View Full Version : Good Job OoD!!! Keep going :)

09-11-2004, 02:17 PM
It's been really hard out there with hibs having all six relics. They're stronger than ever and we've had to fight 10 times as hard. All considering, I think we've done really good as far as realm points earned in the past seven days. /cheer IMO

BTW, did anyone read the posts on VN? Hibs gave alot of compliments to us about last night even though we wern't able to defeat thier defense tactics. I was really impressed by theire sportsmanship. I was expecting more of the 'albs suck' flame posts. Ayron did an awesome job as usual and it was nice to see so many OoD's participate in helping the realm. We really need to continue to press for our power relic.

anyway....on to the screenie. Not too shabby guys. :thumbs:

09-12-2004, 02:43 PM