View Full Version : ISG Report (Iraq Survey Group)

10-07-2004, 05:13 PM

"I've barely had time to dip into the Iraq Survey Group's report, but it's apparent that the report is a treasure trove of information. No one could read even a small portion of the report and conclude that "Iraq had no WMDs" is a fair summary of its contents. Here are just a few tidbits I noted:

Senior military officers and former Regime officials were uncertain about the existence of WMD during the sanctions period and the lead up to Operation Iraqi Freedom because Saddam sent mixed messages. Early on, Saddam sought to foster the impression with his generals that Iraq could resist a Coalition ground attack using WMD. Then, in a series of meetings in late 2002, Saddam appears to have reversed course and advised various groups of senior officers and officials that Iraq in fact did not have WMD. His admissions persuaded top commanders that they really would have to fight the United States without recourse to WMD. In March 2003, Saddam created further confusion when he implied to his ministers and senior officers that he had some kind of secret weapon.

No wonder it was hard for our intelligence agencies, and other countries', to get accurate information about Iraq's weapons. Even Iraq's own military commanders didn't know whether the WMDs existed or not.

A major theme of the ISG report is Saddam's continuing determination to acquire WMDs. This passage is typical:

Saddam asked in 1999 how long it would take to build a production line for CW [chemical weapons] agents, accordingto the former Minister of Military Industrialization. Huwaysh investigated and responded that experts could readily prepare a production line for mustard, which could be produced within six months. VX and Sarin production was more complicated and would take longer. Huwaysh relayed this answer to Saddam, who never requested follow-up information. An Iraqi CW expert separately estimated Iraq would require only a few days to start producing mustard—if it was prepared to sacrifice the production equipment.

Imad Husayn ‘Ali Al ‘Ani, closely tied to Iraq’s VX program, alleged that Saddam had been looking for chemical weapons scientists in 2000 to begin production in a second location, according to reporting.

If Saddam could produce mustard gas within a few days, or at most a few months, then the existence or non-existence of stockpiles is a moot point.

This item is tantalizing:

[D]uring the mid-to-late 1990s Saddam issued a presidential decree directing the IIS [Iraqi Intelligence Service] to recruit UNSCOM inspectors, especially American inspectors. To entice their cooperation, the IIS was to offer the inspectors preferential treatment for future business dealings with Iraq, once they completed their duties with the United Nations. Tariq ‘Aziz and an Iraqi-American were specifically tasked by the IIS to focus on a particular American inspector.

I can't see that the report ever says whether the Iraqis were successful in bribing the American weapons inspector. The obvious candidate, of course, is Scott Ritter. We do know that Saddam succeeded in penetrating the U.N.'s inspection teams, so that he had advance knowledge of the inspectors' intentions:

IIS personnel were directed to contact facilities and personnel in advance of UNMOVIC site inspections, according to foreign government information. Former Regime officials state that the IIS developed penetrations within the UN and basic surveillance in country to learn future inspection plans.

Keep that in mind next time someone tells you the inspections were working."

10-07-2004, 05:51 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iraq (news - web sites) had no stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons and its nuclear program had decayed before last year's U.S.-led invasion, the chief U.S. weapons inspector said on Wednesday, in findings contrary to prewar assertions of the Bush administration.

President Bush (news - web sites) had cited a growing threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as one of the main reasons for overthrowing Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites). Despite the new findings and a growing Iraqi insurgency, Bush told a campaign rally on Wednesday the war was justified.

"I still do not expect that militarily significant WMD stocks are cached in Iraq," Charles Duelfer, the CIA (news - web sites) special adviser who led the hunt for unconventional weapons, said in testimony to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee (news - web sites).

He said Iraq's nuclear weapons program had deteriorated since the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites), after which U.N. weapons inspectors were in Iraq, but Saddam did not abandon nuclear ambitions.

"The analysis shows that despite Saddam's expressed desire to retain the knowledge of his nuclear team, and his attempts to retain some key parts of the program, during the course of the following 12 years (after 1991) Iraq's ability to produce a weapon decayed," Duelfer said.

Some chemical weapons were uncovered in postwar Iraq but they all predated the 1991 Gulf War, Duelfer said. His report said Iraq had destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile in 1991 and there was no evidence that it resumed production.

Iraq also appears to have destroyed its stocks of biological weapons in 1991 and 1992, but if it decided to restart that program it could have produced mustard agent in months and nerve agent in less than a year, Duelfer said.

Iraq's arms capability has been a prominent campaign issue for the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election, with Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites) saying Bush rushed to war without allowing U.N. inspections enough time to investigate Iraq's armaments.

Duelfer's report "is a very significant commentary on the mistaken case for war presented by this administration," Mike McCurry, a senior Kerry adviser, told reporters in Colorado.

Bush said in a speech in Pennsylvania that the concern was that terrorists would get banned weapons from Saddam.

"There was a risk, a real risk, that Saddam Hussein would pass weapons or materials or information to terrorist networks," Bush said. "In the world after September the 11th, that was a risk we could not afford to take," he said.

A persistent insurgency in postwar Iraq has targeted U.S.-led forces, foreign workers, and Iraqi civilians involved in forming a new government, with bombings and kidnappings. More than 1,000 U.S. soldiers have died since the invasion.


Duelfer said that since he last briefed the U.S. Congress in March, a risk had emerged that chemical weapons experts from Saddam's former regime could have linked up with insurgents fighting the U.S.-led forces in Iraq.

"I believe we got ahead of this problem through a series of raids throughout the spring and summer," he said.

On what has been a contentious issue, Duelfer's report said there was no evidence that Iraq sought uranium from abroad after 1991.

Bush in his State of the Union speech before the war had said Iraq had been seeking to buy uranium from Africa. It was later discovered that the claim was based partly on fake documents.


The Duelfer report said Saddam ended Iraq's nuclear program after the Gulf war, and there was no evidence of concerted efforts to restart it.

White House national security adviser Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) had evoked in 2002 a potential nuclear threat when she said: "We don't want 'the smoking gun' to be a mushroom cloud."

A shipment of aluminum tubes seized in 2001 had been cited by U.S. officials as key evidence that Iraq was reconstituting its nuclear program. However, Duelfer said, "those tubes were most likely destined for a rocket program."

The WMD hunt uncovered labs run by Iraqi intelligence that showed production of small amounts of poisons, including ricin -- but for use in assassinations, not military weapons.

The Duelfer report, which includes assessments based on FBI (news - web sites) interrogations of Saddam, said the former Iraqi leader intended to rebuild his weapons capabilities once U.N. sanctions were lifted. (Additional reporting by Greg Frost in Colorado)

I guess it depends on what you read. This whole issue is a mess, anything anybody says can be contradicted.

Vote Green Party and get the scumbags from both sides out!

10-07-2004, 06:42 PM
cut and paste wars!

10-07-2004, 07:10 PM
cut and paste wars!


And the reason I posted this, was to point out that even the republican guard commanders/generals werent sure if Saddam had them or not. Hell, it even seems he wasnt sure... and I qoute

"Early on, Saddam sought to foster the impression with his generals that Iraq could resist a Coalition ground attack using WMD. Then, in a series of meetings in late 2002, Saddam appears to have reversed course and advised various groups of senior officers and officials that Iraq in fact did not have WMD. His admissions persuaded top commanders that they really would have to fight the United States without recourse to WMD. In March 2003, Saddam created further confusion when he implied to his ministers and senior officers that he had some kind of secret weapon."

he's completely insane.

10-08-2004, 02:19 AM
So what your saying is there were no weapons of mass distruction right? :D

10-08-2004, 02:42 AM

"I've barely had time to dip into the Iraq Survey Group's report, but it's apparent that the report is a treasure trove of information. No one could read even a small portion of the report and conclude that "Iraq had no WMDs" is a fair summary of its contents. Here are just a few tidbits I noted:

Senior military officers and former Regime officials were uncertain about the existence of WMD during the sanctions period and the lead up to Operation Iraqi Freedom because Saddam sent mixed messages. Early on, Saddam sought to foster the impression with his generals that Iraq could resist a Coalition ground attack using WMD. Then, in a series of meetings in late 2002, Saddam appears to have reversed course and advised various groups of senior officers and officials that Iraq in fact did not have WMD. His admissions persuaded top commanders that they really would have to fight the United States without recourse to WMD. In March 2003, Saddam created further confusion when he implied to his ministers and senior officers that he had some kind of secret weapon.

No wonder it was hard for our intelligence agencies, and other countries', to get accurate information about Iraq's weapons. Even Iraq's own military commanders didn't know whether the WMDs existed or not.

A major theme of the ISG report is Saddam's continuing determination to acquire WMDs. This passage is typical:

Saddam asked in 1999 how long it would take to build a production line for CW [chemical weapons] agents, accordingto the former Minister of Military Industrialization. Huwaysh investigated and responded that experts could readily prepare a production line for mustard, which could be produced within six months. VX and Sarin production was more complicated and would take longer. Huwaysh relayed this answer to Saddam, who never requested follow-up information. An Iraqi CW expert separately estimated Iraq would require only a few days to start producing mustard—if it was prepared to sacrifice the production equipment.

Imad Husayn ‘Ali Al ‘Ani, closely tied to Iraq’s VX program, alleged that Saddam had been looking for chemical weapons scientists in 2000 to begin production in a second location, according to reporting.

If Saddam could produce mustard gas within a few days, or at most a few months, then the existence or non-existence of stockpiles is a moot point.

This item is tantalizing:

[D]uring the mid-to-late 1990s Saddam issued a presidential decree directing the IIS [Iraqi Intelligence Service] to recruit UNSCOM inspectors, especially American inspectors. To entice their cooperation, the IIS was to offer the inspectors preferential treatment for future business dealings with Iraq, once they completed their duties with the United Nations. Tariq ‘Aziz and an Iraqi-American were specifically tasked by the IIS to focus on a particular American inspector.

I can't see that the report ever says whether the Iraqis were successful in bribing the American weapons inspector. The obvious candidate, of course, is Scott Ritter. We do know that Saddam succeeded in penetrating the U.N.'s inspection teams, so that he had advance knowledge of the inspectors' intentions:

IIS personnel were directed to contact facilities and personnel in advance of UNMOVIC site inspections, according to foreign government information. Former Regime officials state that the IIS developed penetrations within the UN and basic surveillance in country to learn future inspection plans.

Keep that in mind next time someone tells you the inspections were working."
LOL, that site is a joke. Stick to mainstream sites if you wan't to post factual information and retain any respect. Also it would help if you actually watched TV and actually heard and saw what he had to say. As the Myth Busters would say, BUSTED.

10-08-2004, 04:29 AM
LOL, that site is a joke. Stick to mainstream sites if you wan't to post factual information and retain any respect. Also it would help if you actually watched TV and actually heard and saw what he had to say. As the Myth Busters would say, BUSTED.
You know Powerline blog, is one of the main resources that helped bust dan rather... the main stream media source your asking me to trust..
your nutty as hell if you think id trust a mainstream media source.

And where have you descredited ANYTHING in your post?
oh yeah no-where!
joke busted. :thumbs:

10-08-2004, 04:43 AM
i would like to know what mainstream site you suggest. i will visit it and check it out to see if i am missing something.:thumbs:

10-09-2004, 12:44 AM
You know Powerline blog, is one of the main resources that helped bust dan rather... the main stream media source your asking me to trust..
your nutty as hell if you think id trust a mainstream media source.

And where have you descredited ANYTHING in your post?
oh yeah no-where!
joke busted. :thumbs:
I did not bother to read that crap because I saw this add. That was discrediting enough. So your point was....

10-09-2004, 12:54 AM
That your absoloutly pathetic
Go watch your michael moore movie.

10-09-2004, 01:43 AM
That your absoloutly pathetic
Go watch your michael moore movie.
Ha ha ha, you see the future president of the United States winning his second debate. Nice to know you have chosen name calling now to defend your statements.

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 01:48 AM
there's no oone online right now, does everyone have their eyes glued to that debate right now? :confused:

10-09-2004, 02:13 AM
there's no oone online right now, does everyone have their eyes glued to that debate right now? :confused:
Oh and by the way our president thinks that Canada could be third world according to his statement tonight in this debate. I really want this idiot out of office.

10-09-2004, 02:20 AM
Oh and by the way our president thinks that Canada could be third world according to his statement tonight in this debate. I really want this idiot out of office.

what did he say????

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 02:20 AM
Oh and by the way our president thinks that Canada could be third world according to his statement tonight in this debate. I really want this idiot out of office.

lol, canada, third world? has he checked our economy lately? our dollar's gone up like 10 cents in the past YEAR. and any what exactly did he say about canada anyways? i'm quite curious... t'is hard to imagine a contry with a constitution like our being classified like such

10-09-2004, 02:22 AM
lol, canada, third world? has he checked our economy lately? our dollar's gone up like 10 cents in the past YEAR. and any what exactly did he say about canada anyways? i'm quite curious... t'is hard to imagine a contry with a constitution like our being classified like such
hehe ditto.

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 02:24 AM
hehe ditto.

and the american dollar just keeps going down due to extrenuating circumstances... we're predicted to hit 85 cents by next year some time :D

10-09-2004, 02:26 AM
and the american dollar just keeps going down due to extrenuating circumstances...
oh yes.... totally no correlation between the decreasing U.S. dollar and the war and/or the president currently holding office.

not at all right?

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 02:28 AM
oh yes.... totally no correlation between the decreasing U.S. dollar and the war and/or the president currently holding office.

not at all right?

well i can't say it's all that, the hurricanes have put a major strain on resources, that's another BIG factor, but only for this year.
on a side note, watch the USA declare us a third world nation, unable to defend ourselves, and declare a millitary rule over us, lol, the possibilities are endless for America Junior :D

10-09-2004, 02:50 AM
Lol, our president is so dumb he forgot he had partial membership of a lumber company.

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 02:53 AM
Lol, our president is so dumb he forgot he had partial membership of a lumber company.

conflict of interest *cough*

so that's why American softwood lumber tarriffs wre raised and put hundreds of canadian's out of work in BC...

10-09-2004, 03:26 AM
conflict of interest *cough*

so that's why American softwood lumber tarriffs wre raised and put hundreds of canadian's out of work in BC...
You might be right, but it wasn't in your favor, get it now? FACT, President George W Bush filed his taxes being partial owner in a lumber company in 2003.

But, on to more interesting things and I take this directly from the President's mouth...

BUSH: I haven't yet. Just want to make sure they're safe. When a drug comes in from Canada, I want to make sure it cures you and doesn't kill you.

And that's why the FDA and that's why the surgeon general are looking very carefully to make sure it can be done in a safe way. I've got an obligation to make sure our government does everything we can to protect you.

And what my worry is is that, you know, it looks like it's from Canada, and it might be from a third world. And we've just got to make sure, before somebody thinks they're buying a product, that it works. And that's why we're doing what we're doing.

So what he is basically saying is you are not compentent enough to make sure a drug works in Canada before allowing Americans to use it as well. How does that make you feel?

10-09-2004, 04:27 AM
I am sorry but I need to go a bit further on the President's statement. I quote, "And what my worry is is that, you know, it looks like it's from Canada, and it might be from a third world. And we've just got to make sure, before somebody thinks they're buying a product, that it works. And that's why we're doing what we're doing."
Now this is just plain stupidity. We can and do every day secure money from one bank to another in armored trucks and it is the exact same money moving around. I feel pretty safe that I am still getting U.S. dollars, lol. Like we couldn't set up shipping of Canadian approved drugs overnight. What the hell is this guy talking about? I just can't stand his incompetence and stupidity any longer representing me as an American and my Countries reputation and respect.

10-09-2004, 04:43 AM
slice, you need to get your facts straight.

and canadians, you need to make sure you get the facts straight before commenting on more bs from a typical democrat. i am sure there must be some to look into information other than read into someones statement made here at gm before being critical. i will not attack any of your comments back until i see another.

remebers this, i have asked slice to back up his propaganda he spreads but has yet to produce anything. it's easy to make statements but that does not make it truth.

10-09-2004, 04:45 AM
also bush is referring to medication being safe rather any company making something that may not be safe regardless if it's from canada or where ever. i am sure you people wouldnt give a loved one medicine not knowing if it was safe. please do not except someone whi is 1-bias and 2-takes things out of context.

10-09-2004, 04:50 AM
slice, you need to get your facts straight.

and canadians, you need to make sure you get the facts straight before commenting on more bs from a typical democrat. i am sure there must be some to look into information other than read into someones statement made here at gm before being critical. i will not attack any of your comments back until i see another.

remebers this, i have asked slice to back up his propaganda he spreads but has yet to produce anything. it's easy to make statements but that does not make it truth.
Dude the ****ing President said this tonight I watched it, and that is an exact quote from the associated press as it was spoken. What do you want me to do, get Big Bird to spell it out for you on Sesame Street?

10-09-2004, 04:51 AM
He was saying there are no Checks/Filters in place for that proposed plan that would keep medicine from third world countries from hopping over the boarder as Canadian pharmaceuticals.

And I agree, we do not need a plan that ignores that possibilty.
But your taking it out of context entirely to fit your mind set. "Canada is a third world country" was simply never said.

10-09-2004, 04:53 AM
also bush is referring to medication being safe rather any company making something that may not be safe regardless if it's from canada or where ever. i am sure you people wouldnt give a loved one medicine not knowing if it was safe. please do not except someone whi is 1-bias and 2-takes things out of context.
So you are saying that Candians take unsafe medicine? You think they could have third world medicine? Have you ever been to Canada Bigg?

10-09-2004, 04:55 AM
He was saying there are no Checks/Filters in place for that proposed plan that would keep medicine from third world countries from hopping over the boarder as Canadian pharmaceuticals.

And I agree, we do not need a plan that ignores that possibilty.
But your taking it out of context entirely to fit your mind set. "Canada is a third world country" was simply never said.
Ok you are kidding me, we border the Country. Like it could be some big mix up that these drugs came from somewhere else. It is just plain horsesh1t and you know it.

10-09-2004, 05:01 AM
well captain said it already but i will say it again.

you are taking information off your local website and it is based out of context.

10-09-2004, 05:02 AM
I trust my healthcare...

actually last i checked, canadian healthcare was better than American healthcare.....

LOL... But seriously though slice, i totally appreciate the votes of confidance and support you are giving to canada. Its mucho appreciated. :)

10-09-2004, 05:07 AM
well captain said it already but i will say it again.

you are taking information off your local website and it is based out of context.
LOL, obviously you didn't watch the debate. You are a fish out of water my friend....

10-09-2004, 05:15 AM
Ok you are kidding me, we border the Country. Like it could be some big mix up that these drugs came from somewhere else. It is just plain horsesh1t and you know it.

you are COMPLETELY missing the point here.
Its not that canada has unsafe medicine or that they would let unsafe medicine get throughtheir borders willingly, its that there are loopholes that would allow for such things in the aformentioned plan. Do please remember that we would not necessarily get the medicine directly from cananda. Its not like it would cross straight from your border to our countrie.

You really need to read up on this.

10-09-2004, 05:30 AM
you are COMPLETELY missing the point here.
Its not that canada has unsafe medicine or that they would let unsafe medicine get throughtheir borders willingly, its that there are loopholes that would allow for such things in the aformentioned plan. Do please remember that we would not necessarily get the medicine directly from cananda. Its not like it would cross straight from your border to our countrie.

You really need to read up on this.
You have also never been to Canada I see. And if you have you are blind as well. I am American as I have always been through these litte conversations that we have been posting, but I see yet again that you don't read before you post. It is very simple, Canada gives us the medicine we pay for it and distibute it after our inspection. Am I missing something? BTW, I have been to Canada and know what I am talking about.

10-09-2004, 05:31 AM
LOL, obviously you didn't watch the debate. You are a fish out of water my friend....
it's obvious you need to watch the debates to know what is going on and what is being said. the fact is that i am aware of all the statements made by the kerry camp. i researched both. i do that to make sure i do not make stupid and false comments regarding something i know nothing about. ;)

10-09-2004, 05:34 AM
You have also never been to Canada I see. And if you have you are blind as well. I am American as I have always been through these litte conversations that we have been posting, but I see yet again that you don't read before you post. It is very simple, Canada gives us the medicine we pay for it and distibute it after our inspection. Am I missing something? BTW, I have been to Canada and know what I am talking about.
i think you are missing the point of a statement that was made since you made it apoint to point it out (huh?).

i am curious... would you say that the health inspections could stop at resturaunts because people eat there every day?

10-09-2004, 05:35 AM
it's obvious you need to watch the debates to know what is going on and what is being said. the fact is that i am aware of all the statements made by the kerry camp. i researched both. i do that to make sure i do not make stupid and false comments regarding something i know nothing about. ;)
LOL, now you sound like Bush. "i do that to make sure i do not make stupid and false comments regarding something i know nothing about."

Thanks for being so candid.... I will now rest my case, Vote Kerry!

10-09-2004, 05:39 AM
i think you are missing the point of a statement that was made since you made it apoint to point it out (huh?).

i am curious... would you say that the health inspections could stop at resturaunts because people eat there every day?
That is a completely different government and it is by State, I know this subject very well as I own hotels. Care to continue? Ask me anything you want, I can recite the laws to you....

10-09-2004, 05:43 AM
yes but the concept is the same. if i am not making myself clear, i will try another way.

10-09-2004, 06:01 AM
the point is, there was no form of inspection in said plan.
its that simple
The way your talking, you seem to think there was some form of thorough inspection.
There simply WAS not. The plan by-passed the FDA completely. Thats not what america needs but you can keep living in denial about what the issue is really about.

10-09-2004, 06:28 AM
the point is, there was no form of inspection in said plan.
its that simple
The way your talking, you seem to think there was some form of thorough inspection.
There simply WAS not. The plan by-passed the FDA completely. Thats not what america needs but you can keep living in denial about what the issue is really about.
No, you are missing my point. The Canadians are prescribing these medicines to their people for the same diagnoses, diseases, and health problems. For 1/3 or less we can buy the same drugs at this cost from them. What are you missing? This is basically a sanction and it needs to be lifted.

Dangerous Dan
10-09-2004, 06:25 PM
You might be right, but it wasn't in your favor, get it now? FACT, President George W Bush filed his taxes being partial owner in a lumber company in 2003.

But, on to more interesting things and I take this directly from the President's mouth...

BUSH: I haven't yet. Just want to make sure they're safe. When a drug comes in from Canada, I want to make sure it cures you and doesn't kill you.

And that's why the FDA and that's why the surgeon general are looking very carefully to make sure it can be done in a safe way. I've got an obligation to make sure our government does everything we can to protect you.

And what my worry is is that, you know, it looks like it's from Canada, and it might be from a third world. And we've just got to make sure, before somebody thinks they're buying a product, that it works. And that's why we're doing what we're doing.

So what he is basically saying is you are not compentent enough to make sure a drug works in Canada before allowing Americans to use it as well. How does that make you feel?

ok, what i'm about to say is FACT, and i stress that for the comfort of BIGG, so plz don't say i'm not well informed, because in this case, i am. okay, the reason the USA does not like american's buying Canadian Pharmacare Drug products is because they are so much less expensive in Canada, and when an aging population buys drugs form across the border America loses profits. As for the regulation of Drugs in Canada, it's one of the most regulated and safe things in this country, in fact we have one of the world's leading medical cancer research centers here in BC. All of our medical products are as safe, if not, safer than in the USA. proof: Canadian TV does NOT have an abundance of "if you took this drug for 2 years you will be entitled to a law suit" commercials on every few months, and i know this because half of my cable channels are american, and half are Canadian; i've done the comparison.

to say Canada does not have quality medication is a load of BS, i take that as a personal insult to my country.

10-09-2004, 07:05 PM
ok, what i'm about to say is FACT, and i stress that for the comfort of BIGG, so plz don't say i'm not well informed, because in this case, i am. okay, the reason the USA does not like american's buying Canadian Pharmacare Drug products is because they are so much less expensive in Canada, and when an aging population buys drugs form across the border America loses profits. As for the regulation of Drugs in Canada, it's one of the most regulated and safe things in this country, in fact we have one of the world's leading medical cancer research centers here in BC. All of our medical products are as safe, if not, safer than in the USA. proof: Canadian TV does NOT have an abundance of "if you took this drug for 2 years you will be entitled to a law suit" commercials on every few months, and i know this because half of my cable channels are american, and half are Canadian; i've done the comparison.

to say Canada does not have quality medication is a load of BS, i take that as a personal insult to my country.

oh yeah.. and DD has worked in a pharmaceuticals environment before, obvioiusly not as a pharmacist yet, but he was there for a month, so im sure he saw firsthand and heard firsthand some things in that area.

10-09-2004, 09:05 PM
hey, befor ethis goes on regarding this particular issue, i just want to inform all that i am all for people being able to buy from canada. my comments were in defence to a comment made which was untrue. this is one of the things i do not agree with bush and do not agree with america. i think i created a post about 10 months ago regarding this very issue. nobody has to tell me that the prices for medication are a ripp off here in the states. i am not ignorant to say anything different. i find it a sin that old people like my father in law who has to pay about 300 a month on medication. sure the coupons work but why should they need coupons. i mentioned this in a post awhile ago when i became aware of it even aspirins are expensive off the shelf. although i support bush, i do not support some of these issues whoich i want to make clear. will also say i for ga people getting married if they want. i don't care if it's called something else but if two people want to be togher in a commitment because they love eachother, who is anyone to say anything. it's their right regardless of anyones feeling on the matter. i see no one getting hurt or killed so give them what they want. i also think i am for stem cell research. i am actually looking into it these day because i think it maybe important and helpfull but i do not know enough about it so can't make a judgement. all i know is people that have parkinsons disease and such, should be giving any treatment that can heal them. i am against abortion 100% but it is mor ethan just a religous thing ith me on that. i find th whole thing flawed and that topic is a very heated one among women because the laws in america are shovenistic (i dont know if i speled it right). to give a hint on how i feel about abortion-----if an abortion is legal, the man who got the woman pregnant should have a right to choose as much as th woman if the baby gets an abortion or is kept. now this recently happend and was in the news. a guy wanted the baby but the woman didnt. he tried to sue but he failed and she aborted it. it was her decision. now if you reverse that the guy would have to take responsibility regardless if he wants to or not because the woman made the choice to keep it. it's not an equal right and therefore i am against abortion. i have had a few of these disputes and i was not the one who got heated:P . i think that's a great debate though and wonder if any of you agree with me on that or atleast see where i am coming from.

oh well, i went off topic and just want to make sure i am understood regarding being able to buy medication in canada.