View Full Version : Valuable Lesson Learned

Caged Anger
10-14-2004, 06:55 PM
Here's the scene. At school on one of the crappy library comps and the thing is going slower than my dial up connection. They have high speed so this really bothered me. I check otu the task monitor and found what i figured I would. Hello melting pot of all nasty, perverted, havoc causing spybots, dialers, and adbots.

So I decide to take matters into my own hands, I download one of our many trusty spyware removal programs, in this case, Spyware Doctor, and set it to scan.

202 spybots later, i have my answer and I click the fix button. Did a wonderful job too, only had to leave 29 still in. Man, that net was flying when I was surfing....for a while. Then it wouldn't go, apparently the net was down but others were still surfing so I shut down and rebooted. It came to the startup screen and froze. Did it every time. All i can figure is that by removing that much crap, I either caused a giant whole in the hard drive to form or I touched off a virus that had layed embedded.

The computer remains frozen, and I now realize that no matter how ticked I am at the network administration, I should let it be and leave it alone, lol.

Mad Fox
10-14-2004, 10:42 PM
School comps go figure

10-14-2004, 11:53 PM
Yep go fig. You think the problem is solved then the whole thing fails on you.