View Full Version : Mobo Questions

09-15-2004, 03:59 PM
Hey, folks. I have a question to pose to all of you. I'm going to upgrade my computer soon. I don't have the cash to buy anything super big, I just wanna improve over my POS gateway Celeron (don't get my started...).

So my question is this: What's the best board for running Athlon XPs? I'm heard from several people that I should by the Asus "A7N8X-E" Deluxe. Is this really the best, or not? I've noticed that other brands, such as MSI, have seemingly comparable stats, with much lower prices? Some peeps have told me that ASUS is simply overpriced...is this true? Help me please.

In case you need to know...
I'll be running a Athlon XP 3000+ 400 mhz fsb.

If any other components are needed, tell me, i'll list them.

09-15-2004, 04:37 PM
as far as being the best, i would say it is one of them for the scoket a athlon xp systems/platforms. i actually have this board (1 of the many i got) and it runs pretty good and had a hello of alot of features. the board can be bought for 100-120 bucks but i will warn you....

over the past few weeks prices have fallen big time and depending on budget there are better choices.

like?......well if you have very little funds and just want to upgrade your should of been shot a year ago system to something that will allow me to actually see some frame rates i would reccomend a cheaper athlon xp board. if you plan to use firewire and serial ata etc etc, then yes this asus board is worth it. but if you just intend to game and that's it, then go with a generic board.

why generic, isnt that junk?.... no it's not junk. if the board is made with an nforce2 chipset, then you are pretty safe no matter what board you get. they all mostl come with in a few points when benchmarked and are mostly compared when a name or features bundled with the board to price.

now heres my true reason.

the athlon xp is a great chip along with the nforce2 board. this with a great video card can play any game out there with no problems. the price to build a system if shopped right can cost you less then 500 bucks for all components including dvd burner. that is the best bang for your buck anywhere for a good computer.

where do you see those prices becuase that sounds to good to be true unless you hav crack heads selling computers around you?.......yes crack heads every where but not selling computers. i will put together a list for everyone to compare.

board and cpu--http://shop4.outpost.com/product/4085872 --99.00
hard drive---http://shop4.outpost.com/product/3493763--49.99
pioneer dvd burner---59.99
ddr ram pc3200---149.99
case with 400 watt ps--40.00
video card--100.00

now there you have proof that this can be done and if you already have a video card or cd drive or anything you can just upgrade what you need.

now what do i suggest?

well if you can spend maybe 150.00-200 dollars more, i would look into getting and athlon 64 board socket 754 for about 100 bucks and a athlon 64 3000 or 3200 for 200 bucks or less or a sempron 3100 for about 110 bucks but has no 64 bit technology but built on k8 technology. with this you are future proof and will have all the features and beat any athlon xp system.

09-15-2004, 04:48 PM
hey, if anyway possible, i would strongly suggest that you wait until you can afford an athlon 64 system. It will cost more, but i think it will take you much farther into the future.

09-15-2004, 05:14 PM
his mom and gf...er i mean fiance are buying this for him and they dont want to spend too much on it obviously

09-15-2004, 05:22 PM
Hey, I plan on buying an 64 bit sometime next summer...when I have a good paying internship. As pj so elequently put it...my b-day is in a month, and my present from my mom is a cpu, and from my g/f is a mobo, so i kinda gotta keep it cheap. So I'm just going for an upgrade right now...not top of the line.
Anything is better than that Celeron. Thank you for the info, though, guys it will definitely come in handy!

09-15-2004, 05:27 PM
then ask them for the money and use that and part of a paycheck

09-15-2004, 05:29 PM
uh, upgrade to a richer gf? :D :D :D

09-15-2004, 05:30 PM
and get PJ to fork over some cash....

09-15-2004, 05:35 PM
then ask them for the money and use that and part of a paycheck

PJ...I make 800 dollars a month...I think give 600 of this to GVSU...i use over 100 every 2 weeks for gas...I HAVE NO MONEY TO SPEND!!!

09-15-2004, 05:36 PM
you are a "pretty" young guy right? that can take you places... :hmmm:

09-15-2004, 05:45 PM
you are a "pretty" young guy right? that can take you places... :hmmm:

ROFL! My fiance' may not like that...I can hear that right now..."but Babe, i wouldn't do this if it wasn't important - it's for my COMPUTER"

09-15-2004, 06:01 PM
and get PJ to fork over some cash....

what are you tryin to say jim?

that i am loaded?

not really...i go to the same school that he does and i just bought a new car and i have to replace a brake caliper rotor and all the pads and buy 2 mufflers for it...and then i have parkin permits to pay for

no dice here

09-15-2004, 07:22 PM
I moved this thread from the Hardware section to the OT section because this isn't allowed in those sections in case you all didn't know but I know you do, Spam it up :rolleyes:

09-15-2004, 07:44 PM
Guys please remember that the hardware section is hardware related talk only. NO SPAM.

09-15-2004, 08:23 PM
the question was asked & answered. if i can't have some fun with my buds, then please do me a favor, and ban me, because this probably is not the place I want to be.

09-15-2004, 08:37 PM
the question was asked & answered. if i can't have some fun with my buds, then please do me a favor, and ban me, because this probably is not the place I want to be.
Carefull what you wish for Jimbo. :) you just might get it.

09-15-2004, 10:13 PM
Stop being a drama queen. You can do pretty much whatever you want here but all we ask is keep spam out of non-spam forums. I don't think its that big of a deal or request. It wasn't just you Jim, it was Bob and PJ also. No need to get bent out of shape.

09-15-2004, 10:37 PM
yeah, well i see a lot of bitching about spam, mainly by people that
never bother to post anything at all except for their bitching about spam
it just doesn't make sense to me. if you want to have healthy forums
then you need rapport and relationships, otherwise the big board number
at the bottom of this page is just going to continue to slide

09-15-2004, 11:01 PM
The are nearly a hundred forums here at GM and almost all of them allow spam and normal conversation. Keeping a couple of them "on-topic" isn't very much to ask.

09-16-2004, 01:48 AM
Stop being a drama queen

:hmmm: Did someone say Drama Queen???http://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/sirc.gif http://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/sirc.gifhttp://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/sirc.gifhttp://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/sirc.gif

I had to do it, lighten up guys.. sheesh

09-16-2004, 02:56 AM
hey, if anyway possible, i would strongly suggest that you wait until you can afford an athlon 64 system. It will cost more, but i think it will take you much farther into the future.
Actually it probably won't. Think about it, by the time 64 becomes the norm and all programs and games and everything else is written over do you really think that the athlon 64 today will be the wave of the future? Come on give me a break. Just like they were going to have all tv channels running in High Def by 2004. Today's 64 systems sorry to say are just for the inquisitive. I would say that you can expect 32 bit to be around for a long while. Honestly are you going to be the company that states, "sorry you have to throw your current computer away now"?.

09-16-2004, 03:25 AM
i don't give a damn about that crap. but you can get things like UT today that run much better with the 64 bit memory interface. sure, the rest is hype, but there is improvement for games that implement 64 bit, because of all the memory and texture shuffling.

as for hdtv, i tried it for 2 weeks and thought it was a joke. the discovery channel was cool, everything else was not impressive.

09-16-2004, 03:35 AM
i don't give a damn about that crap. but you can get things like UT today that run much better with the 64 bit memory interface. sure, the rest is hype, but there is improvement for games that implement 64 bit, because of all the memory and texture shuffling.

as for hdtv, i tried it for 2 weeks and thought it was a joke. the discovery channel was cool, everything else was not impressive.
It's a great platform I do not doubt that. What I doubt is buying a 64 bit MB now is going to benefit you anytime in the next 5 years. Yeah you will convince all the computer savy people to change, but try getting the bulk of the population to throw away their computer in the next five years. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!! P.S. next time try HD with a Plasma screen. ;)

09-16-2004, 05:57 PM
i noticed a pretty good jump when i got my mobo and proc...the things didnt run better necessarily but they ran more efficient and took some of the load off of the other components if that makes sense to anyone