View Full Version : Realizations about college

09-17-2004, 06:16 PM
I dont mean to insult and people that are already done w/ school and what not or scare the people that are still in high school but i have come to the conclusion that the part of your life where you go to college and then go straight to work, and then straight to bed to do it all over again the next day is the hardest part of life that anyone would have to face.

I get to go to school everyday of the week and then to work on all but Tuesday and Thursday when i get out of class no earlier then 5 PM (Tuesday is 9PM)

again not to say that anyone else has it easy or anything but thats how i feel...cuz i am in that situation...and its STILL worth it.

I feel better now, thanks!


He Is Legend
09-17-2004, 06:39 PM
College is worth it

For you and your life

Point said.

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
09-17-2004, 07:43 PM
I hear ya bud. You're a freshman right? I'm a sophomore now and you're right, the workload can be extreme at times. The key is balancing. I try to keep my "fun" activities and my work balanced, to insure maximal studying and work output. If I have too much fun, I tend not to get any work done. If I try to work too much, I tend to burn out and stop working. So finding that middle ground really helps.

I'm also a big believer in scheduling activities. It doesn't work for everyone; I know some people hate to have their day already planned out for them. But I think that it helps me get things done and helps me avoid procrastination.

Oh, and by the way, I don't know about college life being "the hardest part of life that anyone would have to face". Think about that statement for a second and then think about participating in war. Or being homeless. Or having a chronic/deadly disease. Not saying I completely disagree, college is certainly difficult; I just do not think it is the "hardest" part of life that anyone would have to face.

09-17-2004, 08:23 PM
lest anybody doubts it, the high school days are the wonder years. after that, nobody gives a damn about your success or failure. work, work and more work. so i hear your pain. after college.... well it can be more of the same. get a good education man, so you can get a decent job. many will say a diploma means nothing, but that isn't true at all. it also helps if you find something that you like doing and are really good at and people will pay you to do... :)

09-17-2004, 08:47 PM
My advice is to start a business. Don't work for money all of your life. Have money work for you. I am learning that lesson just now.

It may be hard a first but it will be worth it in the long run.

09-17-2004, 10:08 PM
Did you not listen to me when I told you this? Have you not observed me constantly hating the school/work thing? lol...it's definitely worth it. This is by far the best semester that I've had...and I absolutely HATE it!

09-17-2004, 10:30 PM
Welcome to life. I hope you enjoyed your youth because it pretty much sucks from here on out till your dead.

09-18-2004, 01:59 PM
Hang in there PJ.......... there's good times and bad. That's life. Just try to stay positive.

09-20-2004, 12:41 AM
I admire anyone who is in college now! For real.

I attended college while I was still in high school - started courses in my junior year of high school and by the time I graduated high school had already finished my freshman year of college. Now here's the bad part: I got burned out really quickly, decided to take a year off for rest and play, and now, I'm sure you all know what is coming next -- I never went back to finish that college education. I have taken a couple of courses through the years, but now too much time has passed for my college courses to count towards a degree so I would have to start over at the beginning, taking all the general courses that I don't really need now to enhance my career.

I've been luckier than most. I currently work as a non-degreed accountant at a global corporation, but that doesn't happen very often.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although it may seem like drudgery now and you may think that you will never get through it, don't give up on that higher education. A lot of folks will tell you that as soon as you graduate college then you are thrust into the real world of going to work and coming home day after day after day... that's true whether you get the education or not. At least pursue the possibility of a higher-paying, more satisfying job by seeing the education through while you still have the energy to do it!

Best of luck!

09-20-2004, 01:07 AM
Dude i know your pain.. im in my second year of a B.Sc, and the workload is pretty annoying... Im in classes till 5pm every day, and i do at least 3 hours of homework every night.... only the weekends are my fun time. It sucks like crap, but i guess its the way things are......

I just hope its all worth it in the end.

09-20-2004, 05:18 PM
Oh, and by the way, I don't know about college life being "the hardest part of life that anyone would have to face". Think about that statement for a second and then think about participating in war. Or being homeless. Or having a chronic/deadly disease. Not saying I completely disagree, college is certainly difficult; I just do not think it is the "hardest" part of life that anyone would have to face.

yes i am a freshman and i meant that it is the hardest time period of your life...like young age, k-12 education, college education, work, old age

09-20-2004, 07:32 PM
yes i am a freshman and i meant that it is the hardest time period of your life...like young age, k-12 education, college education, work, old age
How can you say that until you've experienced the others?? Most people I know said college years were the best of their life!

solid snake295
09-20-2004, 09:32 PM
its not that bad.
i work monday to friday, 8 to 5 and 2 saturdays every 3 weeks.
then i have school from 6:30 to 10 on tuesday and thursday. im in my 3rd year of college... you'll get used to it :thumbs:

09-21-2004, 04:50 AM
How can you say that until you've experienced the others?? Most people I know said college years were the best of their life!

Bull Crap!! I hate college so much it's not even funny. I realize that I haven't yet experienced the workin' world, but I'd definitely rather be in high school again...or middle school...or heck, I'd rather be a fetus. Fetuses don't have midterms given by guys that can't speak a lick of english.

09-21-2004, 11:47 AM
Bull Crap!! I hate college so much it's not even funny. I realize that I haven't yet experienced the workin' world, but I'd definitely rather be in high school again...or middle school...or heck, I'd rather be a fetus. Fetuses don't have midterms given by guys that can't speak a lick of english.

That's funny! Sorry, but you have to grow up, deal with it! Life only gets harder as you get older, at least for most.

Welcome to life. I hope you enjoyed your youth because it pretty much sucks from here on out

Yup, he sums it up well. Kind of sucks hearing it from someone as successful as him :(

OUTLAWS high ping camper
09-21-2004, 12:35 PM
Run away and join the circus......

Well, I'm hoping you've got some good friends there in college, because that's what it's going to take for you to make it there. Consider them a support group if you will. All work and no fun can make you a bitter person that hangs out on a forum all day......oh wait that's me.....OH NO! :)

Die Hard
09-21-2004, 12:55 PM
Well I've been out of full time education and in work for about 18 years.

Life is what you make it. My advice would be to read, socilaise and travel as often as you can. Life is cool baby.

09-21-2004, 04:45 PM
oh yeah pure college is fun, but the school to work to bed thing sucks...and then you do it again the next day...and also i decided that this is the hardest part of life because it is logically more hectic. Here is my logic: When you are in college full time and then also go to work full time then you would see how that would be harder, in general, then the rest of life when you just have work full time. Now this is assuming that you only have one full time job and of course it would vary according to the situation

09-21-2004, 04:51 PM
eh, you are like a whole bunch of single (or used to be single) people that i know
that are/were always complaining that they never had any free time.
all i have to say is wait until you have some kids. then you will learn what
the free time that you used to complain about is really all about.

09-21-2004, 04:56 PM
Sorry PJ, at one point, I had 3 jobs, a sick child, and a cranky wife. Running 6 am to 11 pm rocked, especially with 2 weeks off a year.

Better and worse times are coming, 15 years out of college, you'll be missing it.

Hope you picked your major right too, because once you get caught in the rat race, there's night school in your future :D

09-21-2004, 04:59 PM
I'm looking forward to having a kid so that I'll have a good excuse now to watch cartoons, eat cereal while reading the box, play with toys, and sit around the house all day. Its a nice bonus that all of the toys that were popular when I was a kid are back now. Transformers, He-Man, TMNT...I won't even have to buy any new ones (if its a boy). :D

Die Hard
09-21-2004, 05:41 PM
Oh dear!

Edit: This was a reply to Pure's post here: Hope you picked your major right too, because once you get caught in the rat race, there's night school in your future :D

09-21-2004, 06:21 PM
im not complaining about college...i think its GREAT, but i just think that it COULD be the hardest part of your life, and that does not apply to all people...like pure

Die Hard
09-21-2004, 06:23 PM
Oh thd irony!! [rofl]

09-22-2004, 03:45 PM
im not complaining about college...i think its GREAT, but i just think that it COULD be the hardest part of your life, and that does not apply to all people...like pure

People like you scare me...it's like high school...only you have to pay for it...and you have to make new friends...and i hate making friends...so i've made 1 friend in 3 years...yeah...fun.

Although I will admit...6 girls for every guy is pretty frickin' AWESOME! Go Grand Valley in that respect!

09-22-2004, 03:50 PM
That's funny! Sorry, but you have to grow up, deal with it! Life only gets harder as you get older, at least for most.

No, you got me wrong, pure. I don't mind growing up at all. I want to be a father, husband, and working man with a passion...I just hate being a student. I pay them 6000 a year so I can sleep in class b/c the guy can't speak english well enough to follow him...I realize college is necessary, and I welcome the future that it brings...I just hate going through it.

09-22-2004, 04:10 PM
I miss college... I graduated in 1995 and went back for 1 &1/2 years to get my RPG Programming Certificate in 1998 so I am beginning to get the itch to go back again, but I think I may go for Law School this time if I can get some Financial Aid... :thumbs:

09-22-2004, 05:01 PM
I miss college... I graduated in 1995 and went back for 1 &1/2 years to get my RPG Programming Certificate in 1998 so I am beginning to get the itch to go back again, but I think I may go for Law School this time if I can get some Financial Aid... :thumbs:

law school...eeeeewwwww

09-22-2004, 06:48 PM
law school...eeeeewwwww
hah with the amount of money layers make, its definitely worth it