View Full Version : 81x Announces New Addition to Their Free Webpage Deal

Caged Anger
10-13-2004, 06:37 PM
Taken from email received today from tech support at 81x.com:

"Actually, starting tomorrow you will be able to upload your own video. To upload the video, you will click on New Object and then select Advanced. Select the Broadband Video option and follow the instructions to upload the video."

So any of you novice movie makers out there, you will now be able to upload them for free! And as for you dial uppers out there...(oke, probably just me)...you will now have a place where you can stay connected for 4 hours while you upload them 4 meg movies :thumbs:

10-13-2004, 08:52 PM
Cool, I love my 81x.com page, I use it to store my sig, etc... :thumbs: