View Full Version : It's sad when you see what a friend can do for a game....

10-27-2004, 10:43 PM
very sad....I thrusted some RL ppl I know very well with my account password and in return they stole all my plats and item from my account.
All my toons are naked minus the arty.
I give to guildy all the rare scrolls I farmed so I can't get cash back to buy some items, and I spended the last two months doing almost no RvR farming to get my toons back in action. And when I was almost Rdy I got this.
I can't resupply my toons since I lost all, and I don't have the str to farm for 2 more months, beside I don't charge guildy for items and scrolls so I'll never get a gold :)
I'll log to say Hi every so often and to keep in touch with you all, but I can't be active anymore since my toons are messed.
I can't belive what ppl can do for a game...expeciality ppl I called friend and I know em well in RL.
My house is at 464, if you see any decent item you can use just post a repply here and I'll save for you.
Sorry but the two love story 2/3 are alredy gone, but there is still some decent piece :)

Death Engineer
10-27-2004, 10:52 PM
Sounds like you need to re-evaluate who your RL "friends" are.

We're a helping group and are willing to help you get back on your feet. Just say what you need and when and we'll do what we can.

10-27-2004, 11:02 PM
Aye if you want some help jsut let us know.... Armor weapons ect .... dont let this stop your fun in the game and sharing good experiences with one of best grps of people on the server

10-27-2004, 11:17 PM
Tnx for the offer but I don't belive in help and cooperation since ToA is out :)
Tonight I just gave to guildy two love story 2/3, and 3 cloud song 2/3 I farmed, quite a tons of plats.I alway gave rare scrolls like shade 3/3 to guildy for nothing.
All the help I asked was helping me out to farm naliah 3/3....I never got a positive feedback, never got the only scroll I need. But all time someone asked for one of the rare scroll I got at my merchant I alway give it to him, or offered to farm it for him. So sorry if I don't belive in the offer of help :)
I really like you all ppl, and belive you are all very fine ppl but that's far from help me out restock my toons: I never saw ppl helping each other in this game without some profit and now I can't no longer pay for my items and scrolls since they robbed me :(
I spended the last two months farming to get my toons back in action, I almost did no RvR, the part of daoc I love and now I can't no longer have fun.
My morale is at zero, because I really got fun in RvR with you the few time I come out and was hoping the PvE boring part was done.

10-27-2004, 11:24 PM
i never once saw you ask for help farming nailahs

10-27-2004, 11:36 PM
i never once saw you ask for help farming nailahs

Asked MANY times in /gu, I play on euro playtime that's right so there are less ppl online during my prime time, but belive me I asked many time :)

10-27-2004, 11:54 PM
i play everyday from about 6am est to10amest then sporadic times and I always see u out on solost in green glades. If you only needed one scroll you should have been farming that one. Stygia and atum is a lot faster and easier to farm than green glades. I was on every morning with you during your prime time. If i missed your post for help i am sorry, but if you would have sent me a tell one of the many times we passed each other in gg i would have helped you out.

10-28-2004, 12:08 AM
i play everyday from about 6am est to10amest then sporadic times and I always see u out on solost in green glades. If you only needed one scroll you should have been farming that one. Stygia and atum is a lot faster and easier to farm than green glades. I was on every morning with you during your prime time. If i missed your post for help i am sorry, but if you would have sent me a tell one of the many times we passed each other in gg i would have helped you out.

Farming in green glades was for helping guildy with rare scrolls and as many can tell you I never charge a copper for anything.
Farming in Atum for Naliah 3/3 belive it or not it's a LOT harden for me since sethian scout (the one who drop the scroll) cal for help and I alway end up zerged from reinforcement inc from one of the sethian cities :(

OUTLAWS The Machine
10-28-2004, 12:32 PM
You should be selling those rare scrolls you farm for money to buy the onees you need. Sometimes I specifically farm rare scrolls for money i need to purchase other items.

10-29-2004, 04:04 AM
i'll craft you a set of mp clothe(and sc) for a toon of yours. and as far as nailah's 3-3 i just found out how to get it today and scored. and it took me all of 30 minutes. We'll go out and get it as soon as you want. you can reach me in game after 6 pm est most nights. Don't let crap like this get you, because it's stuff like this that helps reviel the real peeps worth knowing. Cyprys

11-02-2004, 08:20 AM
Well havn't heard from ya or seen you in game. I hope you didnt toss all that time and effort out the window. With a new set of armor and a couple of things off my merchant we could get one of your toons back up to farm some money making scrolls again. You'll be back in business in a week. Offer still stands on a new set of armor but you have to step up. You gave now you can take. No shame in alittle help ya know. Plz send tell when you get back on. Cyp P.S. not trying to force anything just want to help out alittle.

11-02-2004, 10:18 AM
I'll help you farm it. And if there's a problem with farming off scouts, complete ML1. It's the prereq to zone into the ML5 dungeon, where the scroll drops more frequently then simply off of scouts. As for help and cooperation, I'm truely sorry that you feel you've been neglected. Perhaps the game has changed in a way that is unappealing to a lot, but it's just a game and there's nothing more to it. We help who we can, when we can. I enjoy seeing guildies dawn their new items and kick a little butt in rvr with em... and would love to see all of our guildies playing this game how they enjoy. I've missed seeing your requests for help in /gu, and when not hassled with the effects of ToA making me farm my own stuff, I try to give more than I take from our guild. If you need help, it is there. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but it's there. I think ToA has gotten to you deeply, so just relax a bit, maybe take a few days to breathe:) After that, why not schedule a day/time that's not conflicting, and ask on GM for a little help if it's necessary.
On a side note, you realize you have a consignment merchant for housing... If ya sell a little of what ya get, you can buy what you need. That's basically the intent of that thing. True giving all your earnings to guildies is nice, many of us would rather you see you enjoy the game for yourself first. Find a happy medium of helping yourself as well as others, and you'll get what ya need done. Hope ya stay, but if you leave don't let me have ya go without saying farewell. Take care!