View Full Version : For Morjin: Shopping list for Shura and Ajacos

10-03-2004, 10:36 PM
I really hope I'm not asking too much and that will be not too much trouble for you to get those items:
Since i really give up on arty sice I can't get em (and beside some so called friends who got my account pass when i said i would quit igraine login my toons and stole the naliah book and cloud song book :D way to go! I would never say Daoc was more important than RL friendship :eek: ) I've planned my template with some ml9 drops:
What I need:

Bracer fo Heavenly body
Cyclone Bracer
Bracer of Rain

Let me know when you can get me that items and the total cost for your time and the items Morjin and tnx 1000 in advance for the big loss of time it will be hunt for em :)
I really really hope to have theurgist and minstrell avaible for grp RvR very soon, I've already buy as much items I can, and all the piece of armour i need to spell and Ablative proc.

10-03-2004, 10:46 PM
We should be able to get those for u next week :thumbs: (as I told u earlier today probably on monday ;))