View Full Version : Another Necro Vid

09-30-2004, 11:22 PM
This vid is from a 7L1 Necro (yea hard to believe there are some of those out there i know)

Linky (http://www.thecourt.org/bbsept.wmv)

10-02-2004, 12:22 AM
He is pretty impressive. I've never heard of someone being specced 50 Sight, 18 Pain, 9 Servant, but it works for him.

10-02-2004, 12:42 AM
50 sight for the last af debuff (worthless imo since even without relics a tank hits cap on an af debuffed enemy if the second last af debuff is used) 18 pain prolly for AoE str con debuff and PBae DoT since it interupts every tick and 9 servant just to get rid of the last few points :P since i don't really see any benefit from the 9 servant cept maybe the one self buff ya get