004, 04:58 PM
I rest my case.
1: Create a New Jobs Tax Credit. Research has demonstrated that new jobs tax credits increase employment. The Kerry-Edwards New Jobs Tax Credit will cover an employer's share of payroll taxes for net new jobs created in manufacturing, other businesses affected by outsourcing, and small businesses. The credit will be available in 2005 and 2006. For example: a medium-sized manufacturing company employs 1,000 workers. If this company hires an additional 100 employees at $40,000 each - bringing the total number of employees to 1,100 - it would receive a tax cut of 3,060 per worker, or $306,000 total. This would roughly offset the additional cost of health care premiums, which have risen about $2,700 under President Bush.

2:Propose At Least $250 Billion In Tax Cuts For Health Care, Child Care, and Education - Without Increasing the Deficit By One Dime. As president, John Kerry will close corporate tax loopholes and use some of the money gained from repealing Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - families making over $200,000 a year - to pay for tax credits without increasing the deficit by one dime. The Kerry-Edwards tax cuts include:

* A tax credit on up to $4,000 of college tuition
* A tax credit to help small businesses and vulnerable workers pay for health care and buy into John Kerry's new Congressional Health Plan.
* A tax credit on $5,000 of child care expenses
Raise the Minimum Wage

3:Today, the minimum wage is currently worth only 33 percent of average American wages - its lowest level since 1949. John Kerry and John Edwards understand that today's eroded wage no longer meet the needs of American families. As president, John Kerry will increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.00 by 2007. That will give 7 million Americans a raise, and help millions of families pay for basic needs like education, food and health care. With this increase, parents working full-time will not have to raise their children in poverty.

4: Increase the child care tax credit and make it partially refundable to moderate-income families for the first time ever, while also expanding after-school programs to serve 3.5 million children and keep schools open until 6 pm. As president, John Kerry will also expand the Family and Medical Leave Act.

5:Close Loopholes In International Tax Law That Encourage Outsourcing. Today's tax law provides big breaks for companies that send American jobs overseas. Current "deferral" policies allow American companies to avoid paying American taxes on the income earned by their foreign subsidiaries and encourage them to keep their profits parked overseas, not reinvested in America. As president, John Kerry will end deferral that encourages outsourcing and will shut down other loopholes to make the tax code work for the American worker, not provide tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

6:Establish Manufacturing Business Investment Corporations (MANBIC). The Kerry-Edwards MANBIC initiative is modeled on the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC), a program John Kerry has strongly supported in the past and will champion as president. SBIC provides venture capital and start-up financing to small businesses, many of which have grown into large corporations employing millions of Americans. Companies like Intel, America Online, Apple Computers, Staples, Federal Express, and Sun Microsystems all got their start with help from SBIC. MANBIC will create added incentives for venture-capital investment in medium-sized manufacturing firms, which are crucial in developing and sustaining new products, new production methods, and new markets.

7:Establish a National Education Trust Fund. As president, John Kerry will establish a National Education Trust Fund of approximately $200 billion over ten years to fully fund No Child Left Behind, get schools on track to meet the Federal government's commitment to special education, provide tax credit bonds for school construction, and invest in everything from college preparedness to reducing class size and dropout rates.

8:Ensure Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs. The Kerry-Edwards plan will cut prescription drugs costs by (1) requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate better prices for prescription drugs, rather than paying the highest prices, (2) allowing reimportation of safe, FDA-approved drugs so that Americans can get the discounts on medications that are available in Canada and other countries, (3) requiring transparency rules for Pharmacy Benefit Managers that do business with the Federal government to reveal their profits from the drug industry and bulk purchasing, and (4) helping states provide discounts to other populations by giving them incentives to implement more efficient contracting to obtain better rates for prescription drugs.

9: Cover All Children And Millions More Adults. By extending state-based programs, the Kerry-Edwards plan will pick up the full cost of coverage for the more than 20 million children enrolled in Medicaid. In exchange, states would expand coverage for families up to 200 percent of poverty and for childless adults up to 100 percent of poverty. As a result, the Kerry-Edwards plan will extend reliable coverage to:

* 26.7 million Americans who are currently uninsured
* 95 percent of all Americans
* Every child

10:Forest Restoration Corps. John Kerry and John Edwards will transfer $100 million from government subsidies to the timber industry and invest it in a new Forest Restoration Corps (FRC). The FRC will create jobs and invest in the long-term health of our forests - and the communities that depend upon them - by restoring forests, streams and rangelands that have been hard hit by fire or that have suffered from long-term mismanagement. By restoring these resources, community water supplies will be protected, hazardous mudslides will be avoided, and our forest resources will be preserved.

11:Support for Firefighters. John Kerry and John Edwards will give our firefighters the budgets and tools they need to effectively fight wildfires, including modern, safe, and reliable tankers. A Kerry-Edwards administration will ensure that the budgeting process recognizes the full cost of firefighting to guarantee that our professional firefighters do not face a funding crisis each year. A Kerry-Edwards administration will practice long-term planning and procurement and will avoid

12: End The Cop Crunch
Today, too many of America's police officers find themselves with more responsibilities but fewer resources, as the Bush administration has worked to slash funding for the Federal COPS program by 90 percent. John Kerry and John Edwards believe that today more than ever, we need cops on the beat. As a senator, John Kerry fought to create the COPS program that would put 100,000 police officers on the street. As president, he will restore funding to COPS so that we can fight crime and terrorism.

I think that's enough for DE for now. There's more that I agree with when it comes to Kerry, even though I probably wont vote for him. :wave:

09-09-2004, 05:13 PM
Thanks Pure, I was on it, just not enough time... I will add more later!! :thumbs:

09-09-2004, 06:02 PM
Thanks Pure, I was on it, just not enough time... I will add more later!! :thumbs:
:D My pleasure babe! It's raining here, so I had my whole lunch to kill, otherwise I would've done it sooner. :thumbs:

But I'll be waiting for your post too ;)

09-09-2004, 08:36 PM
Green party opposes the drug war?
Thats just stupid.

09-09-2004, 09:18 PM
Must print out Pure's recap of kerry's proposals.

Then come back in a month and see what he changed his mind about.

Death Engineer
09-09-2004, 09:38 PM
I'll have to give Pure Evil credit for at least posting. I won't even knock you too hard for just copying and pasting from his (Kerry's) website. But what I really want to know is....what do YOU like about Kerry. Not what does Kerry want you to like about him or his policies.

There were a couple of things that jumped out at me from your post:

* A tax credit on up to $4,000 of college tuition
* A tax credit to help small businesses and vulnerable workers pay for health care and buy into John Kerry's new Congressional Health Plan.
* A tax credit on $5,000 of child care expenses
Raise the Minimum Wage

There is already a tax credit for college tuition. I know because I sure as heck claimed it while I was in college (I am not positive, but I think it's even for exactly $4000).

Is there not also already a child care expense tax credit? (I ask because I really don't know, but thought I had seen this in TurboTax.

I disagree with raising the minimum wage for reasons based on simple economics. It boils down to hurting the very people it is intended to help.

The rest of the points I mostly agree with on the surface. But then there's the question of where do you get the money to pay for all of these proposed services/trust funds/etc. While I haven't heard him give a straight answer, I would guess a large portion of those programs would be funded by what would have been defense/military spending.

09-09-2004, 11:49 PM
Must print out Pure's recap of kerry's proposals.

Then come back in a month and see what he changed his mind about.


09-10-2004, 12:51 AM
Green party opposes the drug war?
Thats just stupid.

It's my understanding that they support legalization of marijuana not so much oppose the war on drugs like meth, heroin, coke, etc... I haven't got the info for sure on that though, just yet... :confused:

09-10-2004, 01:02 AM
I'll have to give Pure Evil credit for at least posting. I won't even knock you too hard for just copying and pasting from his (Kerry's) website. But what I really want to know is....what do YOU like about Kerry. Not what does Kerry want you to like about him or his policies.

There were a couple of things that jumped out at me from your post:


There is already a tax credit for college tuition. I know because I sure as heck claimed it while I was in college (I am not positive, but I think it's even for exactly $4000).

Is there not also already a child care expense tax credit? (I ask because I really don't know, but thought I had seen this in TurboTax.

I disagree with raising the minimum wage for reasons based on simple economics. It boils down to hurting the very people it is intended to help.

The rest of the points I mostly agree with on the surface. But then there's the question of where do you get the money to pay for all of these proposed services/trust funds/etc. While I haven't heard him give a straight answer, I would guess a large portion of those programs would be funded by what would have been defense/military spending.

Lucky you, the most I ever got in college was $1400... Might have been a percentage tuition vs. income but I'm no accountant plus I only got it when I was going part time and working full time...

09-10-2004, 05:13 AM
can you imagine if keery won and the first lady was that skank heinz:down: that woman has no class what so ever. sh isnt even american if i remember correctly.

just let that 60 minute crap warn you that all of you kerry supporters are being lied to by democrats and at all costs will they just make up lie after lie.

i have decided that after all the attempts and tactics of these democrats, i will be voting for george bush just to make sure kerry has 1 more vote against him.

he might not be the best speaker but i think he has more of a mind than kerry and sticks to his plans. i can not see myself voting for a guy who lied under oath and changes his mind so he can go against the president. the democrats are the ones responsible for whats wrong in this country. they spent the last 4 years doing anything to hurt this country to make the president look bad and make america screw up. they divided this country and hopefully people wake up. i still think it's going to take another attack for americans to wake up.

Bush for Pres--again:thumbs:

09-10-2004, 05:25 AM
if bush stays in office, i'm really looking foward to never seeing any of yall again and getting my a$$ shipped over to iraq. I'm around the right age. 17 in december.

**** oil and keep doing a good job of liberating the iraqy citizens, there are still a lot we haven't killed yet.

09-10-2004, 06:24 AM
well, the cheap gas we now enjoy makes it all worth it... :thumbs:

09-10-2004, 07:48 PM
if bush stays in office, i'm really looking foward to never seeing any of yall again and getting my a$$ shipped over to iraq. I'm around the right age. 17 in december.

**** oil and keep doing a good job of liberating the iraqy citizens, there are still a lot we haven't killed yet.
dont let the liberal propaganda get to you

09-10-2004, 07:59 PM
dont let the liberal propaganda get to you
Tell him Nitro :thumbs:

09-11-2004, 05:47 AM
1: Create a New Jobs Tax Credit. Research has demonstrated that new jobs tax credits increase employment. The Kerry-Edwards New Jobs Tax Credit will cover an employer's share of payroll taxes for net new jobs created in manufacturing, other businesses affected by outsourcing, and small businesses. The credit will be available in 2005 and 2006. For example: a medium-sized manufacturing company employs 1,000 workers. If this company hires an additional 100 employees at $40,000 each - bringing the total number of employees to 1,100 - it would receive a tax cut of 3,060 per worker, or $306,000 total. This would roughly offset the additional cost of health care premiums, which have risen about $2,700 under President Bush.

2:Propose At Least $250 Billion In Tax Cuts For Health Care, Child Care, and Education - Without Increasing the Deficit By One Dime. As president, John Kerry will close corporate tax loopholes and use some of the money gained from repealing Bush's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - families making over $200,000 a year - to pay for tax credits without increasing the deficit by one dime. The Kerry-Edwards tax cuts include:

* A tax credit on up to $4,000 of college tuition
* A tax credit to help small businesses and vulnerable workers pay for health care and buy into John Kerry's new Congressional Health Plan.
* A tax credit on $5,000 of child care expenses
Raise the Minimum Wage

3:Today, the minimum wage is currently worth only 33 percent of average American wages - its lowest level since 1949. John Kerry and John Edwards understand that today's eroded wage no longer meet the needs of American families. As president, John Kerry will increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.00 by 2007. That will give 7 million Americans a raise, and help millions of families pay for basic needs like education, food and health care. With this increase, parents working full-time will not have to raise their children in poverty.

4: Increase the child care tax credit and make it partially refundable to moderate-income families for the first time ever, while also expanding after-school programs to serve 3.5 million children and keep schools open until 6 pm. As president, John Kerry will also expand the Family and Medical Leave Act.

5:Close Loopholes In International Tax Law That Encourage Outsourcing. Today's tax law provides big breaks for companies that send American jobs overseas. Current "deferral" policies allow American companies to avoid paying American taxes on the income earned by their foreign subsidiaries and encourage them to keep their profits parked overseas, not reinvested in America. As president, John Kerry will end deferral that encourages outsourcing and will shut down other loopholes to make the tax code work for the American worker, not provide tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

6:Establish Manufacturing Business Investment Corporations (MANBIC). The Kerry-Edwards MANBIC initiative is modeled on the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC), a program John Kerry has strongly supported in the past and will champion as president. SBIC provides venture capital and start-up financing to small businesses, many of which have grown into large corporations employing millions of Americans. Companies like Intel, America Online, Apple Computers, Staples, Federal Express, and Sun Microsystems all got their start with help from SBIC. MANBIC will create added incentives for venture-capital investment in medium-sized manufacturing firms, which are crucial in developing and sustaining new products, new production methods, and new markets.

7:Establish a National Education Trust Fund. As president, John Kerry will establish a National Education Trust Fund of approximately $200 billion over ten years to fully fund No Child Left Behind, get schools on track to meet the Federal government's commitment to special education, provide tax credit bonds for school construction, and invest in everything from college preparedness to reducing class size and dropout rates.

8:Ensure Access To Affordable Prescription Drugs. The Kerry-Edwards plan will cut prescription drugs costs by (1) requiring the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate better prices for prescription drugs, rather than paying the highest prices, (2) allowing reimportation of safe, FDA-approved drugs so that Americans can get the discounts on medications that are available in Canada and other countries, (3) requiring transparency rules for Pharmacy Benefit Managers that do business with the Federal government to reveal their profits from the drug industry and bulk purchasing, and (4) helping states provide discounts to other populations by giving them incentives to implement more efficient contracting to obtain better rates for prescription drugs.

9: Cover All Children And Millions More Adults. By extending state-based programs, the Kerry-Edwards plan will pick up the full cost of coverage for the more than 20 million children enrolled in Medicaid. In exchange, states would expand coverage for families up to 200 percent of poverty and for childless adults up to 100 percent of poverty. As a result, the Kerry-Edwards plan will extend reliable coverage to:

* 26.7 million Americans who are currently uninsured
* 95 percent of all Americans
* Every child

10:Forest Restoration Corps. John Kerry and John Edwards will transfer $100 million from government subsidies to the timber industry and invest it in a new Forest Restoration Corps (FRC). The FRC will create jobs and invest in the long-term health of our forests - and the communities that depend upon them - by restoring forests, streams and rangelands that have been hard hit by fire or that have suffered from long-term mismanagement. By restoring these resources, community water supplies will be protected, hazardous mudslides will be avoided, and our forest resources will be preserved.

11:Support for Firefighters. John Kerry and John Edwards will give our firefighters the budgets and tools they need to effectively fight wildfires, including modern, safe, and reliable tankers. A Kerry-Edwards administration will ensure that the budgeting process recognizes the full cost of firefighting to guarantee that our professional firefighters do not face a funding crisis each year. A Kerry-Edwards administration will practice long-term planning and procurement and will avoid

12: End The Cop Crunch
Today, too many of America's police officers find themselves with more responsibilities but fewer resources, as the Bush administration has worked to slash funding for the Federal COPS program by 90 percent. John Kerry and John Edwards believe that today more than ever, we need cops on the beat. As a senator, John Kerry fought to create the COPS program that would put 100,000 police officers on the street. As president, he will restore funding to COPS so that we can fight crime and terrorism.

I think that's enough for DE for now. There's more that I agree with when it comes to Kerry, even though I probably wont vote for him. :wave:

Ok, Lets get real about these:
1. Companies only hirer new employees when the business sector they reside in is growing and demand is higher. Job tax credits were tried by Jimmy Carter and they failed miserably due to lack of economic growth. There are many other costs associated with employee hiring. Health care cost rose under Clinton at just as agressive of a rate. Don't you remember Hillary's Health Care reduction task force. Health Care costs have been rising since the 70's. Trying to blame this event on Bush Jr. is biased. By the way, Edwards became a multi millioniare as an ambulance chasing Lawyer who help to run those health care costs up with lawsuits. Look up his bio.

2. You just closed the corporate tax loop holes which just took the money away that you promised the company in New Job tax credit. Now the companies profit margin shrank and they laid off more of their work force.

3. $7 an hour is not going to raise anyone out of poverty. Artificial raising of wages when the market economy does not support the margin errosion will lead to less hiring and jobs moving out of the country (i.e. Mexico will not raise its minimum wage to an equivalent of $7/hour). This is taught in Freshman level economics as Supply and Demand.

4. If you don't earn a reasonable level of income, tax credits are useless (i.e. you don't pay much in taxes). Also, read up on the rules of the family medical leave act. You don't get paid during family leave, you are simply guaranteed to be able to return to a job of the equivalent pay and level. Some companies do pay maturnity during pregnancy family leave to the woman, but this is not legally required. Of course John supports simply aborting the baby to supply stem cells.

5. Companies will simply create foreign owned joint ventures or move their corporate headquarters outside of the US to avoid these laws (already being used by some companies. I suggest spending some time reading the Wall Street Journal). US government will lose any tax intake they already have which will speed up overseas migration and elimination of US jobs. Like it or not Socialism and Communism have not proven very successful.

6. This program has never been the primary source of capital investment funds. It's propaganda. Those companies were mostly started with private capital investment and then exercised IPOs. Currently, the majority of investment capital is being focused in China and overseas because of larger returns. But you are going to increase taxes on the wealthy which will reduce the US capital available for investment and they will counter by increasing their investment outside of the US. Unless you think the folks who are getting $7/hour are going to fund new business investment.

7. If my memory serves, Kerry was against the Republican "No Child Left Behind" program. Funding education is a worthy cause, but this promise has been made by both parties and the funding has been cut by both parties. Bonds means you are going to borrow money, which means you have to tax folks to pay the bond. Each bullet you have listed involves more taxes. Who is going to pay all of these taxes and what is going to be the effect on the economy from all of these new taxes. Loss of GDP which means less tax intake. Sounds like my life under Jimmy Carter all over again.

8. So Kerry plans to outsource drug manufacturing to Canada. Bet the Union boys will love that one. I thought you were opposed to moving jobs outside of the US. Now US drug companies are beginning to lay folks off. Also, you have hurt their incentive to develop new drugs. Canada has socialized medicine. I don't know of many people from the US who run off to Canada for their medical capabilities. Most people I know from Canada say that you die while waiting in a line for treatment. Those who can afford it come to the US for treatment of life treatening illness.

9. Not reliable and not accepted by many doctors. Also, with rising medical cost, you would quickly bankrupt the system and there is no way you can fund this with more taxes. Clinton tried it but failed at funding it. Sounds nice but is financially bullcrap. It is a pie crust promise, easily made, easily broken. I am guessing that he will try to fund by corporate taxes (including the heitz corp). Of course you already know that companies continue to drop % medical coverage due to the high cost. I am sure they will really appreciate this as they file chapter 11.

10. It is a nice idea, but do you really think $100 Million is going to do anything for the economy. This is around the 5th decimal place in % GDP. Are we talking federally owned land or private. Kerry voted to shut down the timber industry along with Clinton. They lied when they talked about helping these communities switch industries and now he wants to subsidize an industry he helped destroy. Replanting forests was something the timber industry was already paying people to do when they were shut down. My grandparents were part of this, so I speak from first hand knowledge.

11,12. Nice idea, but will be funded with tax increases. A good economy is the best method of lowering crime and Kerry does not have one economic accomplishment to prove he has this ability. Has not presented a detailed economic/monetary policy. Don't ever remember forest fires being a national issue. Guessing this and Timber Subsidies has to do with trying to win votes in Oregon and other West Coast States where the Democrates wiped out the Timber Industry.

Something to hang your hat on. The economy had two consecutive Negative GDP growth quarters prior to Bush taking office. The .Com bust happen over nine months before he took office. 9/11 ravaged the economy 8 short months after he took office. Don't forget that Kerry was on the intelligence committee when 9/11 was hatch under Clinton's watch. We now have an economy growing at over 3% GDP. Stock Market is recovering. Job growth is increasing.

Just because you or someone you know entered into a dying industry where the US is no longer competitive, a low paying job field, or lost work because a company is maintaining its margin by shipping work overseas to satisfy American's appetite for cheap stuff --- it is totally lame to blame it on a President or anyone else. Jobs were going overseas before Bush ever took office. No matter what crap you pull off the internet, I know the truth is that Clinton pushed the Free Trade Agreement through and signed it into Law. Clinton and Gore were the ones who got caught taking political bribes from China. President Kennedy and Johnson (Yes Democrates) were the ones who got us into Vietnam. If Kerry is going to be a Democrat, then he should be the dumb f^#$ who goes over to fight in Vietnam, because the Democrates got us into it. They are the dumb jerks who fought the War by politics instead of by Military strategy and got 58,000+ soldiers killed. Then Senator Kennedy and Kerry have the balls to turn around and gripe about 1000 killed and call this the "Bush" Vietnam!?!? Someone explain that to me! I served in the Army under Reagan and in the reserves under Bush Sr. and if I have to put my uniform back on to serve my country again, I damn well assure you it will be under a Republican like Bush Jr. and not under some "spit on our troops" bastard like Kerry or Somalia screw up like Clinton pulled. And there is honor in serving in the Reserves. I am sick and tired of hearing the Democrates say that serving in the reserves is dishonorable. Our reservists are great people and patriots (even during Vietnam, because reserve units did get called up to fight in vietnam).

Challenge: Name one major ground breaking legislative effort led by Kerry during his 25 years as a Senator. Not one that he signed on to, but one where he pulled it together and led it from conception to a nation impacting Law. Even Kerry does not want to go there.

In summary, I don't care who any of you vote for. I don't want to put down on anyone at GM and these political posts are dividing people and creating bad feelings. I agree with BIGG. Post about gaming, post about hardware etc. But this "pull political propaganda garbage" from the internet and posting it like it is gospel and meaningful to make people think --- Gag me with a spoon. What the hell are they teaching you kids in school these days?

09-11-2004, 06:27 AM
well done Uzi:thumbs:

how many kerry supporters do you think will actuall look into that information?

as for the challenge:D there is none and even kerry supporters know that:D

GO BUSH:thumbs:

Mad Fox
09-11-2004, 01:07 PM
can you imagine if keery won and the first lady was that skank heinz:down: that woman has no class what so ever. sh isnt even american if i remember correctly.

I do bellieve that Mrs. Kerry is an American citzen! So she is an American. Lastly whats wrong with her not being born he in America. America was built on the backs of immigrants.

09-11-2004, 02:22 PM
Yea im kinda like gonna be 18 in 6 months, and i don't feel like going to iraq because i prolly will end up doing something stupid.

09-11-2004, 06:48 PM
well done Uzi:thumbs:

how many kerry supporters do you think will actuall look into that information?

as for the challenge:D there is none and even kerry supporters know that:D

GO BUSH:thumbs:
You've been flip flopping so much on Bush the last 8 months, maybe you should run too :thumbs: