View Full Version : Avoidance of Magic worth it?

10-26-2004, 07:15 PM
Just wondering what everybody thinks...

For the past couple months I have had AoM3...Gives 10% to all magic resists. I thought 10 points for 10% resists to magic is awesome but now I am rethinking, possibly putting points into toughness/Aug Con. This reason is because when I get nuked by hibs w/relics I took 700-800 damage per nuke. That is quite rediculous. 10% of that is only 70-80 dmg(thats WITH relics keep in mind). Now if I put 10 points into toughness/aug con I could gain more than 80hp I think. If I put those 10 points into toughness that's an additional 250 hps. If I go 4 into toughness and 4 into aug con, I think it would be a little less(not sure how much hp per con a highlander minst would get), and another 2 points to spend on something else(even put 1 into AoM maybe). At this point some of you are probaably thinking the resist also give syou a better chance to completely resist, but those are hella rare. Not only that but HP would help all around, IP2 would heal for more, etc. Where as magic resists only work against casters which is prolly about 50% of people in the frontiers.

Anyhow any comments/opinions would be great. =)

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-26-2004, 07:18 PM
Sounds like the toughness/Aug Con route might be better.

Death Engineer
10-26-2004, 07:21 PM
AoM was nerfed with NF and the general consensus is that it is no longer worth it (from what I've heard). This is especially true in NF where archers are coming out of the woodwork and suffer no loss from AoM.

BoF is in the same boat: Used to be good, now stinks it up.

10-26-2004, 08:10 PM
I just thogth about it and forgot that the stats gained are not camulative. So My choices are the gimp 10% resist from AoM3, 150hp from Toughness3, or toughly 115hp, 2% resist, and 1 extra point(From toughness 2(75hp), aug con2(12 con = 3.33 hp/con I found out = 40hp), and AoM1(2% to magic resists, definetly a better bargain 1 pt for 2% than 10 pts for 10%).

I'm thinking I should just go for Toughness 3 for the 150hp and spend 1 point on AoM1. Even though it's only 2% it helps and the ratio twice that of spending the points on AoM3.

Must get more opinions. Stupid gimp AoM.

10-27-2004, 08:54 AM
My main question would be does AoM help with your chance to resist?
There are plenty of spells other then dd worth considering. I've lost many fights due to a poorly timed resists. Not sure if high resists help in your chance to resist completely, or just the degree it effects you?


11-02-2004, 03:47 PM
Resists on things such as CC are based on rolls against your resists% and (in the case of tanks) determination. It would affect the ability in such cases to lower the timer on affects to your toon. But in the case of AoM... that little percentage does not equate to much. Take for instance the dude who's got 3% extra resistance. We'll call this guy Wordna. Wordna's got 29% reistance to some stun-dragging hib noob's cc. Now take for instance another player. We'll call this guy Yetti. This noob only has 26% resistance. They're both hit with say a 60second mez when their purge is down. Wordna gets to spend 43 seconds prank phone calling people who annoy him (42.6s, and mythic rounds up). Yetti is picking his nose for 45 seconds (44.4s, and yet mythic still rounds up). The difference in cc was only 2 seconds duration. In both cases, these players were stunned, then /assist nuked down. Spending those additional points for a slight delay may seem to serve little purpose. But not only were the mez reduced slightly, but so was the nuke damage recieved by the first player. The skill was nerfed down because it grossly overpowered tank classes against their nuking counterparts... tanks already start with a dangerously high enough ammount of hits. It's still a good RA, but in terms of CC reduction it's not all that potent.
As for the RA debate? Well simple... AoM reduces the nuke damage you take, Toughness makes available more damage to be taken. By far, toughness is more versatile because it works against tank groups as well as caster groups. I would not ignore AoM because of that though, a fair mix of passives spreads your utility out, while not blowing too deep into high rsp ra tiers. A little mix of all 3 isn't bad at all either. But yes, linked with IP, toughness would be a more appropriate use in short battles with time enough for your IP ra to repop.
And in a side note, don't think of AoM just for pure caster stuff. Proc damage is reduced, Poison damage is reduced, trap damage is reduced, dd charges reduced... there's quite a bit to consider besides just being on the wrong end of an eld's DD.

If you're considering options for that minstrel of yours... I'd think purge/ip/sos would be priority rsp's to take to level2. Passives would include Toughness/MoM to begin with... after a few million rp's, start dipping into aug con and aom. Spread out some rsp's as best you can, being more well-rounded will keep ya pwning more consistantly for all the varying situations that you'll get into. It's not like a sneak's life where ya just gotta worry about what your opponents camping the docks are using :O

~Yetti L50 Infilbator <Mastery of Water 5>