View Full Version : Bush Wacked again !!

10-25-2004, 02:21 PM
The very unfortunate part(ss) is that these explosives can be used to detonate nuclear weapons !! Can you say "Nukular" Pres. George WB?? :eek: Condolezza Rice and the President knew of it? But Im sure, they were probably to busy planning his and or her next stump speeches for the elections :mad:

Bush couldnt even secure the weapon caches that he knew were there.....sad.......no Im sorry to say, it is truly sickening!! :mad: Commander and Chief ?? Just how many of our soldiers and other innocents will die, for yet another of his catastrohpic mistakes?? Bush reminds me of my kids story book...."Where's Waldo" except here, Im left wondering WTH...... "Where's GWBush" !!! :down:

Bush Whacked Again ! (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6323933/)