View Full Version : ABC REFUSES to AIR DEBATE because GWB Distorts truth.

10-09-2004, 02:59 AM

ANOTHER! example of bias happened today on ABC during the debates when well.. the title says it all really.

10-09-2004, 03:05 AM
Did you even read what you just posted? I watched the damn debate on ABC. Where does it say they won't air the debate? Why do you continue to post false crap?

10-09-2004, 03:15 AM
i think he is talking about the way the news has been bias toward the president. i also agree and feel they are bias and instead of producing news, they produce their opinion which in most cases lies about facts. i say that most people base their facts on what they see on the news. it's all a commercial if you ask me. i doubt you see this because you are in suport for kerry but regardless of that, it's shamefull that the media is not doing what it was intended to do. it's pure manipulation and nothing less.

10-09-2004, 03:20 AM
i think he is talking about the way the news has been bias toward the president. i also agree and feel they are bias and instead of producing news, they produce their opinion which in most cases lies about facts. i say that most people base their facts on what they see on the news. it's all a commercial if you ask me. i doubt you see this because you are in suport for kerry but regardless of that, it's shamefull that the media is not doing what it was intended to do. it's pure manipulation and nothing less.
So that justifies him posting this crap lie? Whatever....

10-09-2004, 03:27 AM
I personally hate the local news media and would prefer CNN or Foreign news.

For example CBS I forgot his name Dan I believe who I met in person is a ego maniac and a jackass. My boss said the same sh1T when i was doing a parttime job protecting the director of the conservcy that day and he told me as well He doesn't like Dan from CBS and call him a jackass. LOL

10-09-2004, 03:36 AM
Well i am an idiot. My girlfriend was waiting on me to help her wash dishes so i didnt have enough time to articulate what the memo is really about when i wrote the title... which is no excuse. But if you got the gist of the memo... You could tell that basically the moderators boss was telling him plainly to outright favor kerry. Which in my opinion isnt a debate, but a watered down crossfire interview.

Is there a way to change the thread title or do i need to notify a moderator to have this remedied.

10-09-2004, 03:40 AM
BTW the only guy at ABC I really like now and has been around is Peter Jennings and I have met his wife and Peter, very nice and pleasant people and humorous.

10-09-2004, 03:43 AM
Well i am an idiot. My girlfriend was waiting on me to help her wash dishes so i didnt have enough time to articulate what the memo is really about when i wrote the title... which is no excuse. But if you got the gist of the memo... You could tell that basically the moderators boss was telling him plainly to outright favor kerry. Which in my opinion isnt a debate, but a watered down crossfire interview.

Is there a way to change the thread title or do i need to notify a moderator to have this remedied.
This is trash, this memo did not reach Charles Gibson and this whole thread should be locked IMO.

10-09-2004, 03:46 AM
This is trash, this memo did not reach Charles Gibson and this whole thread should be locked IMO.


10-09-2004, 04:30 AM
my feeling to american politics is


sorry no offence but
can you say coverup hehelolol

i never smoked up
i never had sex with my secretary hehe
man its the vein of american politics
they already know who is getting in so why vote
why even be concerned
in england this would never happen but it the states and best buy rules and wal mart rules thats its said and done
marthas doing time
same thing happens up here in canada
you have no control ever
sorry the truth hurts hmmmm

wheres bin laden hmmmmm
oh yeah hes friends or coherts with the president
hell never be caught.. as long as hmmmm is in power


10-09-2004, 04:31 AM
no offence to anyone but

enough is enough

save it for leterman


10-09-2004, 04:32 AM
my feeling to american politics is


sorry no offence but
can you say coverup hehelolol

i never smoked up
i never had sex with my secretary hehe
man its the vein of american politics
they already know who is getting in so why vote
why even be concerned
in england this would never happen but it the states and best buy rules and wal mart rules thats its said and done
marthas doing time
same thing happens up here in canada
you have no control ever
sorry the truth hurts hmmmm

wheres bin laden hmmmmm
oh yeah hes friends or coherts with the president
hell never be caught.. as long as hmmmm is in power


Go smoke the rest of your weed man. j/k LMAO

10-09-2004, 04:33 AM
This is trash, this memo did not reach Charles Gibson and this whole thread should be locked IMO.

As far as im concerned, all of the hollow replys you make are trash
they bring nothing to the table in terms of debate.

You are also very wrong.
Now I could just leave it with this like you would in any given situation
but I will state why you are wrong instead of making empty hollow replys :wave:

This memo reached the entire ABC network. Not just Charles Gibson but all the ABC staff/reporters that were commenting on the debate tonight. :thumbs:

10-09-2004, 04:42 AM
I have said it many times that local news sucks big time. Never watch it anymore just CNN and other foreign news. The local news media are suppose to give facts not there analytical opinion which they do and they have no experience except read cue cards. LOL

10-09-2004, 04:59 AM
As far as im concerned, all of the hollow replys you make are trash
they bring nothing to the table in terms of debate.

You are also very wrong.
Now I could just leave it with this like you would in any given situation
but I will state why you are wrong instead of making empty hollow replys :wave:

This memo reached the entire ABC network. Not just Charles Gibson but all the ABC staff/reporters that were commenting on the debate tonight. :thumbs:
I suppose you were there when they were handing it out right. Please go away with your rubbish. You don't even have the respect to read what you copy and paste before posting it. The gum that I stepped on that stuck to my flip flop now has more respect than you in my eyes.

10-09-2004, 05:07 AM
slice, i can except most things but find it funy you would consider that rubbish while you post information off of sites that are bias. he produced a link to where he got it also. i will tell you that drudge is a pretty decent place to get information. you should put it into your favorites and check it out once in awhile. and as i said, you will not see the bias media.

10-09-2004, 05:10 AM
slice, i can except most things but find it funy you would consider that rubbish while you post information off of sites that are bias. he produced a link to where he got it also. i will tell you that drudge is a pretty decent place to get information. you should put it into your favorites and check it out once in awhile. and as i said, you will not see the bias media.
Funny thing is, I posted all of my points out of the Presidents mouth, in which I watched and hear him say it. What are you talking about?

10-09-2004, 06:10 AM
slice, take the question and then give the answer to the question. then comment on the subject to where you object and why. it's pretty simple:rolleyes:

10-09-2004, 06:14 AM
slice, take the question and then give the answer to the question. then comment on the subject to where you object and why. it's pretty simple:rolleyes:
Ok, and the question is? Mystery time folks.....

10-09-2004, 07:30 AM
forget it slice. i no longer want to be in this discussion with you. i will pass your statements for now on.

Mad Fox
10-09-2004, 12:57 PM
Guyz everything has a bias...its huamnly impossible to be unbiased no matter how hard you try some of your opnion sneaks out

10-09-2004, 05:28 PM
You all want to discuss Bias. Talk about the FCC.

10-09-2004, 06:07 PM
Guyz everything has a bias...its huamnly impossible to be unbiased no matter how hard you try some of your opnion sneaks out

thats true, but this was a memo telling a entire network

to favor kerry.