View Full Version : Praise and Glad-tidings, my personal war is over!!

Caged Anger
10-08-2004, 02:04 AM
For the past serveral monthes, a savage battle has been fought inside my hard drive. It spilled over into memory blocks and has devastated some of my programs, but with tears of joy sprining forth from my eyes, I am happy to say that the battle has been won.

Some unknown bug has plagues my computer, freezing it up whenever I dial up the internet. I tried almost everything, adaware latest edition, spybot s+d, mcafee v-scan. All to no avail, but today I went on instinct and downloaded Spyware Doctor. That sucker was like the Nuclear Bomb being dropped on my system. Total devastation to any spybots remaining hidden. it found Alexa's, ebam trojans, as well as some other intewresting trojans mcafee didn't even notice. (Mcafee is now so off my buddy list :-<) But the last interesting thing it grapped was a dialer. All this time I have been blasting processes, I had left it. Dialer.exe only appeared when I was online, I figured it was my dial up internet connection so was unconcerned. The spy was exposed and i immediately set about destroying it. It went down fast and now I'm happy to say, that I am once again a carefree dial up user. WOOT!

The battle over, I go to celebrate!

10-08-2004, 01:24 PM
i have mentioned the dialer.exe trojan a few months ago. i also along with jim (jim created a document for gm regarding this) have created threads to help with this problem.

i have suggested that the two main programs to to have on your system to prevent any problems on your pc is mcafee 8.0 or higher and a program called spy sweeper 3.0 which is the most efficient program out there that i have seen.

with these 2 programs, you should be able to clear out any virus or spyware from your pc.

i also reccomend since you got it out of your system already is to use regcleaner. this little utility is great and helpfull for many reasons. you can look at whats starting up with your pc and take it right out and also do a reg scan of the registry for crap thatw as uninstalled. before doing this...

go to control panel and uninstall all the programs that were installed during your virus/spyware fiesta. after you go through all of them, go to your internet settings and clear history and cache. i suggest going directly into c drive in the documents and settings folder and choose your login name directory. this is where you can give your system an enema. make sure all files can be seen by turning off the hidden attribute on the files. i suggest deleting everything in the temp folders and what ever else that has been left over from the fiesta. sometimes there are virus or spyware remnants that will keep coming back in a week or two from rebuilding itself. sure your utility may catch it but the security issue is a problem.

10-08-2004, 03:17 PM
congrats on the glorious victory caged!!!

10-08-2004, 03:25 PM
meh, the sh1t is a nightmare, i purged all of that crap from my daughters computer this weekend, rebuilt everything. as biggs would say, i think those people need a bullet in their skull.... on a positive note, the latest nortons is starting to see these as a threat and will attempt to remove them. about time that they are seen for what they are, virus infestations that offer no value and need to be purged. bastards.

Caged Anger
10-09-2004, 01:07 AM
I can't get rid of it because IT IS!!! my dial up program givin to me by the dial up internet providers. Why would they give me a program that is known to dial porn sites??? I think a nasty email is in order...

(Please keep your political statements in the off topic section of this forum. I will not tolerate it at all when people are trying to help you with a problem.)

Mad Fox
10-09-2004, 03:12 PM
I can't get rid of it because IT IS!!! my dial up program givin to me by the dial up internet providers. Why would they give me a program that is known to dial porn sites??? I think a nasty email is in order...

(Please keep your political statements in the off topic section of this forum. I will not tolerate it at all when people are trying to help you with a problem.)

Congrats Caged the gorious battle has been won Hurray hurray

Good Luck in future battles