View Full Version : Tribes Venreance Demo Info

10-07-2004, 02:30 AM
There are a handful of people downloading / Testing and playing The new tribes Vengeance MP demo. I put this tread together to try and help those playing or wanting to try it. So please only post info about the game you figured out or any tips you may have.
Thanks Frag

Downward Spiral <> Tribes V Server (server up 24/7)

Get the MP-Demo here

http://sierra.com/file_list.do?gamePlatformId=412 (http://sierra.com/file_list.do?gamePlatformId=412)

Official Tribes Vengeance web-site

http://www.tribesvengeance.com/us/ (http://www.tribesvengeance.com/us/)

Tribes V game types and info:

Multiplayer Mode
The original Starsiege: Tribes (1998) is recognized as one of the most important multiplayer games of all time . Tribes®: Vengeance , the third iteration of the Tribes® series, stands firmly on the shoulders of the preceding games. Thank you to the many thousands of forum members, testers and modders (some of whom we recruited for the dev team) who have helped make the Tribes® series the standard-bearer of online-play

Tribes®: Vengeance comes with 5 default game types. In each game type, you need to apply your warrior skills to help your team achieve an objective.

• Arena

Arena is basic team combat elimination with multiple rounds. Once you die in Arena, you have to wait until the round is over before you respawn. The team with the most wins is the overall winner.

• Ball
One of the new sports modes in Tribes®: Vengeance. Grab the ball and score it in the opponent’s goal.

• Fuel
Fill a fuel depot at your base by collecting fuel cells on the map. You can carry and deliver 15 fuel cells at a time. Whenever a player dies, their fuel depot loses one fuel cell.

• Rabbit
A long-standing Tribes® favorite, it’s essentially a game of flag keep-away.

• Capture the Flag
The most popular of all the TribalWar game types. Steal the enemy flag and bring it back to your flag to score a point. Your flag must be at its flag stand in order to score, so keep the enemy team from stealing your flag.

System Requirements

ATI® Radeon™ or equivalent DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 32 MB 3D
video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support
Microsoft® Windows® 98/2000/XP operating system
1.0 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD® Athlon™ processor or equivalent
256 MB RAM
5 GB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files
DirectX® 9.0c (included)
DirectX®-compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
4X CD-ROM drive
Microsoft® compatible mouse and keyboard
Minimum 56K dial-up modem for online play


Windows® XP
ATI® Radeon™ 9600 or equivalent DirectX® 9.0c-compliant 128 MB
3D video card with hardware T&L and pixel shader support
2.5 GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD® Athlon™ or faster processor

512 MB RAM or more

24X or faster CD-ROM drive

Broadband/LAN, DSL or faster Internet connection for online play

The Reign of Chaos Has Begun
The ultimate high-flying, multiplayer battle experience returns with deadly new weapons, faster and more versatile flight, in-depth strategic team action and the first-ever Tribes® single-player campaign. On a relentless quest for revenge, the warrior princess Julia must unravel a bloody mystery that threatens to destroy the Empire. Through the eyes of six different characters on multiple timelines, this exciting and new single-player campaign immerses you in all the violent history at the heart of the Tribes® universe.

Game Overview:
Soar into Battle

Jetpack, ski and pilot your way through the most savage battles on land and in the air Compelling Single-Player Campaign
Experience an all-new single-player campaign spanning two generations of treachery, vengeance and war within the Imperial family.

Extreme Multiplayer Action
Engage in extreme multiplayer combat for up to 32 players, featuring challenging new battle games and team strategies.

All-New Weapons and Vehicles
Blast your way through the opposition with devastating new weapons like the Rocket Pod and Grappler and powerful new vehicles like the all-terrain Rover and Assault Ship.

Vast Customization Options
Customize your Tribes®: Vengeance warrior with multiple armor, weapon and equipment selections throughout the game.

Each armor type offers different levels of protection, mobility, and available load-outs. Choose from default load-outs or create your own to suit your playing style and role. Players may jump into a new armor mid-match at any inventory station.

Kinetic™ Light Armor
Offering high-mobility but light protection, this armor is worn by deadly snipers, fast moving flag-cappers and any player who demands serious velocity.

Natural™ Medium Armor
With its great balance between protection and mobility, wide range of available weapons and packs, and the ability to pilot all vehicles, Medium armors are the most common amongst both offensive and defensive players.

Colosus™ Heavy Armor
Heavy armors can take a beating -- making them perfect for base defense. Their durability makes them well suited for offense as well. Nothing inspires fear like an incoming Heavy raining mortars on the defending base.

Vehicles perform important roles in Tribes Rover

The fast-moving Rover serves both as an inventory station and a spawn point, making it the perfect means to establish a forward position. Use the mounted chain gun turret to protect against incoming marauders.

Jump Tank
The Tank is a formidable weapon. Its powerful cannon can lay waste to base defenses while defenders are squashed beneath its powerful treads. Jets allow it to traverse obstacles with ease.

Fighter Pod
The Fighter Pod is a one-man airborne artillery platform capable of maintaining a stationary position and reigning down death from above!

Assault Ship

This powerful gunship carries one pilot/bombardier and two passenger/gunners making it deadly against Armors, base defenses, and other aircraft


The packs in Vengeance are a little different to what you may be used to in the past Tribes games. The first noticable difference is that they do not use your armour's jetpack energy to function - instead they have their own seperate power supply which is extinguished at a different rate.

The second difference is that all packs have two seperate functions - a passive and active mode. Passive basically refers to when the pack is sitting idle and you're going about your business (similarly to how the energy pack used to work). Active means when you are physically prompting your pack for use (in a similar fashion to how the shield pack used to work).

The third unofficial difference is that the four packs have now been carefully designed so that none of them dominate over the rest. For example, whilst the majority of people in the past games would choose the energy pack, now the others are just as enticing.

Energy Pack

Whilst in passive mode, the energy pack lowers the total amount of time that it takes for your jetpack to fully recharge by one second. Whilst this is not a hugely noticable improvement, it does give you a little bit of an edge whilst in jetpack-orientated combat.

The energy pack's active mode, however, is far more juicy. Upon being activated, the pack will dump all of its energy into your jetpack and overload it. This will result in you being given a sharp surge of speed in whatever direction you're travelling, which can make a huge difference when evading discs, going for the flag, etc. Needless to say, this function will highly influence the tribal battlefield.

Shield Pack

When activated, the shield pack will give you a luxurious 5 seconds of protection, allowing you to only take a very small amount of damage from an attacker. In passive mode, it protects you by about a third as efficiently, although some protection is still offered. This pack is potentially a lot more flexible than in the previous games due to it not having to rely on your armour's energy supply any more in order to protect you.

Repair Pack

Unlike the previous games, this pack no longer contains a handy tool for repairing whatever you desire. Instead, when activated, it emits a cloud of healing goodness around your person which then spread to a sizable area around you - repairing anything it touches by a considerable amount. This process can then be repeated as soon as its short recharge time expires until everything in the area is fully repaired. It's passive function is much more simple - it slowly regenerates your health whilst you go about your business.

Speed Pack

What may quite potentially become the dominant pack in Vengeance, the speed pack whilst passive improves your footspeed by a very noticable amount, giving you the edge whilst not using your jetpack. This will no doubt become the most useful during indoor situations, where there isn't as much room to jet around. Its active function, however, is far more impressive - when activated it will increase the rate of fire for all weapons you're carrying for 5 seconds. This means that you will be able to unleash a whopping 5 discs towards your target in this duration, for example. Frightening.

I will add content as I can and keep this tread updated
Hope this is helpful


10-10-2004, 09:50 AM
Released 10/08/2004 170 mg
