View Full Version : Hib Cheaters Caught Live At Nine

10-13-2004, 09:02 PM
here is easy evidence of vissere window dragging....i slammed...got behind and stuck to him and levi levi levi and no spells hit me yet he is too far to be attacked. He was right in front of me the whole time until i finally decided to change targets cause i couldn't hit him.

10-14-2004, 01:27 AM
Sounds like a bug to me because it happen to me many times when I use to play.

10-14-2004, 02:05 AM
Sounds like a bug to me because it happen to many times when I use to play.

It has happened to me alot of times also. But only in RVR against hibs. Never has a mob been able to get away from me when I was stuck to him.

Hibs is cheating bastids!

10-14-2004, 02:58 AM
It has happened to me alot of times also. But only in RVR against hibs. Never has a mob been able to get away from me when I was stuck to him.

Hibs is cheating bastids!

Actually it has happen to me mostly against Mids.

Who knows what it could be but I wouldn't be surprise if the hibs are cheating.