View Full Version : I Want Join Villains !!

M a T R o X
10-17-2004, 03:41 PM
Hi Villains ...
I Want Join In This Clan Plz !!

10-17-2004, 04:32 PM
Uh... I think you should have posted this in the Villains forum =/

10-17-2004, 04:35 PM

M a T R o X
10-17-2004, 05:03 PM
but insn't this not villians forum . becouse I press that at villains forum and then say link to gamemecca then that most was villains forum .

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
10-17-2004, 05:34 PM
take a look in the clan section man!:thumbs:

10-17-2004, 06:30 PM
Hmmmm...to move or not to move (to the Villians section).....I shall ponder this later.

M a T R o X
10-17-2004, 06:43 PM
you mean villains general ? death sentence .

10-18-2004, 01:21 AM
are you Overlords MAtrox?

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 07:18 AM
yes Im OL MaTRoX why you ask , In not in overlords more , now I want join here :) .

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 07:23 AM
but I want join here plz let me join its a good team hehe :D

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 10:22 AM
I have Thired At Overlords , Villains RoxXx More :cool: .

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 10:24 AM
But Plz Let Me Join here I like Villains !!

10-18-2004, 10:43 AM
Hi, MaTRoX. You were very strong with Leons server tonight. :)

Your Ping got over 400..... But, you were enjoyable, and played very well.

Villains familly is wonderful clan with the history.

Go for it, MaTRoX!! :thumbs:

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 11:20 AM
yes you was strong too :)

Die Hard
10-18-2004, 11:58 AM
Matrox, thanks for your interest in Villains.

We don't know you very well so please post more in our forums, keep the your gaming clean and get to know us. You never know, one day soon you might get the call. :thumbs:

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 04:27 PM
Ok Die Hard .

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 08:22 PM
Nice game at Figona tonight Die Hard but I was good but next match at red station you should was there die hard I win over the player "Who?" was hes name and lot of more players :D :)

M a T R o X
10-18-2004, 08:22 PM
but I want join villains I like it so much !!

10-18-2004, 10:06 PM
I asked cuz i saw a bunch of different MAtrox ppl
I saw an overlords matrox, koa matrox and pks matrox
thats why i ask :thumbs:

10-18-2004, 10:13 PM
but I want join villains I like it so much !!

I think he really want's to join Villains. :D

Die Hard
10-18-2004, 10:30 PM
hmm, I had a sneaking suspicion.

M a T R o X
10-19-2004, 07:05 AM
ye your right chris:D

Hi! PkS Hc members , and all ! I want join in Peacekeepers clan , the clan roxxx http://www.peacekeepersclan.com/forums/imagesgfxblack/smilies/wink.gif .
I love PeaceKeeperS !!
Plz Let me be a PkS ! I love the clan:rofl:
but I join out of the clan fast again , becosue lot of players say pks suxx
and I think I stay long time in villains !! ;) .
that can I promise .
this clan is so big and lot of players is in this clan , is not so much players in PkS , but likes I say I stay here long time this is my home :D .

M a T R o X
10-19-2004, 07:10 AM
I asked cuz i saw a bunch of different MAtrox ppl
I saw an overlords matrox, koa matrox and pks matrox
thats why i ask :thumbs:
but nitrostatic the matrox in Kings of arenas clan its not me ;) .
I can say my first team was overlords second team pks and now I want join here !!
this is my home (villains home) :D .
I have really want join every time but the teams say join here or join there .

M a T R o X
10-19-2004, 08:49 AM
die hard do you think Im good at sam ?

Die Hard
10-19-2004, 11:48 AM
die hard do you think Im good at sam ?
It doesn't matter how good you are, you can always get better.

What matters is how you are as a person. The reason Villains have been so strong for so long is because we don't trash talk, key bind or swim. We just enjoy playing an honest and fair game.

You need to stop clan hopping and play without a clan tag for a while. We don't know you at all at the moment. When we think you're ready to join Villains we will let you know. If you don't want to wait then go find another clan. :thumbs:

Tell us more about yourself:
What games do you play?
Why do you want to join Villains?
Why did you leave Overlords?

M a T R o X
10-19-2004, 03:35 PM
It doesn't matter how good you are, you can always get better.

What matters is how you are as a person. The reason Villains have been so strong for so long is because we don't trash talk, key bind or swim. We just enjoy playing an honest and fair game.

You need to stop clan hopping and play without a clan tag for a while. We don't know you at all at the moment. When we think you're ready to join Villains we will let you know. If you don't want to wait then go find another clan. :thumbs:

Tell us more about yourself:
What games do you play?
Why do you want to join Villains?
Why did you leave Overlords?
ok die hard I can the rulez ;) and I dont trash talk I am a nice person ;) .
off course spam I not , and swim not , and no bindings .
And ::
Age :: 12 (and you should not think Im bad only for Im not so old I m very good for my age :D)
Country :: Sweden
Game :: Serious Sam (Play Every Time)
I want join to villains becouse I think this is a good home for me , I think the old teams was not so special likes this ;) this clan I stay long time !!

I leave the clan overlords becouse I tired at it , its not so good more and lot of player has leave it so its not fun when its not is much with players .
ok thats was all DH or was that somthing more ?

10-19-2004, 04:09 PM

M a T R o X
10-19-2004, 04:46 PM
But Die Hard . nP I can wait :thumbs: I need not to go another clan ;)

10-21-2004, 11:17 PM
"but I join out of the clan fast again , becosue lot of players say pks suxx"

I have never heard anyone say anything bad about PKS man :)

M a T R o X
10-22-2004, 10:51 AM
But for a exempel Eraser hate all pks :( not good .
he hate pks :(

M a T R o X
10-22-2004, 10:54 AM
I think this is the best clan in serious sams word that can I promise ;)
I have never heard a better clan ;) this is the words best clan !!

Die Hard
10-22-2004, 11:30 AM
If only he knew what we get up to in private :rofl:

M a T R o X
10-22-2004, 12:54 PM
If only he knew what we get up to in private :rofl:
LoL Yes DH :rofl: .

10-22-2004, 02:13 PM
Errr what do we get up to...am i missing something ;-)

M a T R o X
10-22-2004, 02:39 PM
Errr what do we get up to...am i missing something ;-)
No Picard Friend You have not missing somthing :) :D