View Full Version : Cleric TL

10-19-2004, 03:05 AM
I have gotten a responce from some to apply for the cleric TL position. If I can get the support of the majority of alb I will try my luck in the application process. Give me your feed back here. Positive and negetive. I am open minded and open to criticizm.


Death Engineer
10-19-2004, 03:56 AM
Well you certainly know your stuff about the Cleric community. Let's give you a quick test though. What would you say are the top 3 issues facing clerics in the game today (meaning RvR, PvE, etc)?

10-19-2004, 10:05 AM
U would have my support . Lets see how u answer DE's question...

10-19-2004, 12:19 PM
You would have my full support Brit. :thumbs:

10-19-2004, 09:50 PM
These are 2 that stick out in my head atm. Although there are many things covered in these 2 topics that could be considered problems or issues for the cleric class.

1. Defensive capability ( RVR and PVE )
Things that fall into this catagory are, dmg output, CC

Dmg output- to have any decent smite dmg you have to spec smite..
you get a self dmg add in the smite line but you have
to spec high in smite to get anything decent. also in the
smite line you get a spec DD spell and an instant PBAOE
dmg spell with a 20 sec recast timer. In the enhancement
line clerics get a melee dmg boost buff. Again the higher
the spec the better the spell is and more dmg it does. In
the enh line you also get better buffs that do increase your
strength and resulting in increasing your weapon damage.
Any of these specs takes away the ability for the class to
heal effeciently. This leaving the healing to a second cleric
or a friar in the group.

CC or Crowd Control- at lvl 50 clerics get a 9 sec baseline stun. This
is castable not instant. Again spec in smite and you get a
little more options. you get a PBAOE instant mezz. This is on
a 5 min timer. The stun does no good for you when you
have something "on you". And as for the PBAOE mezz,
higher the smite the longer the mezz. If you choose to get
decent CC you lose your ability to have efficient healing.
Other options for CC would be artifacts. Once you have
gotten one it requires a grp to level since a cleric has low
damage output. (see above)

2. Fun playing class

Many find that this class is a job and have to rely on people
for defense and people rely on you for heals and buffs. Many
times the dmg taken to a person in the grp is far more than
the class can heal or be fast enough to heal. This results in
many being frustrated when this happens. Also how the cleric
has specialized his / her spec points may result in comments
from group members. The ability to solo. Doing quests, rvr,
and even leveling his or her character. Some find wanting to
play their character without the assistance of others. All of
these are examples of how this class may not be fun for some.

10-19-2004, 10:03 PM
quickcast for the win

10-19-2004, 11:47 PM

10-25-2004, 11:24 PM
I have been looking through the main posting boards and thinking about this position alot. I have come to the conclusion that this is not a position that I want to take at this time. I would like to thank all of you that were supporting me on this.

Death Engineer
10-25-2004, 11:33 PM
No problem, and I understand. The TLs get a bad rap no matter what they say or do.

10-29-2004, 09:40 PM
You'd be a badass TL, I think ya should do it man, maybe some slings aimed at ya from time to time, but a few good words to the right people and our class may get some more rewarding utility. At least we could trust you to have not voted for buff shears over something cool:P Help save clerics from extinction. I have a notepad document with every change and idea i'd have done for clerics for the past 3+ years to make them more versatile and enjoyable. The file size is almost 5 megs. I'm not sure if ya know how much space that is for a notepad file, but lemme tell ya lol. Changes need to be made, spread heal bot has its limitations in the fun department after a while;)
~ Clerise Lvl50 Enhancement Cleric

11-01-2004, 10:44 PM
There is a new Cleric TL here is the post..
