View Full Version : SP 2 installed and now, no connection

10-05-2004, 05:03 AM
A friend of mines PC has the SP2 installed and will not connect to the net. It acts like its connecting but the browser comes up "cannot display page". I thought about installing another browser like firefox, but even the Windows media player and Real player will not display anything. I even had the ISP on the phone and they walked me through internet options and Network connections to make sure everything was as it should be. This is the first time I've run into this issue. He has SBC DSL also. Any suggestions???????

10-05-2004, 05:21 AM
try having him tracert to google by ip address... ie:

google.com []

if it succeeds that means he can get ip addresses, but
he has no dns servers. he would need to get them from
his isp, then go to tcpip properties for the network card and specify
a dns server

10-05-2004, 07:53 AM
What about the windows firewall? Do you have that disabled?

This is why I click the X in the corner when it tells me there are updates to install, been doing that for like a month :/

10-05-2004, 12:43 PM
The ISP had me put in the DNS Server IP and some other IP address and I did try google, yahoo, gamemecca, and just about anything else just to reach the net and kept coming up with "cannot display page"!!!!

I'm gunna try and install firefox as a browser and see if that gets me to the net. I'll let ya know whatever I find out!!

10-05-2004, 02:21 PM
ok this is due to sp2 security features i think. best thing to do is start clean with dls.

are you using a router? that is important to know but i have no idea if he is.

dsl is using ppoe which needs to be configured correctly. if going from the pc direct to dls, you must delete all intenet connections. that way you can start new. (this is if you don't have a router)

right click on internet explorer--properties---and follow the picture diagrams i will lay out.

10-05-2004, 02:24 PM
on the next and last screen, you need to insert your username and password whichare case sensitive and is lowercase. make sure you do not have the firewall connection enabled for this connection as you can configure the network card for that.

if you have a router, you must set the router up instead of doing any of this.

to set up your router, you must configure it for ppoe and use the user name and password in the router selection.

10-06-2004, 03:35 AM
Okay, thanks BIGGs, I will get on that first thing in the morning. I took his computer and left a loaner since he has a daughter that has a college course and NEEDS to be online. I installed Netscape and it connected.......for a minute. I was even able to connect with EI but once I rebooted, I lost the connection again, so I just yanked his tower and left my loaner. I'll let you know how it goes. btw, he does not use a router. Thanks again, -Fantum

10-06-2004, 06:11 AM
before anything, make sure it does dont have firewall enabled on the dsl connection. that could cause your problem. try that before doing anything else first.

10-06-2004, 06:52 PM
Sorry BIGG, didn't have time to mess with it today, but I will first thing Thursday. I did have another question. If I remember correctly, when I was setting up my loaner pc for my buddy I noticed something different on one of the setup pages like you have above. It had an extra box, a third box and the bottom box asked if I wanted to enable firewall protection or something of that nature. I deselcted the checkmark and continued on with the setup and all worked out well. Do you think if I remove the internet connections, that box will show up then???

I think this is just about what it looked like.....

10-06-2004, 11:02 PM
all you have to do is uncheck the firewall in that window. :thumbs:

10-06-2004, 11:04 PM
is there a router involved? if not, yes delete internet connection icon before you set this up. this will be your default internet connection.

10-07-2004, 08:48 PM
Okay, hope your ready for this. After spending about an hour on the phone talking to tech support at SBC, he passed me on to a "second tier" tech and the guy figured it out in about two minutes. What really made me happy was that the second guy had an accent I could understand. Not that the first guy was doing a bad job, his accent was very difficult and complicated things a bit.

Anyway, all it was, are ya ready, it was a socket! I got the patch online, ran it and it fixed the problem in about one minute. I just learned something new today, but it cost me about 12 hours work!!!

Thanks for all your help guys, and btw, no router was in use on his system.