View Full Version : MERCS MERCS MERCS... la la la la laaaaa...

Alexis SC430
10-02-2004, 08:25 AM
Yes, Jim... as you so accutely stated in Pure_Evil's Sam thread the drugs sometimes talk FOR me, but they also often speak TO me! :D

LADIES (all three of us) and GENTLEMEN, MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENION PLEASE -- like Nostradamus centuries ago the drugs that floweth through my veins shall now show unto me all that which is unseen and probably get me way high too and make me spout out a bunch of nonsense; so, here goes nothing...


[drugs take control of me... that's what those sounds were supposed to designate]

I like to play TURBO Charger, but he is a saint... PLEEEEEASE pass the orange juice to me FRED Flintstone... WOOOOOOO!!!

Sorry to digress, but I drank too much Jim Bean last night... JIM Bean *lol* weird name for stuff and things that are not bean related... EEESSSHHH...

MANY ARE NOT RELATED!!! Is ME BIGG, for example, related to JIMINATOR?? Well, they share many common interests, but are NOT part of the same family! And I don't want to be so NAH NAH NAH!! :P

[stuff levitates, lights go out, thunder cracks... and so you are all scared and stuff]

It's best that we don't TELL THE WORLD all this stuff -- like how BIGG and JIM cannot be part of the same family 'cause some of the brothers and sisters are MEANIES who do not like how Danny drinks all their chocolate milk!

JIM... his Sam name is pink and oh-so pretty! :o The name Jim can be found in "Slim Jim" and also (and this will astound you) rhymes with the word "gym" ... OMG!!! :eek:

Fred Flinstone should go to the gym and RUN REAL FAST on a TURBO TREADMILL™ ... then again, we could just turbo charge the whole gym and turn it into a TURBO GYM™ ... and that should, by all logical reason, turn Fred Flinstone into a TURBO FRED™!!!

But SHHHHHHHHHHHH everyone!! We don't wanna let this cat outta the part-metaphorical/part-reptile bag, so don't tell anyone that Fred RECENTLY BECAME A MEMBER... oops, meant to say that quietly *lol*

And before you ask BIGG... no, you can't join this GYM :( But, honestly, why would you want to? :D


Alexis SC430
10-02-2004, 08:29 AM
"And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly; I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit."
Ecclesiastes 1:17 (KJV)


10-02-2004, 09:47 AM
Fred? I played a Fred today. Fred's Dead now:eek: MEBIGGD01 Killed he.

Drink lots of water missy. Those are not Flintstone Vitamins you have there.

10-02-2004, 09:58 AM
muhahahahahaa.... knowledge can be such a temprorary thing....

10-02-2004, 10:14 PM
muhahahahahaa.... knowledge can be such a temprorary thing....
LOL, yeah how about that knowlege; temporary

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-03-2004, 12:06 AM
Great post Alexis.........don't let anyone put you down......you are one funny/intelligent person.
Please post more often.

10-03-2004, 12:23 AM
i think if Pathos were a girl you would have Alexis.