View Full Version : Ceremonial Bracer

Cheap Bastard2
09-17-2004, 02:19 AM
Looked at the stats for Ceremonial Bracer, liked the mez and stun feedback. Does anyone have the Bracer leveled, if so how well does it work? Or is it even more getting?

09-17-2004, 10:47 AM
Seems to be a must for our kinda group, this arti is tailor made to fight of insta mez. Was talking to wiggum about it earlier and he said its a must have arti, implying that its functional. If I remember right it was initialy bugged or not working. Was the encounter servant necro soloable? It is tops on my list atm.


09-18-2004, 09:59 AM
I've wanted one of these things forever.. We did it with bout 14 people once, Grandiose got it. Name the time and I'll try to be there to help out

09-18-2004, 12:42 PM
It only works against single tartget mez or stun, however.