View Full Version : New Google Features

10-18-2004, 08:32 PM
15.10.2004 / Ahead of the rest:
Google Searches Your Desktop

The search wars have moved to the computer desktop. In a move that beats competitors Yahoo, Microsoft, America Online and Ask Jeeves to the starting gate, Internet search giant Google on Thursday announced a program enhancement that searches Web pages plus e-mails, pictures, music and other documents on your computer's hard drive.

USA Today reported that the free program can find items on your C: drive with a speed not seen before. Web analysts call Google's innovation the most significant new Internet technology in years. "What they've done is pretty astounding," says Charlene Li, an analyst with market tracker Forrester Research. "It moves Google off the Web and into what was Microsoft's territory. Now you can do all your searching in one stop."
Google says bringing search to the desktop was the number one request from its users.

"They said, 'This Web search is wonderful. Why can't I search my computer the same way?'" says Marissa Mayer, Google's director of consumer web products. Although the new program can be used exclusively offline to probe hard drives, Google designed it to meld with its online search engine. Google.com visitors who have the program installed on their computer will see a "desktop" tab above the search engine toolbar and all their search results will include a section devoted to the hard drive in addition to the Web.


Die Hard
10-19-2004, 11:18 PM
Great find Tunda. I'm not sure I'd want a web based programme phishing around inside my hard drive though :worried:

10-21-2004, 07:19 PM
Hey DH, you afraid someone might see your bird??

10-21-2004, 08:07 PM
It's a great program if you are the only user on your PC. This shouldn't be installed on public PCs though because it catalogs everything, including email. All someone would have to do is type in "password" and it would bring up every email that has the word password in it like confirmation emails. But its an outstanding program for normal one-user home PCs.