View Full Version : WHo has the account now and who will get the next one

10-18-2004, 07:52 PM

Nobody will have the cleric account at 48 lvl enh buff at 26%.

V98ci will get the Frair and Scout account.

I do have another account that isn't used by my brother who left me to control it but I still need to make sure from him in case.

That account has a Scout at 44lvl 3L0, Cleric at 46lvl and a Pally at 50 and that will go to Ozzy if my brother agrees to it.

I am sorry for not being able to give out anymore for those who pm me.

I just wanted to thank you all for your patience and again sorry for those who didn't get what they needed.

10-18-2004, 08:47 PM
Congrats y'all but i'm sorry to see you go Sas. :banghead:

10-18-2004, 09:21 PM
I'd be interested in your bro's account. If not I am getting my third copy for the game in the mail from someone that doesn't play anymore. Not sure if they remember the info for their account, but they only had one toon on it, lvl 18 so I will more then likely just create my third account if I don't get on from somewhere else.

Let me know bro. Sorry to see you guys go but I know what you mean by time consuming. Having 2 accounts makes things go a little faster, and that's why I am getting a third, 2 tankage and buffbot to drag around :)