View Full Version : USA Seems 2 be great ...

Kill Mee
09-24-2004, 11:42 AM
http://www.abum.com/?show_media=1470 so much true words :rolleyes:

09-24-2004, 12:50 PM

I like my body fat, keeps me warm in the winter, helps me float in the water, gives the ladies something else to rub. Gives me something to improve about myself :D Skinny people pay the same for a 31" waiste size pants as I do for a 36", I'm getting my moneys worth! Anyone else notice that pound for pound, fatty foods are cheaper than healthy food? 1$ can get me a pound of potato chips, It would cost me like $50 to get a pound of rice cakes!

Fat people boost the economy! We support the diet pill industry, the "as seen on TV" industry. The medical field makes a ton off of us with quadrupal bypass's, colesterol medication, lipo suction. Learn to love the fat!

America, Love it or leave it!

*but if you leave, please take a politician with you. thank you*

09-24-2004, 04:56 PM
Ha ha ha!! Good stuff, Pure!! :rofl:

BTW Kill Mee, that was really interesting!!! :thumbs:

Kill Mee
09-25-2004, 09:20 AM
BTW Kill Mee, that was really interesting!!! :thumbs:

I agree !! :thumbs:

09-25-2004, 01:53 PM
alot fat ppl there come to sweden u see almost no fat person but sweden have start become like usa fatter

fat is discusting agree on that!=P

09-25-2004, 01:55 PM

I like my body fat, keeps me warm in the winter, helps me float in the water, gives the ladies something else to rub. Gives me something to improve about myself :D Skinny people pay the same for a 31" waiste size pants as I do for a 36", I'm getting my moneys worth! Anyone else notice that pound for pound, fatty foods are cheaper than healthy food? 1$ can get me a pound of potato chips, It would cost me like $50 to get a pound of rice cakes!

Fat people boost the economy! We support the diet pill industry, the "as seen on TV" industry. The medical field makes a ton off of us with quadrupal bypass's, colesterol medication, lipo suction. Learn to love the fat!

America, Love it or leave it!

*but if you leave, please take a politician with you. thank you*

u arent fat pure lol

09-25-2004, 05:25 PM
Someone once told me (this is about where I live)
Will the last American to leave Miami please take the flag.