View Full Version : SS1&SS2+XP SP2

dDaek Destroyer
09-11-2004, 08:15 AM
Anyone else having trouble,in fact not trouble but will not run,after installing SP2.
K8 Triton GA-K8N MB
Athlon 64 3000 :bawling:
Radeon 9800 pro
512 pc3200 400
80 hdd

Die Hard
09-11-2004, 09:48 AM
What won't run? The game or a server. SP2 messes with your firewall settings so if it's a server problem I'd check that.

I've installed SP2 with no adverse affects apart from being a little slower.

09-12-2004, 09:08 PM
I didn't have any problem. Although after I got done the game and closed it out there was a firewall screen that wanted to know if I would like to give Sam access lol. I guess it let me in and then asked if I wanted to block in the future.
:dunno: :rolleyes: