View Full Version : Vice President Debate

10-06-2004, 03:35 AM
Well we can begin a new thread with the Vice president debate.

You may all begin now, so post your views in how will they handle themselves.


10-06-2004, 03:42 AM
I will say this short ok between Cheney, Edwards Debate
it was the best I have seen in a long time between two Vice President

10-06-2004, 03:42 AM
cheney did a great job and stumbled edwards. the guy had to take extra time to try to pursuade the ignorant because he couldnt get his message acrossed the first time.

if anyone watches it again, you will see that edwards didnt even answer the questions that were asked. pretty pothetic but typical of the kery/edwards campaign. when asked, they do nothing but have to put down the current administration with out telling the america any facts and what and how the intend to do anything. what a joke.

10-06-2004, 03:45 AM
All i can say is wow, cheney outdid both the president, nominee and vp nominee.

10-06-2004, 03:56 AM
Troops in Iraq when asked Cheney did evaded the question when ask that over 80% of casualties were Americans but not in so many ways if you listen carefully but Edwards response was much clearer. I think that was wise of Cheney to not so much elude the question when asked but was short to the point. Over all Edwards I believe was aggressive toward Cheney but Cheney did responded as a professional but remember he has been around for a lone time and Edwards considering the experience he has did very well and I must say I was impress by his response but there was one point about the Health care and Tax which Cheney spoke that put Edwards in his place when he only was there to vote on the healthcare and Tax I believe he mention out of 38 votes where senators are to be present he only showed up maybe I believe four times in these issues. These two candidates especially Edwards were playing hardball but as you all know Cheney can also play hardball too and handle himself very well. Over all I thought the two candidates were pretty sharp and in fact better then the president debate.

10-06-2004, 04:41 AM
I think both made some good points. I think that anyone will be hard pressed to say that one beat the other. It was extremely close. I did find it to be much better than the first Presidential debate, although I am really looking foward to Friday's debate. I really liked Edwards closing though, it was a focus on other issues besides the war on terrorism, I am tired of this whole scare tactic crap that the current administration continues to push down our throats.

10-06-2004, 11:36 AM
Unfortunately, I didn't get to watch the whole thing and I'll have to read the transcripts and find some video on the net, but from what I saw, Edwards was dissapointing. I thought Cheney made some smart moves by refusing to comment on some of what Edwards said, by refusing his allotted time, to me looked like he dismissed Edwards remarks as rubbish.

I'm sure Cheney has more influence in running the country than any other vice president in the last 32 years.

Like it was said 4 years ago. " yes George, you won the election, Dicks the President" :eek:

10-06-2004, 01:00 PM
I think both made some good points. I think that anyone will be hard pressed to say that one beat the other. It was extremely close. I did find it to be much better than the first Presidential debate, although I am really looking foward to Friday's debate. I really liked Edwards closing though, it was a focus on other issues besides the war on terrorism, I am tired of this whole scare tactic crap that the current administration continues to push down our throats.

Yes so true Slice and it was a much better debate.

10-06-2004, 01:01 PM
Like it was said 4 years ago. " yes George, you won the election, Dicks the President" :eek:


10-06-2004, 01:10 PM
The Presidential debate is spreading all the subjects ove 3 debates, where there is only 1 VP debate that they had to cram all the topics into.

After reading the transcripts, it was close, both made strong points, but Edwards bringing up Cheney's daughter as a example was poor, even though Cheney received it well. Same with Edwards saying Kerry 3 times when he wasn't supposed too :rolleyes:

Definately age and wisdom vs youth and enthusiasm

10-06-2004, 03:59 PM
I think both made some good points. I think that anyone will be hard pressed to say that one beat the other. It was extremely close. I did find it to be much better than the first Presidential debate, although I am really looking foward to Friday's debate. I really liked Edwards closing though, it was a focus on other issues besides the war on terrorism, I am tired of this whole scare tactic crap that the current administration continues to push down our throats.

;) :wave:
jus playin.... :thumbs:

10-06-2004, 05:11 PM
Dick Cheney was totally owning the debate at the part i watched

10-06-2004, 05:45 PM
I too agree that it was very close. Edwards did much better than I expected him to, but sheesh, Cheney is so darn gruff... I know he is supposed to be, but he's kinda like a mean ol' grandpa that scares the grandkids... :)

10-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Edwards bringing up Cheney's daughter as a example was poor, even though Cheney received it well.

Actually you need to watch it because it was done in very good taste as he thought that Cheney was going to speak about it.

10-06-2004, 10:50 PM
i thought it was in good taste and not insulting toward cheney. i actually respected edwards for his comments. that was a tough subject because everyone knows that he does not agree but has to agree with the administration. i don't agree with bush on it also and find him to be foolish to try to push it. gay people deserve to be tegether with rights as much as straight people. if anyone tells me that marriage is sacred i will ask them to explain the 75% divorce rate with something so sacred.

10-06-2004, 11:50 PM
Sacred are the 25% that make it.

10-08-2004, 12:16 AM
I saw the whole debate and I was really impressed with both Vice-president Cheney and Senator Edwards. Cheney did a better job at answering questions than I expected, and Edwards, for a first-timer, really did a good job as well. Even the polls are saying that they both did well. Really looking forward to the presidential debate tomorrow and see what happens there.

10-08-2004, 04:31 AM
Well i Expect george is gonna pull a Ronald reagan (who bombed his first debate beyond belief) and turn this thing all around.

10-08-2004, 05:02 AM
this is an extremely democratical sound file. its only like a minute. Ohio representative talking. those of you reaching the age of 18 like myself should really listen to this.

10-08-2004, 11:03 AM
zell, extreme is a good word as you used for that guy. now do your own research to see actually what he said and match it up with results. everybody knew that there were no wmd which saddam has had in the past but regardless not why we are in iraq. there have been over a million jobs created but do yourself a favor and count how many jobs were lost from 9/11. do yourself a favor and look at the health car plan clinton wants to, i mean kerry wants to pass. why don't you look up who said there was going to be a draft and who actually reccomended the draft. while you are at it, give a look to see who is with us in iraq. funny how everything they claim is related to the war when a typical democrat has nothing honest to say regarding the real issues and problems that were here in america before bush. if you want to discuss lied made, why not look up what clinton said he was going to do regarding health care and new jobs. why don't you look at the economy now and when bill clinton was president. why dont you research the job percentages from the last president to bush. before you decide one is better than the other and suggest to others that bush had done all these things wrong and lied, i suggest at least no some facts as to whats going on. you probably will not understand what will happend if kerry becomes president and if he does, you are the people that will deserve it.

10-08-2004, 11:12 AM
also that guy is amking a political statement with his statements. he talks about lies but he is the one making false statements. i will give you an example; same president who said things in iraq are going great--bush has never said things were going great but has said things were going well which they are. you want to be in this subject so atleast know about it before you post links to some meaningless crap. why not put and audio clip of the democats who said kerr is wrong for this country and wrong for this war? you believe what you want and the rest of you can also. i will judge by true facts something many of you at gm can not seem to do or present them in a debate.

10-08-2004, 12:44 PM
zell, extreme is a good word as you used for that guy. now do your own research to see actually what he said and match it up with results. everybody knew that there were no wmd which saddam has had in the past but regardless not why we are in iraq. there have been over a million jobs created but do yourself a favor and count how many jobs were lost from 9/11. do yourself a favor and look at the health car plan clinton wants to, i mean kerry wants to pass. why don't you look up who said there was going to be a draft and who actually reccomended the draft. while you are at it, give a look to see who is with us in iraq. funny how everything they claim is related to the war when a typical democrat has nothing honest to say regarding the real issues and problems that were here in america before bush. if you want to discuss lied made, why not look up what clinton said he was going to do regarding health care and new jobs. why don't you look at the economy now and when bill clinton was president. why dont you research the job percentages from the last president to bush. before you decide one is better than the other and suggest to others that bush had done all these things wrong and lied, i suggest at least no some facts as to whats going on. you probably will not understand what will happend if kerry becomes president and if he does, you are the people that will deserve it.

Is Clinton running? :rolleyes: Let it go. Bush is running and it's his poor track record that's under fire. It's OK to blame Clinton??? But not Bush? What, he's got a 3 year curve? So if Kerry gets elected and for 3 years he lies and the country goes down hill and he'll be excused?

I doubt it.

10-08-2004, 01:04 PM
Is Clinton running? :rolleyes: Let it go. Bush is running and it's his poor track record that's under fire. It's OK to blame Clinton??? But not Bush? What, he's got a 3 year curve? So if Kerry gets elected and for 3 years he lies and the country goes down hill and he'll be excused?

I doubt it.
my point is why havent you people complained about this during the clinton era. my point is you act as if bush caused these problems. my point is people here at gm post what they here on tv instead of knowing the actual facts. take jobs for example... does anyone here who blame bush for the lost of jobs know how many jobs were lost due to clinton or better since he is not president now, how many jobs were lost during the past administration? my poin is that people blame the president for problems america has faced for decades. we are at war and americans are being manipulated by the democrats who i feel along with thir supporters are the ones getting our soldiers killed. the democrats have done nothing to support this country the past 4 years and that's a fact. the democrats put the idea in the terrorists heads that america will look bad and that the bombings are working in the public eyes of americans. they think we will leave if they continue it because of the split in america. i would like to know what war has tere been that no americans have been killed. if anyone know the statistics, we actually are doing very well considering the casualties considereing where we are. the talk of the democrats make this country weak and supports the terrorists in their actions to continue. people are dumb enough to believe that more and more deaths have occurred because of failure but thats wrong. they are happening becase they want kerry to win because he is a coward and will slow the war down trying to get allies like france who is an enemy of america due to there new administration. i bet 95 % of the people who enter this topic has no idea what they french have done to america the past decade. no thats information that is ignored or not paid attention to. bush is the man for this and although i do not like all of his policies, i would say that being safe is the number 1 priority because whats the point of having a great job, great health insurance and clean air if a terrorist attack can kill americans any day and worst a nuclear suit case going off in your major city. i will choose priority first and then work on the others.

i know this is waste of time here because people feel they have the right to discuss this and not really bring anything to the table but from a cut and paste from something they read off sites like moveon.org. still to this day here at gm, no kerry supporter has been able to bring anything to a thread with researched documentation or something that is true. i feel they think because they post the same comments as a democrat they think they are rifght. kind of funny that people are so fast to call bush an idiot or a liar without looking at the other candidate. i find it laughable that people can get into these kind of discussions and not know anything about the truth or whats going on. if i had my way, people would have to take a tst before they can vote.

vote for john kerry and you vote for the terrorists:thumbs: