View Full Version : US Flu Vaccine Supply Cut in 1/2

10-06-2004, 06:18 PM
MSNBC Link (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6183476/)

If you are a healthy individual, you are asked to refrain from getting the vaccine so that those who are more at risk can get theirs before the supply is exhausted...

10-06-2004, 08:46 PM
Thx Thundarr :thumbs:

Looks like just another fiine example of how well the Govt protects its citizens on the home front !! Didnt realize that 36,000 pps die each year from flu complications! :eek: Looks like it may well top that this flus season!! :(

And there are just 2 manufactures of the injectable vaccine, one or both which are outsourced!! :mad:

10-06-2004, 09:09 PM
Thx Thundarr :thumbs:

Looks like just another fiine example of how well the Govt protects its citizens on the home front !! Didnt realize that 36,000 pps die each year from flu complications! :eek: Looks like it may well top that this flus season!! :(

And there are just 2 manufactures of the injectable vaccine, one or both which are outsourced!! :mad:

I never knew that either until today, scary stuff!! :(

10-06-2004, 10:04 PM
I never get the flu shot and never get the flu. I am scared to death of taking a flu shot because my great grandfather was perfectly healthy and decided to get a flu shot one year, got sick from the shot instead, and died a few months later as a result of it.

10-06-2004, 10:47 PM
damn slice, that's a rough story and i am sorry to hear that. i also do not get the flu shot. i never felt safe not knowing what they were actually injecting into me. anyway, i got the flu last year but i still will not get the shot.

10-07-2004, 01:17 AM
Never got the flu shot, never will.

I just hate needles.

10-07-2004, 01:30 AM
damn slice, that's a rough story and i am sorry to hear that. i also do not get the flu shot. i never felt safe not knowing what they were actually injecting into me. anyway, i got the flu last year but i still will not get the shot.
Yeah it's pretty scary. I never knew my great grandfather so it wasn't as much as a blow to me as a kid when I found out, but my Dad basically told me to stay away from them. If you are healthy there really is no need to take the chance and get one. If you are prone to colds and get sick a lot then you might consider it, but just remember that there is still a chance that it counter acts with your immune system and can make you sick instead. Even though it is a very small percentage, I will never risk it as it could be genetically related in some way.