View Full Version : Installing my new Mobo and CPU

09-30-2004, 09:11 PM
Hey, couple questions. First, whenever I try to install Windows XP Pro, I run install, it sets up the partition and reboots, and then instead of continuing it says "Error Loading Operating System". According to Microsoft, this means that my BIOS does not correctly manage or support the capacity of my HDD. Can anyone tell me what I have to do for this?

Secondly, I am running an Athlon XP 3200+...the first time I booted, it reported that I had an Athlon XP 2500+, now it just says "Athlon XP 1100 MHz"...what do I have to do to get it to recognize my CPU correctly?

10-01-2004, 12:48 AM
set fsb to correct speed--333 or 400 fsb depending on which chip you have.

if the ram settings are incorrect or the cpu, you will get an error. if you did not partition the hard drive correctly--it also will not install.

i will get back to this after the debates:thumbs:

10-01-2004, 01:30 AM
This is my first time workin' with a mobo/cpu, so you're gonna have to break down how to set fsb and stuff for me, BIGG...also, so you know when you tell, my RAM is pc2100 for the moment (i'm gettin' new as soon as I have $$), so that's the fsb that i have to put the cpu at, right? What bus speed is that, incidently? Wow...now I totally sound like a noob...which I am at this...

Will the bus speed being out of sync cause the HDD error? You're just referring to the false cpu info, right? I believe I partitioned everything just fine. Just used the Windows partitioning that it does when you run setup. I've done it before just fine...

10-01-2004, 04:08 AM
ok--first let me know what you have so i can start with your config.

we need to config the bios
jumpers if any (i will know once i know the board)
then os installation.

list all your specs part by part:thumbs:

10-01-2004, 04:17 AM
Here goes:

Mobo: MSI K7N2 Delta
CPU: Athlon XP 3200+ 400 mhz fsb
RAM: 512 Mb PC2100
HDD: 40 Gig Seagate & 80 Gig Western Digital
Vid Card: GeForce FX 5200
420 W PSU

Anything else?

10-01-2004, 05:17 AM
memory is wrong--you need pc3200

you have to set the memory to runn at 133x2=266 while your front side bus has to be at 333.

i believe the memory should be set to speed or look at the percentages in the bios that changes it to 133.

set the sysytem to boot off the cd rom and insert xp cd.

upon bootup follow instructions. delete all partitions then creat a partition. create a new partition and then click install--it will ask you to format so choose ntfs quick. after that, it should start installing and you just have to fill the info out.

you really need pc3200 for best performance and should have 2 sticks for dual channel.

sorry if this info is sloppy. i need to get some sleep and will look into this tommorow sometime. i will also need to download the pdf file for your board so i can help better with the settings to make it easier.

10-01-2004, 05:25 AM
Take your time, BIGG, I'm not in any super hurry. I know that I need PC3200, it's definitely on my list, but college, clocking in at 600 bucks per month has to come first. Anyways, when you get time to look at the manual, and settings, and whatnot, tell me what jumper goes where and what setting gets this and that - i'd be very greatful!

10-01-2004, 08:38 PM
do you live in or around ny? i will replace/switch/trade your memory for pc3200. i can add that memory in one of the systems i have here. the dual system pnly uses pc2100.

10-02-2004, 02:44 AM
do you live in or around ny? i will replace/switch/trade your memory for pc3200. i can add that memory in one of the systems i have here. the dual system pnly uses pc2100.

No, I live in MI, and I found out after much testing that one of my RAMs is bad...sucky deal.