View Full Version : Please Read This If your A Villain

09-22-2004, 08:10 AM
Some of you link your signitures to the www.villiansclan.co.uk (http://www.villiansclan.co.uk) website so that they appear here on Gamemecca. However, the clansmen who do this will notice that the size of their sig has changed..why? because im am working on the website on the members page trying to improve the site. I have shrunk the sigs and avatars to make it more condensed and hopefully allow the page to load quicker. What i did not know at the time the effects it will have on the Gamemecca site...sorry guys. Ok personally i like the new size of my sig, however, if you hang on for a few days i will set up a hidden page just for sigs and will let you know the link you need to put in on Mecca.

Hey I can't be a genius everyday, and i did have a beer last night...only a few Cri:p:

Love Picard

Die Hard
09-22-2004, 09:04 AM
My sig is hosted somewhere else so i'm fine. But I agree with you Kev, the smaller size looks cool. [thumbs]

09-22-2004, 08:05 PM
:) .

09-22-2004, 09:03 PM
Like Die Hard, I have my sig hosted on another site. So I'm cool. :thumbs:

09-22-2004, 09:56 PM
Like Die Hard, I have my sig hosted on another site. So I'm cool. :thumbs:
Wise choice Master, revamping the website so it will be hit and miss for a while