View Full Version : 50% Network Utilization

Caged Anger
10-26-2004, 12:39 AM
Why is it only saying I'm using 50% when downloading???????????

When I download, i want every ounce of bandwidth i can get to go into downloading so why does it go down to 50%!!!???

10-26-2004, 01:51 AM
Your router can handle speeds faster than your internet connection by 50%.

Caged Anger
10-26-2004, 02:01 AM
Router? I have dial guys, sorry, thought everyone knew that. I found 50% shown while i was downloading Spybot updates in the task manager network utilization box. No download managers (always found them to be spyware) and when i do use Opera's, i don't think it has any kind of limiter set on it. Happens no matter where I'm downloading from.

10-26-2004, 02:12 AM
Router? I have dial guys, sorry, thought everyone knew that. I found 50% shown while i was downloading Spybot updates in the task manager network utilization box. No download managers (always found them to be spyware) and when i do use Opera's, i don't think it has any kind of limiter set on it. Happens no matter where I'm downloading from.I doubt it is very accurate at 28.8 kbps. Your download speed should show up at about 2-4KB a second in that little box. You may experience less or more if you connect at greater or lesser speeds. Back when I was on dial up I used to connect at 52kbps and get a download of about 6-7 KB a second.

Also I just noticed something you stated it was at 50% well most likely you have a full duplex modem and chances are it is monitoring both incoming and outgoing at the same time. So the other 50% is reserved for uploading. ;)