View Full Version : any clan wants a 4v4?
09-19-2004, 07:12 AM
hi this message is for the better clans, i would like to challenge the best clan for a 4v4 tdm one on an euro server ( ours ) one on yours :)
09-19-2004, 11:08 PM
are you the original legend that called himself Slayer??
That guy pwned and was number 1 in Serious Sam (so ive heard) and I really hope its you
09-21-2004, 09:52 PM
i dunno what u heard about me, but uhm ye thats me :)
wanna play?
09-21-2004, 10:34 PM
i believe that ds should be able to scrim. ill talk to the guys. :thumbs:
Sorry might be alone on this one..........To much "BAD" history.................
09-21-2004, 11:58 PM
sorry....ull have to find someone else. :thumbs:
09-22-2004, 01:41 AM
try DWF :dunno:
09-22-2004, 01:54 AM
i dunno what u heard about me, but uhm ye thats me :)
wanna play?
:O much homage to thee uber 1337 master :D
I'd play you if I had UT =/
09-24-2004, 12:03 AM
History should be left behind.
Nitrostatic He is an awesome player trust me.
09-24-2004, 12:17 AM
too much bad history....... :hmmm: If I went by those rules who would I play? :P
09-24-2004, 12:54 AM
History should be left behind.
Nitrostatic He is an awesome player trust me.
You know better, LaSH ain't going to risk it :D Don't blame him, better off avoiding possible tension ;)
09-24-2004, 04:19 AM
You know better, LaSH ain't going to risk it :D Don't blame him, better off avoiding possible tension ;)
Risk what? A spirited fragmatch game between two clans? Tension? LOL. If you can't handle tension then you shouldn't be playing. This doesn't make sense. It's common to get taunted throughout a game in UT2K4. The taunts are built in.
Bad history seems like a GOOD reason to have a match. Unless you have a history of being owned and can't handle losing....:rolleyes:
09-24-2004, 01:00 PM
Risk what? A spirited fragmatch game between two clans? Tension? LOL. If you can't handle tension then you shouldn't be playing. This doesn't make sense. It's common to get taunted throughout a game in UT2K4. The taunts are built in.
Bad history seems like a GOOD reason to have a match. Unless you have a history of being owned and can't handle losing....:rolleyes:
it's not the built in taunts, it's the typed ones. You have a history yourself about bitching, and taking things from the game into servers, so knock it off, or this thread will be locked.
Slayer asked for a match, {DS} declined, one of their leaders stated why, no need to start crap over it.
Slayer, good luck with finding a match, hopefully I'll be able to keep this open for you, nothing personal man. I honestly would like to see some clan competition at GM.
Seriosly, try DWF, they have solid UT players as you know, other than DWF, and {DS} there isn't anyone close to putting up a fight against you at GM.
Die Hard
09-24-2004, 01:09 PM
Villains are now getting into UT. We have a 24/7 server up and running and we have two or three good players at the moment. This will grow and soon most of us will be proficient.
I doubt we are ready for a match with you guys yet but it won't be long. I just wanted all you UT guys to know that: THE VILLAINS ARE COMING!
:D :D :D :D
Edit: I meant to say a huge thank you to Frag for all his help and advice. We would never had made it without you man. :thumbs:
09-24-2004, 02:53 PM
You know better, LaSH ain't going to risk it :D Don't blame him, better off avoiding possible tension ;)
I play and have no time to watch what is being typed however posting may present a problem which I could understand his view point.
I only wish that when people post just say gg only and play for fun.
09-24-2004, 02:56 PM
That should be good to see the Villains playing UT.
Dumps up for the Villains Die Hard.
I can't see myself playing UT no time and I have SS2 still on my system and it's skipping the frames when I play even on my server so I pretty much stop playing and given up trying to fix it which is most likly the service provider that sucks on my area. hehehehe
09-24-2004, 03:07 PM
They just released a new UT demo yesterday. Maybe download that and see how it performs on your system?
09-24-2004, 03:15 PM
I play and have no time to watch what is being typed however posting may present a problem which I could understand his view point.
I only wish that when people post just say gg only and play for fun.
well piss on that! I was hoping all those remarks like " how can you key so well with those big paws?" " does all that shedding jam your keyboard?" " maybe you'd play better if you went to the groomer first" would break your concentration! :D
The sad part is, most of the comments are made in UT when the map is over, and you're waiting for the map to change, it's not like SSSE where you have to leave and rejoin to play next map. Also, any formal competition in UT has taunts turned off in server settings, same goes for most clan servers as well as "no noob" servers. The UT community has made some great strides to eliminate conflicts.
Also :thumbs: to the Villains, let me know what your tags are so i can hook up with you!
Maybe some of you should mind your own business........For those that dont know the whole story shouldnt comment............For now i have no problems with Slayer and i plan on keeping it that way......Sas,Merc,and Schism...........LOL Schism for some reason you remind me of someone that would get banned from a forum and be such a loser you would rejoin with another name..........Lets see if i had to gusse i would say you are either Sirc or AI................The diffrents between my post and yours is i call it like i see it............I dont go around commenting on things i dont know about.........and with 67 post i dont beliave you would know a whole lot about history here.........uness you have been a member before...........As far as your cant stand loseing part was totaly a smarta$$ comment and was uncalled for....Ive lost to better players such as the Gummis and still good friends with them.......I replyed to his challange and stated a reason..........what the hell did your post tell him......oh wait it said nothing...........just one more reason why you should mind your own.........Sas you do know the whole story and should have known better to even have posted your crap.........Just like you... i have no problems with wright now..........But i never forgive backstabers and pepole who arent man enough to say something about someone to that person..........And as for Merc..............................hope you understand a little more now...........and if you dont just go review some "OLD" threads......but i suggest you not waste your time doing so....
Yo Villians...........congrats on getting set up in UT..........I hope you all have as much fun as {DS} dose.........You should Pm one of use and join us in practice one night.........
Thanks for the info SAL...........
Sorry Slayer that your challenge post went off track and i didnt accept........Im sure you want lose no sleep over it,LOL.
09-24-2004, 05:49 PM
Playing the game is what it's all about and I did not call you names or have said anything about what you have done in the past or making up stories about me.
Slayer only asked to play and all you had to say was nothing or no thank you,
but to add comments which again you started by saying too much history is bringing back the past which there is no room at this forum.
So if you really wanted to stay out of it you would have not posted but because you did people responded especially me because Slayer and me are good friends and nothing was said intentionally, so once again you have put yourself in the spot light when in fact all you had to do is say no thank you or not posted at all then to bring up about the past between you and slayer and at the same time discredit someone by making a comment which people who are new will want to know the story.
So here is an advice for you take or leave it, don’t post on this topic thread if it has nothing to do with you or if you are avoiding conflict.
09-24-2004, 05:52 PM
They just released a new UT demo yesterday. Maybe download that and see how it performs on your system?
I will try that Sal thx man. . . .
This thread should be consider close or at least continue the challenge that was first posted then to have someone make comments about history.
09-24-2004, 06:01 PM
Maybe a GM team will play u guys just find 4 guys or garls and go for it ;)
but it wont be pretty if the other 3 guys are half as good as Slayer :eek: it will be serious ownage
09-24-2004, 06:03 PM
I would play but I don't come close to playing the way you guys do.
It would be nice to see or watch this game with excellent players.
If it does happen make a demo because I would love to watch this game.
09-24-2004, 06:15 PM
I'd like to see the demo as well, I'd also like to know what clan Slayer's in?
Maybe a web site, tags or something? Just so I could see what level they're on ;)
Yo SAS...........Kinda contradicting yourself their aint you? had no reason to post what you did to start with where in my first post did i refer to you or your as for name calling and sh!t..gusse you forgot what i read in the round table........And what is funny is Slayer has not said nothing how in the hell do you know that my post offends him.........looks like to me once again you was going for the spotlight.........for me i could care less about the spotlight you can shove it as far as i am concerned........looks like to me you need to take your own advice.........reread your last no time have i seen you say enything about this challange........Slayer is a damn good player i give him that........and we have had not fued lately and i plan on keeping it that way......if Slayer had a problem with what i posted then let him speek for himself......I hope he dosent and understands where i am comeing from....
Playing the game is what it's all about and I did not call you names or have said anything about what you have done in the past or making up stories about me.
Slayer only asked to play and all you had to say was nothing or no thank you,
but to add comments which again you started by saying too much history is bringing back the past which there is no room at this forum.
So if you really wanted to stay out of it you would have not posted but because you did people responded especially me because Slayer and me are good friends and nothing was said intentionally, so once again you have put yourself in the spot light when in fact all you had to do is say no thank you or not posted at all then to bring up about the past between you and slayer and at the same time discredit someone by making a comment which people who are new will want to know the story.
So here is an advice for you take or leave it, don’t post on this topic thread if it has nothing to do with you or if you are avoiding conflict.
09-24-2004, 07:28 PM
Take it to PMs or thread will be locked.
He Is Legend
09-24-2004, 07:32 PM
09-24-2004, 07:36 PM
i AGREE The man asked for a challenge but I dont think it was this type of one :)
09-24-2004, 07:57 PM
I'd like to see the demo as well, I'd also like to know what clan Slayer's in?
Maybe a web site, tags or something? Just so I could see what level they're on ;)
I had his clan site but i lost it.
I am hoping he will contact me again soon.
I would really like to see this match happen and again have a demo of it.
Will see what happens . . . .
09-24-2004, 08:05 PM
Take it to PMs or thread will be locked.
I will ignore him. . . . I just got pm from him but I didn't read it just deleted it. DOh!
Cant handle the truth very well can yah big guy............sorry Sal i tried your advice i gusse now i will just leave it alone.......
I will ignore him. . . . I just got pm from him but I didn't read it just deleted it. DOh!
09-24-2004, 08:53 PM
anybody care to join me? :watchmovi
Now back to.. was Slayer right?
anybody care to join me? :watchmovi
Now back to.. was Slayer right?
09-24-2004, 08:56 PM
Once I get a chance to contact him i will find out for you Pure.
09-24-2004, 09:00 PM
I was trying to get it back to Slayers topic, and share some popcorn :watchmovi
But if you don't want any popcorn :ha:
back to Slayer's topic
09-24-2004, 09:16 PM
hows everybody doin?!?!
09-25-2004, 01:29 AM
I'm too busy now and obviously way too new at UT to pose a challenge.. What about the Gummis? They are hot stuff right? I remember seeing a thread a looong time ago about how Slayer was so awesome.. It's too bad I have trouble recognizing skill in UT, it's just so foreign for me..
Hey, what about a 4vs4 in sam?! :devil: ahaah
09-25-2004, 02:55 AM
Yea i'd totally pwn ant ssam LOL!
09-25-2004, 03:30 AM
Gummi's aren't a competative clan, except at lans, they also probably wont play on a Euro server. Just speaking from past experience.
09-25-2004, 03:49 AM
I have to jump in for a spell...the Gummi's will more then likely turn their noses at this..not because they are scared, or afraid of taking a beating, but most of them are working men just like us, to call a challenge out that isn't scheduled (i.e. LANWar) is just inconvenient...BUT, if you like, Smooth posts here on a regular basis, and maybe this will catch his interest. I side with Pure...I don't wan't this thread to turn into a pissing contest between anyone at Gamemecca. This isn't the place. If anyone is willing to accept the challenge that Slayer has thrown out, then do so. As of right now {DS} formally declines the challenge, and I EXPECT that to be the end of it.
Slayer, GL finding some competition and GG.
I stand behind my clan, and all who represent it. Now, let's leave it at that.
Any takers for the 4v4, please post.
09-29-2004, 05:14 AM
Cant handle the truth very well can yah big guy............sorry Sal i tried your advice i gusse now i will just leave it alone.......
Not true. . .
09-29-2004, 11:18 AM
Not true. . .
Is that your way of accepting Slayer's challenge Sas?
I think Dissectional's request was fair..
Die Hard
09-30-2004, 11:52 AM
10-03-2004, 10:51 PM
Is that your way of accepting Slayer's challenge Sas?
I think Dissectional's request was fair..
I have chellenge Slayer many times already.
IJust don't think that what is said about me is not true.
Keep this in mind not that anyone is lying but have the facts all wrong which comes with the territory anyway.
Dissectional good person, good man but had nothing to do what was said about me.
LaSH Facts and proof is required and he has none but only words that are misinform or allegation.
This should get LaSH to express himself to me with kind words like the PM's he has send me. LOL
I have nothing to prove to these people.........the true friends i have knows what happened and what was said behind my back...........thats all that counts to if you wish to continue this little pi$$ing contest you bowed out of last time.............then by all means give me a PM..............otherwise mind your own next time.........
10-03-2004, 11:35 PM
sigh '
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