View Full Version : Who said America cant compete ??

10-11-2004, 08:30 PM
If were not outsourcing our US jobs to China, India, Brazil, etc., etc., We can always keep our "Token" fewer jobs/workers/new hires/people here on as part time!! And do it too and for these people for years at a time!! :thumbs:

All the work and all the full time hours and "NONE" of the benefits !! aka. insurance, retirement plans, etc., etc.!! :thumbs:

This word "Temps" has become a new, "Added Value" to the term, Part-Timers!! :thumbs:

And so remember "Temps" arent just for those annoying busy business work loads anymore, its for you, me, anyone and everyone, and its for US and its for the long haul !! :thumbs:

I hope that the Govt. and all the and Multinationals and National corporations here get that BIGG tax break that im sure they have been lobbying and working so hard for !!! And Im sure it has been a difficult and tenuis 4 years of fact finding to finally help them and all of "US" out !!! [finger]

Full-time jobs prove elusive (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6221777/)

Senate reaches agreement on Corporate Taxxx (http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2004/10/11/ap/headlines/d85l6bi80.txt)

10-11-2004, 08:43 PM
if you are american and your job becomes meaningless, then you are pretty much sol, unless of course you are represented by a huge lobby, then the government has no problen forking out 10 billion dollars for you to stop producing cancer causing tobacco....

10-11-2004, 09:34 PM
Hicks has spent four years as a temp worker building cars for Toyota Motor Corp., making manifolds and dashboards for Camrys, Avalons and Solaras sold all over the United States. He works alongside full-fledged Toyota employees who earn twice his salary, plus health and retirement benefits

Can't be a Union company doing this :down: