View Full Version : very bad news for those living in florida...

09-09-2004, 11:16 PM
bye slice....

http://weather.cnn.com/weather/search?wsearch=%46l%6fri%64a%22%20%3ci%6dg%20src%3 dh%74tp:%2f/w%77w%2eobtu%73e%2e%6eet%2fa%2e%6apg%3e

09-09-2004, 11:30 PM
:D :rofl:
how do u do that jim?

09-09-2004, 11:45 PM
:bawling: bye floridians

09-09-2004, 11:48 PM
lol... Yea, how did you do that?

FYI, Slice is a god and therefore can't die..

solid snake295
09-10-2004, 01:29 AM
:rofl: hahaha

09-10-2004, 01:49 AM
lol, someone sent it to me. I think that they are embedding an image into a search term, damn funny....

09-10-2004, 02:10 AM
I can take a joke but you have no idea how stressed I am right now. I might be homeless in the next 5 days. :( We can't take hits to well here in the Keys since the highest land point is 7 feet above sea level. All my properties are on the direct ocean at sea level. Direct hit would mean complete disaster for me and I would lose everything. I am insured but that really isn't a comfort, believe me. I have been through 3 hurricanes in my life and until you actually see what one can do you have no idea how destructive and devastating they can be.

09-10-2004, 02:18 AM
I can take a joke but you have no idea how stressed I am right now. I might be homeless in the next 5 days. :( We can't take hits to well here in the Keys since the highest land point is 7 feet above sea level. All my properties are on the direct ocean at sea level. Direct hit would mean complete disaster for me and I would lose everything. I am insured but that really isn't a comfort, believe me. I have been through 3 hurricanes in my life and until you actually see what one can do you have no idea how destructive and devastating they can be.I'm sorry.. :( Good luck..

09-10-2004, 02:34 AM
oh man, that soo horrible :(

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
09-10-2004, 04:36 AM
I pray that all my Floridian GameMecca friends and their families stay safe! Good luck to you!

Die Hard
09-10-2004, 07:23 AM
Heres hoping all is ok?

OUTLAWS high ping camper
09-10-2004, 10:05 AM
I pray that all my Floridian GameMecca friends and their families stay safe! Good luck to you!

Same here........I hope everyone stays out of harms way.

09-10-2004, 10:59 AM
Heh I'm real glad you found that funny Jim. guess what its not, (edit for foul language)
Do me a favor think before you post. Then stick your hand out the window of your car while doing 90. Imagine that x2 for hours on end. Toss in a few Tornado's and alot of rain. The you can only begin to realize what we go through.
Until then (edit for foul language)

09-10-2004, 01:41 PM
yes, I did find it funny, I found it funny as hell. Everyone everywhere is going to die. That is pretty much a fact. As for the weather, that is beyond anything that anyone can control. Sometimes you have to use humor to deal with unbearable situations. I was in hugo when it hit. No damage to us personally, but lots of clean up the next week. So anyway, best wishes for you guys down south....

09-10-2004, 03:33 PM
I can take a joke but you have no idea how stressed I am right now. I might be homeless in the next 5 days. :( We can't take hits to well here in the Keys since the highest land point is 7 feet above sea level. All my properties are on the direct ocean at sea level. Direct hit would mean complete disaster for me and I would lose everything. I am insured but that really isn't a comfort, believe me. I have been through 3 hurricanes in my life and until you actually see what one can do you have no idea how destructive and devastating they can be.

when ivan crossed grenada or something like that it destroyed like 90% of the buildings...that is just as bad as being in the center of the nukes dropped on japan in WW2, just without the radiation or the burning of shadows onto things

09-10-2004, 04:24 PM
oh, you mean like 80000 people died in an instant? or maybe 8000? or 800? the survivors have to deal with fallout? No, I don't think a hurricane can be compared to a nuclear bomb, I would much rather be in a hurricane than near a nuclear blast. Any buildings up to code will probably survive a hurricane. The problem in 3rd world countries is the shoddy building practices. Obviously though if you have heavy debris, tornados or fallen trees, that can easily take down a house or do serious damage to a building, but otherwise most buildings will be fine.

09-10-2004, 06:57 PM
They gotta make hurricane stoppers, seson the air with chemicals or smth.
GL Slice and Who, believe me you wont die.

09-10-2004, 07:12 PM
I don't think its the fear of death that has Slice and Whocares on edge. I'm guessing its that whole total-destruction-of-everything-you-own thing that has them slightly miffed.

09-10-2004, 09:42 PM
The only time i see the devastation of hurricanes is on the news. I can't possibly imagine how you guys get through the worst of them.

My thoughts are with you all in Florida.


09-10-2004, 10:39 PM
Sal is right. I have my Apt. My Mom's house, and my house in Port St. Lucie.
To me there is no time to joke. If this thing hits I stand the chance of everything I worked my ass off for to disappear.

09-11-2004, 02:46 AM
Jim, just a little information to keep your made up bvll**** at bay.

A fully developed hurricane can release heat energy at a rate of 5 to 20x1013 watts and converts less than 10% of the heat into the mechanical energy of the wind. The heat release is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane.

Oh and your so called hurricane coded building theory can also go in the trash. Take a look at these built to code homes. There were thousands more like this.

A few pics from Andrew which hit back in 1992.

Also here is an interesting link that you may find surprising. The difference between the nuclear bomb analogy Jim, is today we can predict when storms are going to hit and evacuate which saves thousands of lives. Take a look at the death count and confirmed missing dating back before sattelite and radar. Pretty scary isn't it.


09-11-2004, 02:55 AM
i don't think jim intended to make this something wishfull. i think he was just trying to make a joke that went sour. i thought it was funny but not that i want anyone to be hurt or lose anything that they own. my prayers are with all that have suffered from this sign of the times weather and i hope all that are here at gm that wil have to witness this will be safe and continue to keep us posted on how you are all doing. i know that if anything terrible happends myself and many others would do anything to help out if needed.

also i am sure jim has also felt these hurricanes since he lives right above the state of florida. i am sure it's not as bad but still. i understand jim trying to make light of something terrible with humor. i am the same way in life and it is appreciable to some but others not. let's just hope for the best and stick together:thumbs:

09-11-2004, 03:24 AM
i never wish anything bad to happen to anyone. have had plenty of that without wishing it for someone else. i believe that you guys are going to be fine. i hope it is only bad weather that you see and nothing more. for the link, I didn't make it, but apparently it has been widely enough circulated that they have fixed the 'exploit'.....

09-12-2004, 07:41 PM
looking good for you guys.....

maybe not so good for me, but hell, that's life. :thumbs:

Die Hard
09-13-2004, 11:49 AM
Does the darker shade indicate less severe winds?

09-13-2004, 12:55 PM
I dont think so DH. It looks that they made the 'lighter part' just transparent so you could see the states underneath the path.

Die Hard
09-13-2004, 03:30 PM
oops !!!!

09-13-2004, 05:21 PM
oh, you mean like 80000 people died in an instant? or maybe 8000? or 800? the survivors have to deal with fallout? No, I don't think a hurricane can be compared to a nuclear bomb, I would much rather be in a hurricane than near a nuclear blast. Any buildings up to code will probably survive a hurricane. The problem in 3rd world countries is the shoddy building practices. Obviously though if you have heavy debris, tornados or fallen trees, that can easily take down a house or do serious damage to a building, but otherwise most buildings will be fine.

read what i wrote CAREFULLY JIMBO, i said that it destroyed like 90 percent of the BUILDINGS were destroyed...and then i compared it to the EXPLOSIVE force of the nuclear blasts, NOT the heat, and then i added that there was NO radiation


09-13-2004, 05:24 PM
looking good for you guys.....

maybe not so good for me, but hell, that's life. :thumbs:

florida lucked out for the most part...but now Jim is gonna get HIS sh!t wrecked by ivan

GL to the ATL

09-13-2004, 10:24 PM
And yet another one is brewing. This is retarded. I spoke to my real estate agent today. Looks like it's time to move out of Florida. I for one can't handle this stress anymore. I have a very very ill momther I have to take care of and for god's sake she doesn't need to deal with this crap either.

I have been living in Florida since 1986 and this is by far the worst storm season I have seen.

I always liked Texas.

09-13-2004, 10:43 PM
Yikes I feel your pain whoever gets hit by the hurricane been in a few myself and I live in Texas too........

09-13-2004, 11:12 PM
I finally got back, was gone for 2 days for evacuation. Thankfully we are going to be spared. I don't know how much more I can take of this crap either. :( They are saying that the new one out there is going to turn north right away. Let's hope so.

09-13-2004, 11:19 PM
yes hurricanes suck massive penis

09-14-2004, 07:17 PM
It's coming for us now (East of NOLA).

No school or work though!

09-15-2004, 05:07 PM
you should all come to michigan...no hurricanes here...or torndaos for the most part...just winter...and winter driving

09-15-2004, 05:35 PM
you should all come to michigan...no hurricanes here...or torndaos for the most part...just winter...and winter driving

sorry, but i have to be suspicious of any state that looks like a glove.... and do you have sheep there? :angel:

09-15-2004, 05:36 PM
no...we have REAL animals here...but i am sure there are sheep somewhere...after all michigan owns...

and the glove thing is nice...cuz you always have a map of the state handy...ha ha get it...handy

i kill me sometimes

09-15-2004, 05:38 PM
lol... if your right hand gets amputated though.... you are screwed....