View Full Version : ok a question for biggdoa1 about networks

Free Styler
10-16-2004, 12:22 AM
ok bigg i know your job ios to keep
computers safe so here it goes

we all know that computers arent that safe and that even with a router or windows firewalll

seomeone with average skills could use programs to easily acces ones computer and well...do whaterver they want with it.

Id like to know if you know any good programs and im not talking about zonealarm and stuff like that im talking about top notch programs that can show you the
vulnabirities on your computer.

open ports how to make it safer.

in other words what makes your computer safer then mine.

what do you use that makes you feel safe using to keep your job
what do the good people in internet security use to denie most acces attemps or basicly make there computer a LOT safer then others.

anyways thanks if you have any info on that

10-16-2004, 02:16 AM
i would have to charge you for this information:D . my rate is 165 an hour plus travel:thumbs: .

i will get back to you on this. i am in the middle of packing for vaca:thumbs:

10-16-2004, 03:49 AM
Zonealarm Security Suite is very imporatnt to put on trust me. It has help me protect my system and when I surf on the net.

This alone can be helpful but there are Spysweep etc but ZoneAlarm is a must to install on your system.

10-16-2004, 04:29 AM
ok fs, here we go. first thing i suggest before worrying about security is a proper installation of the os. always keep your broaband disconnected while installing and have all the updates or service packs ready on a cd for installation after os installation. if you are using xp or 2000 which you should if you are concerned about security, make sure you format the drives using ntfs. this is what will keep your folders, drives, data secure.

now it could take a while to tell you ways of configuring your system to be secure. i can not do this in one page or do i have the time. no system is 100% secure so you must face that fact to make sure you know we are never safe from some scumbag. even a computer that's not connected to a network isnt even safe. i will list a few tips that will help you make sure you are pretty safe.

ok, your drives are configured with the ntfs file system. this will allow you to make drives and folders use the security it was intended for. make your files secure by setting security to your user name only and administration. make sure you have given your username and the admin username a password that is different to each. you should always hav a password and that password should have letters and numbers if your envirmnet is safe and just worried about network intrusion, set the password verylong and use a program that autologs in such as xp power toys. to be really scure, change your password often. i use group policies for other things to secure my computers. you can export the file once configured. give a look at what's in there--goto run, type gpedit.msc and just look around at things before you change them.

back to security. people worry about firewalls which are not 100% if you are using the internet or other programs that open ports. you need to configure these ports with any firewall you use. you also need to close ports that are open and unused. you can use windows xp firewall instead os spending for software but i always suggsted a good hardware firewall. the software stuff is not always easy for people to understand and most do not configure it right. i use to love black ice back in the day but i now use hardware and configure the ports on the os firewall. security is putting doors up. the more doors you have the harder it is for someone to get in. most people use firewalls but if the os is not secured down, they leave them wide open to someone running a sniffer program that searches for open ports. you can run the netstat in the command prompt to view ports (netstat -a or netstat /?).

once you have permisions set and configured on your drives for you as the user and the admin (disable guest), even if someone got in, they couldnt do anything or see your files.

firewall should be set with all ports off with exceptions to the software you are using. sp2 for xp made the firewall much better but with a hardware firewall, you are more secure.

security is not just this---you should not be running a pc on your netowrk that has crucial data that is important. that unit should be under strict lockdown with almost everything closed. suck as a server for an office will have different security then a gaming system. i have several systems and each has a differnet purpose. 1 is for gaming, 1 is for testing programs and crap, and 1 is for server which can not be seen on my network, 1 is for wife so she doesnt touch my stuff, 1 is for my daughter so she can break it and not break mine, 1 is for my father in law so he can play his stupid poker game, and 1 his for mobility. each one of these have differnet security features depending on the use of the system.

i don't know what else i can tell you but if you need further help on something more specific, you might have to wait until i return. pm me if you have a problem that you need addressed. if i can help you i will. i will tell you this since you are learning java. most attacks are used using java scripts:thumbs:

10-16-2004, 04:32 AM
Don't forget ZoneAlarm Security Suite.

10-16-2004, 04:45 AM
here try this--- http://www.portdetective.com/

10-16-2004, 04:51 AM
My is all clear or should I say blocked. hehehehee

10-16-2004, 04:52 AM
My is all clear or should I say blocked. hehehehee

hold on let me see:cool: ---just kidding bud:D

10-16-2004, 04:56 AM
hold on let me see:cool: ---just kidding bud:D


10-16-2004, 05:25 AM
You can also try this online test from Dsl Reports.


10-16-2004, 05:53 AM
Question...why do you need to download a program to see if your cennection is secure? That sounds dangerous. Any website you go to has your IP. Why isn't the method that Slice posted better?
Well for one, it can only test incoming ports. If you already have a virus, trojan or spyware on your hard drive then it doesn't protect you from anything because they use outgoing ports.

Free Styler
10-16-2004, 02:47 PM
thanks for the info bigg and all
indeed i will check into those programs.

Actully i bought the book hacking for dummies 4

looking at it theres so many ways to acces seomeones computer its incredible.

i often get lag and choppiness while playing games either be utk or sam so it has nothing to do with the bad sam network.

My connection is really fast so i cant help thinking that somethings must be
preventing my connection speed from giving me my full potential speed.

a other thing i hate being ignorant about those things.
and not knowing how to explain these weird phenomenos.

rest ahured tho i will give it all i've got so that in the near future i will able to explain the why?

so ill know if my isp provider is the problem or some dude is the problem.
the more i learn about java and other languages and networks the better i will feel :)

anyways thanks again

10-16-2004, 04:43 PM
Awesome... I just have my hardware router on too

10-17-2004, 03:04 PM
FS, make sure you are checking constantly for ad-ware too. I have seen this stuff creat lots of network traffic, enough to make a difference..
I use adaware and it is decent...

Death Engineer
10-17-2004, 06:22 PM
Lets face it folks.... the only truly secure network is one that isn't connected. Being on the internet means you are vulnerable to attack (especially if you have broadband and a static IP). The only question then is how much annoyance are you willing to put with in trade for "more security."

Most of the general public has nothing to worry about as far as being hacked is concerned. Hackers are not going to spend alot of time (=$$$) unless they can get something out of it (ie. $$$$). So unless you're hiding something important on your computer (which I don't recommend doing), you're probably ok with a hardware firewall.

Free Styler
10-17-2004, 10:28 PM
well i do agree that a firewall makes it safer DE but....

I saw a program on discovery channel once where they were making a show on gamers on internet.

they said that a lot of gamers are hackers cheaters....they were refering to counter strike on the show.

But the fact is... people that are willing to make scripts = $$ and time will probably
take time to hack people in games if they feel in a bad mood that day.
(just cause they can)If seomeone is willing to cheat well....i think that that same person is willing to hack.imo anyways

Now im not saying sam is a game to hack with 50 people playing it lol.
a good and fun game nevertheless but...

id be willing to bet that sam players have been hacked in the past and are hacked once in a while by some bad looser(s) .

and i use adaware and registry mechanics also.

like i said sam aint really a games where people are going to hack but if they would make statistics on popular games where lots of cheats are involved well the hack part would also be in the party.

anyways on the show i dont remember how many hackers they said were hacking and all but i beileive it was pretty high in the gamming community that is.