View Full Version : Sad But True to so many!!

10-25-2004, 01:57 PM

10-25-2004, 02:19 PM
:( That's too disturbing to watch.......

10-25-2004, 02:21 PM
The reality which is too sad.

Woman and child should be protected!! :mad:

10-25-2004, 04:32 PM
Wow! Very disturbing but powerful... So sad, that more families than we think really go through that! :(

10-25-2004, 05:34 PM
pretty effective clip. i had a cousin who was married to a guy like that. he was a drunk and when i found out the truth which gets hidden very well, i put the guy in a hospital. this was about 10 years ago and have gotten word that she went back with the guy. sometimes i can not understand it but i am sure if any of you see it near you, you would do something about it. kids are always a key to figure out whats the home life like. look for scars bruises and behavior. my sisters are well protected and their husbands know that. i will not allow any abuse if i an do something to prevent it.

10-25-2004, 09:12 PM
Very moving.

10-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Don't get married.

10-25-2004, 10:23 PM
Don't get married.

10-25-2004, 10:34 PM
Way too overdone.
Unrealistic and of poor taste.
Guess it gets the point across...but i don't like it (the flash)

10-26-2004, 12:16 AM
Yeah it gets its point across. Sad to think how this happens to so many people. I know someone where stuff like this happens, except without the killnig which was kinda unrealistic.

10-26-2004, 12:22 AM
Poor Mom and Kid. That guy deserved to get his butt kicked!

10-26-2004, 02:17 AM
Technically speaking that was a very well done Flash movie.

10-26-2004, 02:23 AM
That makes me mad.......... Ill kick hes azz :)
Real men dont hit girls or kids or dogs. Thats why they make video games :)

10-26-2004, 02:31 AM
Way too overdone.
Unrealistic and of poor taste.
Guess it gets the point across...but i don't like it (the flash)
Why is it unrealistic? I found it to be very moving as did some others.

10-26-2004, 03:01 AM
excellent schism, far too much abuse in the world. way too many men in the world that are rageaholics, everything else is someone else's fault. meanwhile the wife maintains hope that he will change. and the known is always better than the unknown. also like you said, both parents likely had abusive parents when they were children. as a child you see what works for your parents and it becomes deeply embedded in your psyche. Women will marry their fathers and vice versa. A very viscious cycle. And although this clip touches on physical abuse, there are lots of other types of abuse.

10-26-2004, 03:09 AM
I wounder why the family was Mexican though...... anyways good flash and it was alright, as stated earlier it gets its point across.

10-26-2004, 03:35 AM
We once had an incident at one of my resorts where the husband was beating his wife and she ended up running outside naked and hiding from him in some bushes. I was called about the incident and I immediately called the police and then went to the property. I saw her in the bushes and she begged me not to call the police but I told her that I absolutely had to, and that they were already on the way. I asked her if this had happened before and she replied "yes". I told her she needed some help and I would be happy to contact the local domestic violence center after the issue was resolved.

I dare not enter their room as the husband was still in there and he was pretty drunk and was built like a tank. Now I can hold my own but this guy was like 280lbs all muscle and semi wasted (not to mention what kind of weapons he might have had).

The police showed up and 2 of the scrawniest cops I have ever seen got out of the car and drew their clubs to go in and I was like um this guy is pretty big, they were like eh no sweat we are waiting for "Mike" I think they said their colleagues name was. Well he showed up and got out of the police SUV and was like 6.8ft tall, 300lbs and I was like holy sh1t that is one big dude. He went in to the room by himself and subdued the guy in about 60 seconds, lol.

To my surprise the women actually pressed charges this time and the asshole went to jail! Right before the police escorted her back to the station she came up to me and said thank you so much. I was very touched that she actually was able to be so brave as to finally stand up to her husband and get rid of that asshole.

Sorry my story was so long and I didn't mean to take away from this thread but this was the first time I had ever experienced violence like this before and was indirectly involved.

Death Engineer
10-26-2004, 03:39 AM
pretty effective clip. i had a cousin who was married to a guy like that. he was a drunk and when i found out the truth which gets hidden very well, i put the guy in a hospital. this was about 10 years ago and have gotten word that she went back with the guy. sometimes i can not understand it but i am sure if any of you see it near you, you would do something about it. kids are always a key to figure out whats the home life like. look for scars bruises and behavior. my sisters are well protected and their husbands know that. i will not allow any abuse if i an do something to prevent it.

Right. You put the guy in the hospital. That'll show all those violent people out there that violence isn't the answer!! :thumbs:

I agree about being aware of physical warning signs. Bruises and scars are signs of ONGOING abuse. By that time the person has been scarred for life. Especially those of you that take care of children in School, daycare or church, please please please be aware of the messages kids are sending. That video is a reality for far too many kids/wives. And many of them are reaching out.

10-26-2004, 06:28 AM
Mexican? It never crossed my mind that they were portrayed as being Mexican. I didn't get the impression that it was targeted at any specific ethnic or racial group. This sh!t happens in ghettos, and it happens in upper-class neighborhoods. It is an equal-opportunity sickness. White, Black, Latino, you name it. It would have had the same impact for me if they all had blond hair.

Yeah I know, I just noted the brownish skin and the father's cheesy mustache which is something most of the older latin American men can be nutorious for. I understand that it could happen with any type of people or race.

10-26-2004, 04:20 PM

im lucky, my parents been very lovely to me, never been violent to me. Im so very taller and bigger than my father lolll! Im an ex-bouncer, so try! lol

Death Engineer
10-29-2004, 02:47 AM
Jeez. He pleaded innocent... :hmmm:

10-29-2004, 03:02 AM
the wife made him do it. fry him...

10-29-2004, 08:50 PM
yea, i saw this clip about 10 times and every time i watch it, i am moved. You begin to get such anger inside of you towards abusive fathers.

10-29-2004, 10:33 PM
Right. You put the guy in the hospital. That'll show all those violent people out there that violence isn't the answer!! :thumbs:

I agree about being aware of physical warning signs. Bruises and scars are signs of ONGOING abuse. By that time the person has been scarred for life. Especially those of you that take care of children in School, daycare or church, please please please be aware of the messages kids are sending. That video is a reality for far too many kids/wives. And many of them are reaching out.
de-the thing about these people is not violence. it is power they think they have over the other party. everyone here talks about how violence is so bad but i would like to remind them that it was violence that solved hitler. as for putting the guy the hospital, i think anyone would of done the same thing for a family member if they found out what was being done. i would do it again if another family member or really any stranger i saw beating and abusing the family and kids. i just wont allow that so call me what ever:thumbs: