View Full Version : a new and different thread

10-02-2004, 12:44 PM
I don't know if any of you are married or who is married or just living with someone male or female but i am wondering if you were just a spiteful prick or bitch to your mate. for instance (my story), i worked all night on some projects i didnt finish this week (and because of it, i had to cancel my trip upstate) and need to be done today. so besides workng all night, i had the pleasure of following up on one of those love threads here at gm. that's right, political crap thread. well anyway, i saw the sun already up and thought i would go into the bedroom to give a peak and there is my daughter making noises and standing on the bed. so she says hello and i give her one of those monster kisses (you know the one with mushi noisy constant kisses). i see the wife is still sleeping so i take my daughter and make her some french toast ( i was starving also). i put the barney dvd (baby crack) in and after waiting the 5 minutes of the fbi copyright crap to go by, i am now able to start breakfast. so i am whipping the stuff up. eggs, bread, powder sugar, cinnamon, syrup, wala--i have 3 slice cooked. i woof 1 down in the process of giving my daughter hers, make sure it's cooled off enough and get her some elmo juice (what a freaking scam i tell ya). so my daughter is now feeding herself and i am now just finishing off the loaf of bread and preparing breakfast. it was at that time i thought to myself, look at me, what a fu-i mean what a life. i am cooking the wife breakfast when i think once or twice out of the 5 years being married (almost 4 times divorced) i got breaksfast from her. and all that was some pancakes. so all of sudden my thoughts were interupted when a weird smell hit me. yes time to change a diaper. so m daughter was fished, i had her wash her hands and dry them and off to the bedroom to change her. let me tell you. everyday i use to have to pick up the garbage cans because the racoons would knock them down and the garbage would be every where. since my daughter has been born, there has not been 1 time after since those diapers are put right in the cans outside did i have to clean up the garbage. yes, they are that powerfulllll!!!! so diapers changed, she is all freshed up and back to the kitchen and dining room. so i finish the cooking and cleaning up and there she is, mrs wonderful who looks miserable. i asked her what's wrong and she said she has a head ache. i said, don't you usually have that at night;). She said haha and sat down. i poured myself some oj, got the plates ready and when i handed her breakfast she put on the nicest and happy smille and said in a sweet voice, "you made me breakfast????" so i said (just like it's typed) yeah, well, you never make me breakfast so i might as well make it for you. ashe screamed out YOU KNOWWWWW and then got very quiet. she hasnt said one thing to me since. do you think it's safe to ask her for some coffee?

10-02-2004, 01:30 PM
If you ask her for some coffee be sure, be sure to tell her you want iced coffee :eek:

10-02-2004, 02:44 PM
As Fragetti sits and cracks a smile...............

I married the bitch of bitches actually I think she trains other women to be bitches. so just blame my wife . lol

10-02-2004, 03:48 PM
She said haha and sat down. i poured myself some oj, got the plates ready and when i handed her breakfast she put on the nicest and happy smille and said in a sweet voice, "you made me breakfast????" so i said (just like it's typed) yeah, well, you never make me breakfast so i might as well make it for you. she screamed out YOU KNOWWWWW and then got very quiet.

I think you did everything right, only you should have thought that last part instead of saying it out loud. :D

Maybe you could ask her if she wants coffee :thumbs:

10-02-2004, 05:39 PM
Women still act all stupid and spazzy and reclusive in their pms rage even after you marry them?

DAAAANG. Whats the point in marrying..... !!??

at least when they are your girlfriend, you can just leave them be, and go about your own business...

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-02-2004, 05:46 PM
I'm pretty good at saying things to my wife...that I wish I hadn't said. Flowers, with a "I'm sorry" usually help patch things up.
I met my wife when I was 19, we've had our ups and downs.....our trials and tribulations, even a short "time alone"......I'll be 45 in November... so trust me, I know what I speak of.
I'm not telling you to kiss her a$$, just show some compassion. Contrary to the current status of women in the world today......they are very different then men. And I really don't care how chauvenistic that sounds.....it is the plain truth.
Well on second thought, I do care that it sounds chauvinistic, what I'm trying to say is that (most) women like to be considered an equal, but treated like a lady.
Crap.....that still doesn't sound right.
I surrender.....just kiss her a$$. :)

10-03-2004, 01:46 AM
I think you did everything right, only you should have thought that last part instead of saying it out loud. :D

Outstanding advice!!!! :thumbs:

Caged Anger
10-03-2004, 02:04 AM
I've learned this 1 thing just from living with mum and 2 sisters, NEVER, EVER!!!!, make wise cracks in the morning...I'm still hurting from the smacks I got on the head...

10-03-2004, 02:23 AM
I've learned this 1 thing just from living with mum and 2 sisters, NEVER, EVER!!!!, make wise cracks in the morning...I'm still hurting from the smacks I got on the head...
Mum? Are you from Europe originally or something?

10-03-2004, 04:30 AM
Women still act all stupid and spazzy and reclusive in their pms rage even after you marry them?

DAAAANG. Whats the point in marrying..... !!??

at least when they are your girlfriend, you can just leave them be, and go about your own business...
Dumping your GF is free, divorce....OMG :eek: If I added up my legal fees, then what it cost me to refinace my house to pay her off........Not to mention what it does to you mentally..

There is no point of marrying these days except religious, or in most cases, proffit :down:

10-03-2004, 04:31 AM
and BIGG, if that's all you had to do to shut her up for a day, that's a BARGAIN!!!! :D

Death Engineer
10-03-2004, 07:04 AM
Dumping your GF is free, divorce....OMG :eek: If I added up my legal fees, then what it cost me to refinace my house to pay her off........Not to mention what it does to you mentally..

There is no point of marrying these days except religious, or in most cases, proffit :down:

Well, lets see....there's the commitment...

10-03-2004, 11:49 AM
you don't need a ring and a piece of paper to show commitment, I didn't have marry my son to prove to him that I'll always love him ;)

Death Engineer
10-03-2004, 03:37 PM
The ring is a symbol. The piece of paper makes it legally official. The vows before God show commitment (or at least they used to).