View Full Version : What is this?!?!?!?!?! (bush/kerry debate releated)

10-03-2004, 09:43 PM
!teh wf? (http://www.dailyrecycler.com/blog/2004/10/winners-never-cheat.html)

teh wf news report. (http://www.drudgereport.com/dnc57.htm)

looks almost like he unfolds a pair of glasses, but kerry doesnt wear any stinking glasses. Of course all the republicans are shouting it was debate notes (against the rules, along with any other tangible things) but im not so sure. Maybe it is a cheat sheet i just dunno.

10-03-2004, 10:01 PM
The republicans are really grasping for threads now after they had the rug pulled out from underneath their unsuspecting legs.

10-03-2004, 10:18 PM
well the first link is just stupid, i mean look at the ad banners and youll know the overall opnion of that site.

Death Engineer
10-03-2004, 11:40 PM
Couldn't it have just been the #2 pencil he allowed to bring in? Funny that they wouldn't just say what it was though.

10-04-2004, 12:02 AM
Mr. Slik is right. All the ads at the first site appear to be anti-Kerry ads. I guess we know who runs the site.

He Is Legend
10-04-2004, 12:10 AM

kerry blows once again

10-04-2004, 01:04 AM
what, you think the democrats would be pointing that out?
are you that thick headed? of course it would be republicans who exploited this. But the fact remains that he was not allowed ot have anything, everything there needed to take notes with was already sitting on the podium.

I hope it wasnt notes, like i said it looks like it was just a pair of glasses. i could of swore it had a sheen to it. maybe a napkin to dry of sweat off that was wrapped in a pin or something.

He Is Legend
10-04-2004, 01:19 AM
what, you think the democrats would be pointing that out?
are you that thick headed? of course it would be republicans who exploited this. But the fact remains that he was not allowed ot have anything, everything there needed to take notes with was already sitting on the podium.

I hope it wasnt notes, like i said it looks like it was just a pair of glasses. i could of swore it had a sheen to it. maybe a napkin to dry of sweat off that was wrapped in a pin or something.

Right on :thumbs:

10-04-2004, 02:14 AM
what, you think the democrats would be pointing that out?
are you that thick headed? of course it would be republicans who exploited this. But the fact remains that he was not allowed ot have anything, everything there needed to take notes with was already sitting on the podium.

I hope it wasnt notes, like i said it looks like it was just a pair of glasses. i could of swore it had a sheen to it. maybe a napkin to dry of sweat off that was wrapped in a pin or something.
I think you are the thick headed one. There was no reason to point it out period. Do you really think that he would be so dumb to whip out a cheat sheet on an event that was broadcasted Globally? Give me a break man. It's nothing more than a feeble attempt to discredit Kerry with more lies. If you can't see that than not only are you thickheaded you are also blind.

Death Engineer
10-04-2004, 03:00 AM
Thickheaded....blind....dumb....we can sit here and call names all day. But I want to know what the heck he pulled out of his suit pocket. :P

10-04-2004, 03:06 AM
Thickheaded....blind....dumb....we can sit here and call names all day. But I want to know what the heck he pulled out of his suit pocket. :P
It was a 9mm to shoot the stupid people in the knee caps.

10-04-2004, 03:22 AM
LOL! Did I ever say it was a cheat-sheet?

I said I honestly don't know, but your now resorting to making things up...putting words in my mouth.

No one knows what the damned thing is and if you noticed, I said I think it was probably a napkin held together by a pin, or a pair of glasses. I said it could be a cheat sheet... because not I, you or anyone else can rule that possibilty out.

To recap!
The rules are. . .
"No props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or other tangible things may be brought into the debate by either candidate...."

You are probably one of those guys who would take Fahrenheit 9/11 word for word as the plain and simple truth, without question (whether facts are taken out of context or not) but discredit this video of John Kerry clearly pulling out a unknown article.. then have the gull to say its a vast right wing conspiracy!

Or you simply don't care about going along with the rules. I'm guessing its the later... because the video slaps you in the face with whatever tangible object it is.

10-04-2004, 03:28 AM
i think i saw bush looking at his hand.... and there appeared to be some smudges there..... :hmmm:

this has got to be the stupidest thread ever.

I guess bush should have used a cheat sheet instead of sounding like a total moron.

10-04-2004, 03:32 AM
i think i saw bush looking at his hand.... and there appeared to be some smudges there..... :hmmm:

this has got to be the stupidest thread ever.

I guess bush should have used a cheat sheet instead of sounding like a total moron.

no regard for the rules
what a rebel :eek: :rolleyes:

10-04-2004, 03:44 AM
I think the republicans should form a special committee to launch an investigation. we definitely need an independent prosecutor.

10-04-2004, 03:45 AM
LOL! Did I ever say it was a cheat-sheet?

I said I honestly don't know, but your now resorting to making things up...putting words in my mouth.

No one knows what the damned thing is and if you noticed, I said I think it was probably a napkin held together by a pin, or a pair of glasses. I said it could be a cheat sheet... because not I, you or anyone else can rule that possibilty out.

To recap!
The rules are. . .
"No props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or other tangible things may be brought into the debate by either candidate...."

You are probably one of those guys who would take Fahrenheit 9/11 word for word as the plain and simple truth, without question (whether facts are taken out of context or not) but discredit this video of John Kerry clearly pulling out a unknown article.. then have the gull to say its a vast right wing conspiracy!

Or you simply don't care about going along with the rules. I'm guessing its the later... because the video slaps you in the face with whatever tangible object it is.
LOL, there were probably 50 total cameras on them from the front and behind for security reasons not just for our viewing pleasure. If for one second that this whole thing was for real, don't you think it would be on every damn screen in this Country by now? As to you trying to even begin to fathom the so called "kind of guy" I am, go pee on an electric fence so you can wake yourself up. I can't wait to pick up my copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 Tuesday on DVD. I have not yet seen the movie but am excited about it.

10-04-2004, 03:49 AM
sorry slice, i have been watching mythbusters, and they have debunked that, you can't pee on an electric fence to get shocked or on a third rail to get killed.... now where were we...

10-04-2004, 03:56 AM
sorry slice, i have been watching mythbusters, and they have debunked that, you can't pee on an electric fence to get shocked or on a third rail to get killed.... now where were we...
Ah but I also saw that episode and you can if you are close enough, remember.

10-04-2004, 04:07 AM
yeah, if you are hung like a horse.... :thumbs:

10-04-2004, 04:11 AM
yeah, if you are hung like a horse.... :thumbs:
Obviously... :P

10-04-2004, 04:40 AM
that leaves you guys to be pretty safe:D

oh, here is somthing strange http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002051443_webbush01.html

He Is Legend
10-04-2004, 04:48 AM


10-04-2004, 04:55 AM

Let's talk about today the here the now. What has Bush done for you in the last 4 years? You probably wouldn't have a clue anyways even if he did do something for you.......

10-04-2004, 05:10 AM
LOL, there were probably 50 total cameras on them from the front and behind for security reasons not just for our viewing pleasure. If for one second that this whole thing was for real, don't you think it would be on every damn screen in this Country by now? As to you trying to even begin to fathom the so called "kind of guy" I am, go pee on an electric fence so you can wake yourself up. I can't wait to pick up my copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 Tuesday on DVD. I have not yet seen the movie but am excited about it.

Do i think it was on every single tv in america?
Hell yes, for christ sakes its a recording of him pulling something out during the debate... so of course it was!
Do i think it would be exploited on every single tv in america? Hell no the media is biased as all hell, Dan Rather anyone?
And what do you mean by "real" exactly? Is that another bit of denial seeping through? It was real! it was recorded! we just dont know what the real thing was! how could it be faked??

And your right, i did have you wrong... your the type of guy that would buy Michael Moores dvd without having even seen it! Because your blinded by your own hate.. Example: "If for one second that this whole thing was for real" ya must be blinded by it cuz its right there in front of ya!! Now lets get this straight before you allude that I am saying its a cheat sheet, unth time... i have no clue, but whatever it was ... was against the rules. Whether you think it is real or not :thumbs:

and as for the fence thing, i could stand 10 feet away and still be close enough when i took a leak... if you know what i mean :o :P

10-04-2004, 05:12 AM
hmmm, how about dl and/or sal letting us know who captainkeyes really is?.... :hmmm:

10-04-2004, 05:13 AM
and as for the fence thing, i could stand 10 feet away and still be close enough when i took a leak... if you know what i mean :o :P

at only 10 feet away I would have to be careful whipping out.... :hmmm:

10-04-2004, 05:17 AM
at only 10 feet away I would have to be careful whipping out.... :hmmm:

10-04-2004, 06:01 AM
who ever he is, he is making a valid point regarding the issue. if it was bush, the story would be all over the news. i think it will be regardless starting today. i truthfully don't care about this stuff because it's small to me. there are rules though and i think that is the problem that is being confronted.

as far as peeing goes, girls pea. i piss!!:thumbs:

10-04-2004, 06:26 AM
Do i think it was on every single tv in america?
Hell yes, for christ sakes its a recording of him pulling something out during the debate... so of course it was!
Do i think it would be exploited on every single tv in america? Hell no the media is biased as all hell, Dan Rather anyone?
And what do you mean by "real" exactly? Is that another bit of denial seeping through? It was real! it was recorded! we just dont know what the real thing was! how could it be faked??

And your right, i did have you wrong... your the type of guy that would buy Michael Moores dvd without having even seen it! Because your blinded by your own hate.. Example: "If for one second that this whole thing was for real" ya must be blinded by it cuz its right there in front of ya!! Now lets get this straight before you allude that I am saying its a cheat sheet, unth time... i have no clue, but whatever it was ... was against the rules. Whether you think it is real or not :thumbs:

and as for the fence thing, i could stand 10 feet away and still be close enough when i took a leak... if you know what i mean :o :P
I can't believe I am wasting my time with this but I will bite. When I say "real" I didn't mean that it didn't take place but more like it is a "real" issue. The fact that it was broadcasted accross all the networks at the time of the debate well of course it was dummy it was the first Presidential debate. There are 2 more to follow in which Kerry will now after mopping the floor with Bush, will continue on and floss his teeth with him. I bet you will be embarassed when you find out that it was a pair of reading glasses. So um cough cough was that against your so called rules? LOL

10-04-2004, 06:32 AM
Why would i be emberassed, i guessed it was a pair of reading glasses ... DUMMY!!!:P
So if anything i would brag.
If this was bush on the other hand, im sure you would be like... "hey look at der bush har har, he so stupid he need notes and he still lost derrr!"
yeah, u know you would... :D

10-04-2004, 06:36 AM
i am avoiding the conflict and suggest other do also. lets stick to the facts and not use oppinions.

i watched it a few times and cannot make it out. i saw it up close and zoomed and it looks like paper. i still can not be sure. now if it was glasses, i don't recall kerry wearing any during the debate. i am sure e will hear about this more this week. i don't think it's right that people say it's just a ploy to distract anything. again, there are rules and until we actually know what it was, we shouldnt comment.

10-04-2004, 06:41 AM
If this was bush on the other hand, im sure you would be like... "hey look at der bush har har, he so stupid he need notes and he still lost derrr!"
yeah, u know you would... :D
No I'm for Kerry, I don't speak Bush's language. If it were Bush do you really think I would go after him for taking something out of his pocket? You mean he didn't lose bad enough that you think I would twist the knife in the wound? Eh maybe you're right I might just say he took out his pocket dictionary so he could keep up. LOL

10-04-2004, 06:50 AM
He didnt exactly lose. And if it wasnt for his incoherent mumbling at certain times he would have stomped kerry to the ground, but alas! he is human... and being a smooth talking prick just aint his forte' :D

Unlike his fellow master debater

10-04-2004, 07:01 AM
He didnt exactly lose. And if it wasnt for his incoherent mumbling at certain times he would have stomped kerry to the ground, but alas! he is human... and being a smooth talking prick just aint his forte' :D

Unlike his fellow master debater
No, he exactly lost the debate. Everyone who votes is also Human but it doesn't mean you should be running the country. Oh and I guess it is too much to ask for him to speak in sentences now huh? I guess I will just try and learn the mumble and grunt language that might be easier.

10-04-2004, 07:20 AM
slice, that's your oppinion. and like you said, there are still 2 more debates. i just wan you to know that al gore was considered the winner of the debates last term. you can look that up. debates can only help kerry but it won't change the minds of many. you still have real world events going on and regardless of what the democratic parts says to make it look like we are failing, we are actualling doing well. i would like to know what the word fail means by these people and when do they get to consider something failed before the job is done? we also have the vice presidential debates coming tommorow which should be better and more entertaining to say the least:thumbs:

10-04-2004, 07:21 AM
i hope they find bin laden before november to seal this thing. that with a proper speech would be the nail in the coffin:thumbs:

10-04-2004, 11:09 AM
I think the republicans should form a special committee to launch an investigation. we definitely need an independent prosecutor.
:D I don't think anything Kerry had with him made it so Bush had to use uhhhh in almost every sentance :rolleyes:

10-04-2004, 12:39 PM
i just wan you to know that al gore was considered the winner of the debates last term.

the actual vote also...