View Full Version : I am sick

10-04-2004, 09:42 PM
Some of us tech freaks spend so much on pc parts yearly but looking at myself, I think I need medication. There are people that go out drinking evry weekend but myself I pretty much stick to my work and hobby. I have friends and family that say I am nuts but to the fact, I guess they could be right. If i took a picture of the side room with all of my pc junk, you would see that I go a little overboard with computers. There isnt a time a friend could come over needing a part and I don't have it. Looking into drawers, I have computer parts everywhere. Don't walk barefoot either because chances are you may step on a screw. I am a freak and pretty much build myself a new system every 3-5 months. Although I hardly ever go for the best of the best, I make sure I have the latest technology. This hobby of mine is expensive but an illness when it comes to spending. Computers, computers, computers.....I tried to wait for the next versions of the socket 939 boards to come out before I bought a new video card but couldnt. I had to buy something now because I was unhappy that I didnt have the newest cards out. Then I saw a sale and said to myself, self (thats what I call me)this looks like a good deal. Ofcourse while I am at it, I was unhappy with memory I had in 1 of my systems and said, again, this looks like a good deal. While I am at this little shopping spree at the worlds largest mall (internet) I see a nice little dv cam for my cousin. Next thing you know I am putting the Bank Card 411 in the form and the question on how you want it shipped arrives. Well due to the illness, I have no choice but to make sure it's here by tommorow. Well there goes 900 bucks but, by tommorow there better be a package at the door awaiting my drooling happy face. Anyway, I thought I would share my choices to hold me over while I wait for the next few months for the Nforce4 to be brought to the market with dual sli pci express cards, sata2 etc. I guess I will just enjoy this for the time being.


Here are the links for the others with my illness.

He Is Legend
10-04-2004, 09:45 PM
I wish I was like you

I wish I could build a godly comp..But I cant :p

Be happy with your illness..my illness is not getting a neck cramp while playing a game

10-04-2004, 09:46 PM
that video card also comes with the game far cry which is ithink 40 bucks. now i dont have to buy that game (just trying to justify this).

10-04-2004, 09:52 PM
I wish I was like you

I wish I could build a godly comp..But I cant :p

Be happy with your illness..my illness is not getting a neck cramp while playing a game
you are still young and not expected to. when i was your age, i built my first computer system. well, i kinda did. it was a commodore 64. i had to buy piece by piece before i was done. the keyboard i think was 300 bucks and was the computer unit. the floppy drive was 250, the monitor was 300. it was alot of money back then and i worked my ass off to get it. those were the good old days when using the program pirates tools or chest or something with the name pirate in it which was able to copy every 5 1/2 floppy. to this day, i love that little computer. all i have now from it is the keyboard part.

10-04-2004, 10:49 PM
those were the good old days when using the program pirates tools or chest or something with the name pirate in it which was able to copy every 5 1/2 floppy.

things have changed? :hmmm: er.... yes, kids, never do this!!

OUTLAWS high ping camper
10-04-2004, 10:59 PM
he's talking about the 5 1/2" floppy, which some of these kids have never seen.....

Hey Big congratulations on your purchases. There is a Fry's in Renton, Washington. I've been told the place is huge, it has a Starbucks and restarant in it.
That looks like a good price on the video card. :thumbs:

10-04-2004, 11:05 PM

10-04-2004, 11:44 PM
I remember that Commodore 64 1541 floppy drive very well, stick a floppy in there and the whole neighborhood could hear it grinding it's butt off.

10-05-2004, 12:27 PM
i know it isnt the fastest but much better than what i have now. i will hold onto it until pci express in tweaked and i have the nforce4 with sli. i will be looking to get dual pci express cars for the one machine. i didnt want to spend 400-500 for a temporary solution.

10-05-2004, 12:40 PM
Let me know how you make out with the 6800 card :D nice price for that!

10-05-2004, 01:12 PM
i just received my e-mail and they back ordered the ram. grrrrrr. me so mad. i called them also to make sure it was all in stock and the guy said yes. i would of ordered the geil ram instead which is also at a great price of 139 i think. i think and hope the video card will be good. i will always give my honest oppinion of anything i buy to make sure others dont get suckered (like my asus board which i cant wait to get rid of).

10-05-2004, 03:58 PM
finally!!!!!!!!!! it's here!!!! i am taken the day off and will work from home today:D.

10-05-2004, 04:46 PM
Well, this is just @#$@@#% great:mad: . something happend with sata drives and mirror and at this time trying to recover data. What a @$#%@$# disaster. I want to cry:bawling: .

10-05-2004, 04:58 PM
raid? yuk...

10-05-2004, 05:54 PM
i am f'd

this si the problem with sata and xp. their is no native support. ughhhhhhhh. i'm disgusted regardless of the new card. i need a beak.:mad:

10-05-2004, 06:10 PM
i think that also depends on the board. some have a virtual emulation layer that allows xp to see them as scsi drives with no software, the others should have a disk for xp to load drivers on install...

10-05-2004, 06:33 PM
doesnt matter. something screwed up. i think it had to do with the software i updated a while ago and never reset my pc. this is my own fault. it's my gaming rig so i will just do a clean install. it kills me to have to install the games again and all of my screenies are lost along with some pretty good demos i recorded. ughhhhh i am so depressed:bawling:

10-05-2004, 06:45 PM
you can send me a laptop if you like...could REALLY use one for school...

10-05-2004, 06:53 PM
Boy do I remember the Commodore 64. LOL

Bigg’s that is why you are so well respected because of what you know and it’s a whole lot better then getting drunk and spending money and waking up with a hang over. At times it’s nice to go out and it doesn’t have to be about drinking but Broadway plays and especially with the family. I use to do a lot of it myself but backed away from it because I got tired of it and now I pretend I really don’t know so no one will ask me questions about there systems etc. lol

Now I get lazy and wait for someone to post or gather the info but when it comes for me to get a system I know what to buy because that is when I do my homework.

You da man Bigg’s and thanks to you many people have been able to fix there problems and more. Thumbs up to you big guy and I am sure GM feels the same way.


10-05-2004, 07:06 PM
well, i have been screwing things up lately. i am looking forward to next friday. i am due and will be taking my wife and daughter for 8 days in cancun. i think i really need this vacation and will be looking to get some tequilla and good cigars.

10-05-2004, 07:27 PM
it's my gaming rig...
well, it could have been much worse... it could have been your porno rig... :devil:

Caged Anger
10-05-2004, 08:49 PM
You call it an illness? I think you're looking at this the wrong way. You could go out and drink, gamble, or other sleazy stuff like that, but instead you spend it on something that's worthwhile. Something you can be proud of. Think about it a little more and realize that it takes talent to know that you should never plug a 6.5 volt ac adapter into a 5.5 volt appliance, and realize this before doing it...hehehe.

Appreciate your hobby and don't worry about the fact you're spending lots of money, your spending it on stuff that lasts. (though only for about 2 weeks b4 its outdated...)

10-05-2004, 11:20 PM
You call it an illness? I think you're looking at this the wrong way. You could go out and drink, gamble, or other sleazy stuff like that, but instead you spend it on something that's worthwhile. Something you can be proud of. Think about it a little more and realize that it takes talent to know that you should never plug a 6.5 volt ac adapter into a 5.5 volt appliance, and realize this before doing it...hehehe.

Appreciate your hobby and don't worry about the fact you're spending lots of money, your spending it on stuff that lasts. (though only for about 2 weeks b4 its outdated...)


Or it can be worse like Jim Porno man now that is a sick man. j/k lol

10-05-2004, 11:22 PM
well, i have been screwing things up lately. i am looking forward to next friday. i am due and will be taking my wife and daughter for 8 days in cancun. i think i really need this vacation and will be looking to get some tequilla and good cigars.


Good for you Bigg's and to the family. . . .

Now when you are out there leave your laptop at home and stay away from a system ok. LOL

10-06-2004, 06:09 AM
no can do sas, i need to bring it with me incase i am called. my wife isnt happy about it but i can not expect clients to wait for me to return incase of a problem.

10-06-2004, 10:16 AM
no can do sas, i need to bring it with me incase i am called. my wife isnt happy about it but i can not expect clients to wait for me to return incase of a problem.Now while I admire your dedication to your clients, I disgree with you.
After being in business for over 12 years now, I have put the things important to my existance in this order, God...family and work.
If you want to have a stress free weekend leave work at home and take the other 2 with you. Clients do understand the importance of time alone with family. They may grumble, but deep down they admire the fact that a man cares more about his family than his clients.

When I go on a trip with family the cell phone that my clients call me on stays at the house and I tell none of them where I am going. Once, before I made this rule a client faxed me at the hotel I was staying at. (I no longer work for this person). It is very important to your sanity (and marriage) to be able to disconnect from work occasionally.

Now go buy a toy that your kid and you can fight over.

10-06-2004, 05:19 PM
i would have to agree with goob...not that i have been in business but i still agree with what he said

10-06-2004, 11:00 PM
i agree but i am afraid clients will not. one problem could prevent the office from working for a complete week.

10-08-2004, 03:09 PM
i agree but i am afraid clients will not. one problem could prevent the office from working for a complete week.

try it out for a while and see if it seems any different...or if they care