View Full Version : fyi to whiny type-fragged morons playing sam....

10-25-2004, 06:05 AM
if you are in the game and I see you, I am going to try to kill you. I don't care if you are lagged, or typing and talking or taking a piss break. An intelligent person will blah blah blah while (s)he is fragged. If you want to chat, go to msn. otherwise prepare to die. oh, and if you don't like rockets, please let me know in advance, and I will be sure to use only rockets on you for the rest of the game. If I am playing sam, it isn't to have nice conversations with buddies. I do that here. in the game, i exist exclusively to frag other people. and for those of you tired of the chat, just enter this line::::::

gam_fChatSoundVolume = 0

puritanical: that is only because JIMINATOR type kills and we are chatting lol

He Is Legend
10-25-2004, 06:18 AM
ok? lol

10-25-2004, 11:30 AM
Amen Jiminator.....testify!

There is only one rule! NO SWIMMING!!!
Well maybe one more NO WHINING!! about anything!

Here's the rules that I hear the most during play.
1. No pups (someone will use them anyway and kick your butt) *cough* lyso*cough*
2. No spamming (rocket, grenades)
3. No whoring (rocket, mini)
4. No type fragging
5. No spawn kills
6. No supers (only hear this one in First Edition)
7. No cannon (well it does hurt my ears)
8. No camping
9. No sniping (that one just makes me laugh)
10. No running the rooftop in Little Trouble (why not?)
11. No. standing outside the fence in Red Station

That's all I can remember hearing right now, any more y'all can think of?

10-25-2004, 12:32 PM
:hmmm: .... It's full of painful rules to me. lol.

Well, some fool people were crying to Jim today.

Asian Invasian
10-25-2004, 12:37 PM
I especially hate the people that look lke they are typing then frag you pff :(
i mind s well follow your lead too but on the whoring thing im way ahead of you buddy ;)

10-25-2004, 04:04 PM
If it's in the game, use it

If it moves, shoot it

If it looks like it could move, shoot it so it can't.

I may have to play Sam again in 76 days, so I'm trying to keep up :P :D

10-25-2004, 05:35 PM
If it's in the game, use it

If it moves, shoot it

If it looks like it could move, shoot it so it can't.

Rules to live by!!!

10-25-2004, 05:38 PM
although i enjoy a clean game, i think that if you play sam now, you should use pups and what ever it takes to win. i am going to do this also because of the things most complain about. it is in the gam so why bother. i ca't wait to see them calling me a pup whore:D .

Die Hard
10-25-2004, 07:16 PM
I play my game and anyone else can do what they like, I won't complain...never have!

10-25-2004, 07:33 PM
Too bad the game isn't played competitively. :(
Then there'd be soem real b****ing

10-26-2004, 10:19 AM
If you should need some certain items to make sure you win, please don't hesitate to use them. Some of us don't want to use them by choice.


Alexis SC430
10-26-2004, 02:05 PM
Before I address Jiminator's post, I think that BIGG's semi-literate and most likely alcohol induced two cents should be brought into the spotlight where hopefully it can be deciphered by theologians and the, no doubt, brilliant pearls of wisdom contained therein spread throughout the Sam community.

ME BIGGD01 said:
i ca't wait to see them calling me a pup whore :D Ohhhh, I bet you "ca't" either, Danny! In fact, I can almost picture you sitting in front of the computer emitting a low, mongoloid type laugh as you shoot some little people on the computer screen with Serious Damage and feeling great about yourself too as that poor, poor woman that married you occasionally blots the drool off your chin! :rofl:

I mean, I can SO TOTALLY picture that, but anyway...

Jiminator said:
in the game, i exist exclusively to frag other people.Yeah, now if you could only do it 36 times in one match you might actually win! :D While I can appreciate the fact that you require all those dirty tactics to even approach that number and, therefore, feel the need to defend them, I just find it to be very funny that even with all that extra help you still lose most of the time.

Jiminator said:
oh, and if you don't like rockets, please let me know in advance, and I will be sure to use only rockets on you for the rest of the game.
Well gee, I guess that every single last Sam player out there let you know in advance -- that would explain an awful lot. Then again, since you couldn't win a shotty duel to save your life (literally) I suppose all rockets ARE the way to go.

Bottom line, you'll lose either way and wind up looking even worse (if that's even possible) since you had all that extra help. :D

********** ANNOUNCEMENT **********NOOOOOWWWW, before we all start exchanging constructive criticism let me inform you of something. Due to the fact that one of my roomies is getting married soon I am going to have to move out of my house here by no later than Friday, October 29. I don't have the slighest clue where to go or what to do. I'm probably going to end up having to live out of my car for at least a little while. Consequently, I won't be around for a while and won't be able to play Sam 24/7. Even when I do find some place (and I have no idea when) I can't be sure that I will have internet access. I'm scared, and really freaking out since I have no money and no place to go.

Well, I am sure that news put a smile on your face, Jim -- probably BIGG too. Feel free to make as many homeless person jokes as you want about me... they'll be extra funny 'cause I really WILL be homeless! HAHAHA!!!

Anyway, if I don't see either of you before then let me say goodbye now; I don't hold any bad feelings. And Danny, let me thank you especially for all the help you've given me, especially with learning how to play Sam (you don't need any pups or rockets and always make those who abuse them look foolish when you kick their asses). :o

Oh, and SAL, just so you know that was me as "milk" who beat you in Hole, just in case you were curious whom that was -- I wish you would have stayed for Little Trouble. GG!

Asian Invasian
10-26-2004, 02:38 PM

10-26-2004, 02:39 PM
whine whine whine is all i am hearing. i am glad all of those 24/7 sessions have paid off, as well as your own questionable rooftop tactics and whoring that you so love to complain about from others. as for losing, I win most of the games that I play. There are a few (more that don't play) people that can easily beat me on a regular basis, but they don't include you. Take the challenge, post as many screenshots as you can find of yourself beating me, and I will post more where the opposite is true. at least of the games where you have not left.

and btw, I am concerned about your other problem, so I have done some work for you - http://www.lahsa.org/ - I just want you to know that we are looking out for you... :thumbs:

Death Engineer
10-26-2004, 03:04 PM
You people's is ca - razy!!

10-26-2004, 04:30 PM

10-26-2004, 05:08 PM
well i could laugh at your comments toward me but i won't. i m a bad typer and that's all. i do not have your gift of typing and vocabulary or what ever but i am glad you do. i think you will go further in life with it, god bless you. as far as sam goes, i actually hate the game at this point but yet find myself playing it to kill a 15 minute time lapse while i am working on something and have to wait for something to finish. sounds weird but true. i usually play sam when i am working because the games are quick and maybe because i am working i am a bit stressed and don't seem like the nicest guy. forgive me.

as far as being homeless, that is just sad. i would imagine you are by yourself with no help and i can relate to that. if i could help you regadless of not knowing you, i would because again, i can relate. i will suggest to you not to give up and think positive also continue to be witty as you are. i find you funny and special for it and will not critizise you at all for being you. i will help you if you need it or want it but you can e-mail me or pm to suggest what i can do to help.

"Ohhhh, I bet you "ca't" either, Danny! In fact, I can almost picture you sitting in front of the computer emitting a low, mongoloid type laugh as you shoot some little people on the computer screen with Serious Damage and feeling great about yourself too as that poor, poor woman that married you occasionally blots the drool off your chin!"

although i laughed at this, it is funny how people look at other people. i laugh how people judge me without really knowing me. so many people, so many laughs.:thumbs:

10-26-2004, 05:31 PM
Pretending to type and then killing you as you approach is a patented MERC move.

US Patent #769075132

Death Engineer
10-26-2004, 07:24 PM
Yep. Sal told me that same thing right before I was invited to MERC, I think. :P Been pending a while.... maybe you should have DL (or whatever his name is now) check on that for us.

Asian Invasian
10-26-2004, 09:51 PM
Pretending to type and then killing you as you approach is a patented MERC move.

US Patent #769075132bastards :bawling:

10-26-2004, 10:28 PM
lol:rofl: happens to me so much:mad:

Asian Invasian
10-26-2004, 10:47 PM
wow jim your thread was encouraging now i get 10 people with sd to deal with but the only diff thing is they can aim and they aint stoppping for nothing :P

10-27-2004, 12:17 AM
eh, its nothing but a thing. get it every time and they won't be able to.... :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
10-27-2004, 12:28 AM
if i puped no one could beat me lol

10-27-2004, 01:10 AM
LMAO, this is the funniest thread in a while!! Haha hehe, whew...
( I want more : )

10-27-2004, 02:57 AM
Here are things I have heard:
Lazer whore (wtf? lmao)
Knife whore (u gotta be joking right?)
Rocket whore (the whining is increasingly annoying)
Spammer (only thing i dont like cuz i always step on those damn things lol)
Type Killer/Type Fragger (hey foker, your damn fault u respawned and starting whacking away at the keyboard and made yourself a standing clay pigeon)
Cheater (yea, i use uber leet hax lmao)
Lame (anytime they get killed)
Pupwhore (either Croteam was tripping on acid while putting them in the maps, or they had a damn good reason to do it. Probly a mix of both but they are in map, and anyone can use them, just wlak up to them and go right through them bitchez. I personally enjoy the invisibility and the SD in Yodeller (10 frags per SD) :wootrock:

Now, I love puling off the ol' "look as if u are typing then shoot em" (May I use this patented scheme to greater fraggage? :D

Oh, and Alexis, you take this budget game way too damn seriously. You must chill out and stop having such an attitude. I mean, ITS A FREAKIN GAME! Anyone can play however they want as long as it doesnt have to do with cheats. Remind me to use all these "dirty tactics" when you are in a server moahahahaha

10-27-2004, 03:20 AM
You know what I would love to see, is all the old time players getting together practicing together on a private server then going back in to this game and owning everyones ass by any means necessary like the good old days. I thought the bitching was bad when I used to play, man this is just absurd.

Sure I had my days of bitching, but mine were about my connection mostly. (at the time I had dial up for the good part of my Sam days) Although I can also remember bitching about the SD, but then just forgot about it and never took it. One piece of advise, just because you have decided not to use something in the game doesn't mean anyone else has to. If you decide not to take something within the game, consider yourself handicapped, but don't bitch about it.

Asian Invasian
10-27-2004, 03:32 AM
oh wow slice that last part made a lot of sense to me and i dont want to be handicapped anymore :P
ps back when all the good playters were around there was no whining about sd cuz they used them too..... or so ive heard?

10-27-2004, 04:23 AM
oh wow slice that last part made a lot of sense to me and i dont want to be handicapped anymore :P
ps back when all the good players were around there was no whining about sd cuz they used them too..... or so ive heard?
it is true what Slice and AI said and they are 100% correct.
Look bakc at any old screeneis or demos from 2 yrs ago or so. Notice the top leet palyers all used them powerup shiznats.
A proposition to go back to the good ol days in Serious Sam: EVERYONE START A POWERUP COALITION. As there was a no pup coalition, that is well, an old fad. It is time to revert back to the old hardcore Sam days!!
I am founder of the Powerup coalition and I will love ot see everyone here use what the game developers purposely put into the game. Believe me, the game will be very fun :)
I'm not saying be a whore like Lys, but at least start by takign one invis per game or sth easy like that :thumbs: You will be handsomly rewarded :)

Powerup Coalition Started on: October 27, 12:25 AM

10-27-2004, 04:31 AM
i dont want to be handicapped anymore :P

there's nothing to be done about birth defects.... :hmmm:


10-27-2004, 04:41 AM

10-27-2004, 08:57 AM
But that won't happen, and the only good games now are played on private clan servers like TGR Fairplay, Villians, and Exodus servers because the server bosses are playing too and enforce the rules that they have set down. Abuse pups on those servers and you will be kicked. Talk smack on those servers and you will be banned.

No one plays for fun anymore on the Outlaws and Saints servers. And it is from those two servers that all the whining is coming from. It's just a matter of time before the people who run these two servers get fed up and shut them down for good.
First thank you for the TGR Fairplay compliment.:thumbs:

Second part, i myself like to play outlaws and saints. You know what you can expect on them, everything is allowed. You need it, you take it and the whining... what whining.:D

And for the invi, just adjust your shadows and they can be seen :P . Love that part.

10-27-2004, 09:04 AM
One piece of advise, just because you have decided not to use something in the game doesn't mean anyone else has to. If you decide not to take something within the game, consider yourself handicapped, but don't bitch about it.
Who's bitching who :D

10-27-2004, 10:21 AM
I can say from playing on all the servers(1.07) that I have noticed this difference in them. The ones that are set on Serious tend to be more of a shotty battle (sure there's some ho's in there). The ones set on Normal I notice a lot more usage of the cannon (the only one shot kill on normal) and rocket launcher.

I could give a flip about whether you use SD or not......makes it easier to see you with these old eyes of mine.

10-27-2004, 11:40 AM
I remember back in the 1337 days of http://members.cox.net/pure_e/ping-pong.gif when all the top players were playing.... legends like PLAYER1 and the infamous PLAYER69 were ruling the TV's :eek:

Then sadly, the game was exploited by the long paddle cheat and even worse... the plasma TV cheat :bawling:

Oh how I miss the days of being huddled around the old 12"RCA black and white screen dueling it out with PLAYER1 :o

Bring back real games! http://members.cox.net/pure_e/ping-pong.gif

10-27-2004, 06:31 PM
12 Only single barrel shotty

I heard that once lol

10-27-2004, 07:39 PM
I wonder if i'll be called a pistol whore :P

Asian Invasian
10-27-2004, 09:24 PM
i ahve once because i went pistol aonly and they got mad :P

Die Hard
10-27-2004, 09:47 PM
You are all a bunch of losers. :smell:

10-27-2004, 10:31 PM
i ahve once because i went pistol aonly and they got mad :P
damn losers with nothing better to do that bitch :(

10-31-2004, 11:27 PM
Amen Jiminator.....testify!

There is only one rule! NO SWIMMING!!!
Well maybe one more NO WHINING!! about anything!

Here's the rules that I hear the most during play.
1. No pups (someone will use them anyway and kick your butt) *cough* lyso*cough*
2. No spamming (rocket, grenades)
3. No whoring (rocket, mini)
4. No type fragging
5. No spawn kills
6. No supers (only hear this one in First Edition)
7. No cannon (well it does hurt my ears)
8. No camping
9. No sniping (that one just makes me laugh)
10. No running the rooftop in Little Trouble (why not?)
11. No. standing outside the fence in Red Station

That's all I can remember hearing right now, any more y'all can think of?

May aswell stop playing sam then if these are the rules..........

I always though sam was a kill by any means game.....with no rules.....

10-31-2004, 11:34 PM
although i enjoy a clean game, i think that if you play sam now, you should use pups and what ever it takes to win. i am going to do this also because of the things most complain about. it is in the gam so why bother. i ca't wait to see them calling me a pup whore:D .

I gotta agree Biggs,,,,, Croteam made the game, made the weapons, made the pups, all to be used......

Also. If you chose to use shotty only, then dont whine when some kicks your ass with a rocket., just respawn n carry on........

There shouldnt be any "rules", did croteam make any?????????

The only thing that is wrong, is the swimming.....

Dangerous Dan
11-01-2004, 12:21 AM
while i do agree with you SM, i although think Croteam rushed fragmatch, seeing how it wasn't their top priority, and left out andy very easy to implement options, case and point: there's no turn off powerups option in the server control menu, but it can be done for Coop. All this conflict oculd have been averted if they put in a simple option, lol, but hey, it's Croteam, maybe it'll be done in "Serious Sam: The Next Patch" :P

Asian Invasian
11-01-2004, 05:05 AM
oh oh when does it come out??!?! :P

11-01-2004, 03:21 PM
damn losers with nothing better to do that bitch :(

nitrostatic always is angry. :)

11-01-2004, 09:43 PM
the fact is although there are no rules, most good players avoid the pups. if any good player used a pups and won the game, he would not get respect. respect is what it comes down to. i have owned many of you just using my knife in a game and tha earns respect for the win. i earn more when others are using pups and i still win. this is the case with many of the good players. if you need pups use them but if you don't use them and win, you did good in the game and deserver respect for your win.

as ai said, if he used pups no one would win which is a good point. if they are fair game and good players used them, no one would play anymore.

botton line is if you are called an ass for using them, that's too bad because you probably are the only one using them in the game. you can say there is no rules for bitching either but people will still do it.

11-01-2004, 10:03 PM
if everybody used pups then things would level out. you notice that nobody complains about people hogging the reds. that being said, the problem with pups is that the weapons are monstrously overpowered in serious mode (1 hit kills with most), and add quad damage to the dbsg and it can easily take out multiple people if you can get them all in the line of fire. if people want to play as elite and not use pups or reds, more power to them, but that is their choice. I don't play with pups unless some non-noob prefers playing the game that way, then I will oblige....

11-01-2004, 10:58 PM
the fact is although there are no rules, most good players avoid the pups. if any good player used a pups and won the game, he would not get respect.
DAMMIT! :mad:

11-01-2004, 11:16 PM
surely the health and armour could be classified as a pup to, i mean they do increase your health........ lol........

Stuff it, play as you like, you use pups n get called a bitch, deal with it..........

Dan,,,,,,the patch???? Arnt we still waiting for one, from like last year????? lol

And Jim, ive been in a game with you with a non noob as you say, and ive seen what your like when they use the pups........you da man..........lol.......glowing rockets....lol

frag on all

Asian Invasian
11-01-2004, 11:57 PM
so i was playing a game the other day and using an alias and pups with tip mebigg dan_i_am and jc and no matter how much i puped or whored no one even said a word to me :)
it was really just a test to see how other players react :P but good job for not whining or saying anything guys ;)

11-04-2004, 12:54 AM
so i was playing a game the other day and using an alias and pups with tip mebigg dan_i_am and jc and no matter how much i puped or whored no one even said a word to me :)
it was really just a test to see how other players react :P but good job for not whining or saying anything guys ;)
ialso, if y'all accidentlally take a pup, then go hide in a corner, dont get pissed at ME cuz i blasted yo azz when you were glowing in a corner :D

and oolong, your only 2 posts on GM were about me :D
I feel loved yay!

11-22-2004, 09:24 PM

11-24-2004, 01:58 PM
:hmmm: .... It's full of painful rules to me. lol.

Well, some fool people were crying to Jim today.

I wasnt aware croteam made any rules for sam.....

11-24-2004, 03:52 PM
I wasnt aware croteam made any rules for sam.....
It would appear that they (the rules) were written on a blank page with ink that is visible only to a certain type of person. I can't see what is written, but who am I to say that it isn't there?

11-24-2004, 04:32 PM
It would appear that they (the rules) were written on a blank page with ink that is visible only to a certain type of person. I can't see what is written, but who am I to say that it isn't there?

Good valid point...