View Full Version : i am curious to what you think of this

10-28-2004, 09:24 AM

i would bet my left no wait, my right testicle that these weapons and others have been moved to syria along with the real weapons of mass destruction. there is a conspiracy here that i believe is to prevent the proof of our supposed allies that they were selling them this stuff regardless of the un-sanctions. it amazes me how people do not see this here in america to see how serious this is. while america stays divided, the rest of the world goes against us and that is the truth. they already found french ammunitions and german made supplies being used against us. i am just curious if you people in america really expect these countries to be our allies or friends with anything. would you honestly trust these nations for your own countries sake? and do you really feel we should still depend on the united nations or should we pull out of it and stop putting american tax dollars into it. also do any of you see why the un dragged their feet when we brought this situation to them regarding iraq? do you think that could of been enough time to move the weapons? do you honestly feel that saddam didnt have any wmd or he destroyed the stuff he did have that there is no trace of?

also, i would like to know how you feel about the oil for food scandals between russia, germany, and france while here were sanctions on iraq placed there by the un.

this is not a thread for who you want for president so please just stick to the topic. also i am only asking americans.

10-28-2004, 10:34 AM
Man, this is one big mess :down:

What blows is that we never belonged in Iraq in the first place. We've got a big mess in Iraq, possibly one developing in Syria and Iran. Our true enemies, the ones who killed Americans were in Afganistan, Pakistan, and of Saudi origin.

I would like to know how Russians were able to remove weapons from a area we KNEW was full of weapons?? This wasn't some area we found when the war started, this is one we KNEW about.

Bottom line, can't trust Big Brother :down:

Another thing to think about is that we're training Iraqi's now... Anyone else think that's going to bite us in the ass 7-10 years down the road???

10-28-2004, 03:06 PM
we knew of them, but we had not invaded when they were removed....

we also along with everyone else in the political world knew they had wmd's that we cant find now

humorous you say we shouldnt be there simply because these weapons were removed, then you go on to say the places they were taken were the places we should have invaded. That sounds like your saying Iraq was supporting terrorism to me but they should had been left unaccountable because syria and iran was who the weapons were intended for.

10-28-2004, 04:10 PM
we knew of them, but we had not invaded when they were removed....

we also along with everyone else in the political world knew they had wmd's that we cant find now

humorous you say we shouldnt be there simply because these weapons were removed, then you go on to say the places they were taken were the places we should have invaded. That sounds like your saying Iraq was supporting terrorism to me but they should had been left unaccountable because syria and iran was who the weapons were intended for.
No, you're not understanding what I posted, I said that we shouldn't have invaded Iraq. Period. I said that we should be fighting our true enemies in Afganistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. That's where the fallout from 9/11 came from. Not once did I say we should invade Syria or Iran, I said now it looks like they are part of the problem. A problem created by us invaing Iraq. Nice twists you tried there ,very Bushism

I have stated that we didn't belong in Iraq, and we still don't We went in for a bull crap reason, and now we're paying for it.

American Deaths * Total / In Combat
Since war began (3/19/03): 1107 / 852

"Mission Accomplished"(5/1/03)* 970 / 741

Since Capture of Saddam(12/13/03 645 / 548

Since Handover (6/29/04): 246 / 220
* *
Total American Wounded: 8019 :down:

GG GWB :down:

10-28-2004, 04:53 PM
Syria was allllways a long problem, as was iran... and we haaaave numerous troops in the places you mentioned. Seriously, have you not heard other republicans saying way back in the day that the weapons were surely taken to iran and syria? do u just not wish to face that u cant be selective with terrorism in the muslim world.. that its always been a big mess?

either way, iraq apparantly supported Syria and iran and whooo knows who else and im glad we invaded.
And a overwhelming majority of the soldiers in Iraq, agree.

10-28-2004, 05:06 PM
What I'm amazed at is how you can't see the difference between how things were in the middle east 5 years ago, and how they are now. There's a difference between a troubled region, and the middle east has been for many years, and the big freaking mess it is now. And I love how your answer is invade invade invade!!! Very Un-American.

Take the % of troops that went into Pakistan and Afganistan after Bin Ladden (killed Americans) then look at how many were dumped into Iraq ( Saddam killed how many Americans after gulf war??) It's pathetic :down: and the fact that you fail to see that is almost laughable

10-28-2004, 05:13 PM
well, pure, you know that is part of the great plan for america to be come the world's police force. well, for rich oil producing countries that is, we don't give a flying **** for any poor 3rd world countries with no resources to exploit....

10-28-2004, 05:31 PM
in thinking about it, i guess we are screwed, because we are caught between two sets of loonies. One group thinks the UN should be the world's police force. The other group thinks hell no, we are going to be the damn world police force. Or maybe that first group doesn't actually exist and the second group is just pure psycho... :eek:

10-28-2004, 05:33 PM
they already found french ammunitions and german made supplies being used against us. i am just curious if you people in america really expect these countries to be our allies or friends with anything. would you honestly trust these nations for your own countries sake?

I'm not american BUT there are always some black sheep in every country that sell stuff produced in a country on the black market to anyone who has enough money to buy it! I really wonder what you'd say if some terrorists would use weapons manufactured in the US against your country! Then u couldn't trust your own country too? Or would you just blame it to the syrian or wherever from near eastern immigrants?

Unfortunately there are always people that value money higher any rule/law/etc.

Edit : But it's nice to see that you think because one or several ppl of a country do that the whole country is like that.

10-28-2004, 05:44 PM
I am so, so tired of hearing people say that we went into Iraq for good reasons. You know what else? If those missing weapons were moved before we invaded, that's just more evidence that we were deceived by this administration... Stockpiles, my a$$... We should NOT be in Iraq. There are a lot of other leaders who mistreat their people in this world, Saddam was not alone, but hey the other bad guys don't all produce all kinds of oil... :hmmm:

BTW, we have 900 more Coast Guard Reservists getting shipped over to Iraq this weekend from Michigan alone... :(

Dangerous Dan
10-28-2004, 07:26 PM
the only nation the USA can trust is Canada, not because we want to ally with you guys, but because our fates are so closely inter-related. We may not politically support the US, but if true chaos comes to North American soil, i can practically guarentee you that we'd be on board.

10-28-2004, 07:35 PM
lol, ridiculous.
what a joke....

10-28-2004, 07:43 PM
lol, ridiculous.
what a joke....
Excuse me, please show me those weapons?? I just read about reports, no stock piles shown and proof that they were in Iraq..

I got news for you, we dont have saddam, they do, and they're already making plans for his return.

Leaflets distributed by Iraq's toppled Baath Party on Thursday urged Iraqis to boycott the elections and step up the insurgency to pave the way for Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s return. I'm not saying this is going to happen soon, but there's a good chance a few years down the road, he'll be free.

10-28-2004, 07:58 PM
u see reports of proved stockpile... yell bull****.
then make the assumption that saddam will go free?
i got news for you, your not sane. :P

10-28-2004, 08:11 PM
from 300 tons it because 3 tons. hell a missle is probably a ton. wtf is all this BS about?

10-28-2004, 08:37 PM

"The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead, a man claims on the video.

Further claims on the video: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda."

i simply dont see where bush went wrong
did he piss the terrorists off too much by "destroying the taliban and making war on Al Qaeda"?

anyways, im gone for the weekend... have a good one guys :thumbs:

10-28-2004, 08:47 PM
wtf does some moron on a video tape have to do with anything??? I can say that the streets in france are going to run with blood as i kill every one of them. Is that justification for france to invade America? You use this type of logic for our middle east activities. It was no government dropping the towers. It was a group of people. To counter this group of nuts, we have gone to war with two countries. By doing that we given the entire religion of islam more justification to hate the US and legitimized the terrorists as a force to be dealt with. By remaining there we are not fixing the terrorist problem. We are pushing other outraged individuals to their cause...

10-28-2004, 09:01 PM
wtf does some moron on a video tape have to do with anything??? I can say that the streets in france are going to run with blood as i kill every one of them. Is that justification for france to invade America? You use this type of logic for our middle east activities. It was no government dropping the towers. It was a group of people. To counter this group of nuts, we have gone to war with two countries. By doing that we given the entire religion of islam more justification to hate the US and legitimized the terrorists as a force to be dealt with. By remaining there we are not fixing the terrorist problem. We are pushing other outraged individuals to their cause...

you are so misinformed jim. you talk aout a group of people right? a group of people that their govenments funded and support. and as far as the towers go that you speak of, iraq-saddam was involved in the firswt attempt to take the towers down. tha'ts ok right with you since they failed the first time. we should continue to allow these groups as you say be able to be funded by their governments and countries until all of america is blown up. i find it funny that some feel this is not a threat. well i just hope it's those who did not take this matter serious are the ones to get caught up or suffer from the next attack. i wish that this country could be divided in that sense.

10-28-2004, 09:21 PM
well i just hope it's those who did not take this matter serious are the ones to get caught up or suffer from the next attack. i wish that this country could be divided in that sense.

WOW that has to be a new all time low /shrug

Honestly wishing ppl that something like this happens to them is just .... well i'm at a loss of words atm

10-28-2004, 09:27 PM

"The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead, a man claims on the video.

Further claims on the video: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda."

i simply dont see where bush went wrong
did he piss the terrorists off too much by "destroying the taliban and making war on Al Qaeda"?

anyways, im gone for the weekend... have a good one guys :thumbs:
captain, as far as this thread goes, it did not get answered the way i asked the questions. typical here at gm. it's a game forum so i should not expect it to be. i think america needs another attack like the one on the video explains. too many micheal moores feel we are not threatened by this. that's a laugh. the people here blame bush for the problems this country has had for decades but think that kerry will fix them. thats a laugh. i am sure not one of these people even know what kerry is going to do or how he is going to do it. again, this is a gaming forum and we shouldnt expect the majority to be paying attention. ot of all the threads here at gm on politics or what they think is wrong in iraq, it is obvious they have no clue and just based there opinion on cnn or cbs. thats a laugh also. i find all of the posts made by a few to prove their knowledge of this is just a joke. ys, they get to vote also.

pure evil--out of everyone here that posts in these threads, i respect you the most. why some may ask? because i can respect your opinion and feelings on this whole thing. you and i differ in many opinions but i am sure you knw i am not so keen on george bush 100%. the difference between myself and kerry supporters is just that. i can see where i don't like bush but also see the differences between the main opponent. i was going to skip this election altogether because i am not happy with the candidates. i may have even jumped on your choice because i see where you are coming from and that is where i respect you the most for. you have stuck to your guns choosing someone who will not have a chance to win but because you do not like either of the parties. i on the other hand feel i have to vote for bush because if i dont, kerry will win and he will be worst for the country due to the actual research i have done unlike many of the kerry supporters who still havent been able to say anything out of all these dumb threadthat kerry will do to make america better. now if there was some kerry supporter that could actually debate here and say in there own words why they support kerry, that would be great. i think voting for someone because they think it's better to vote for the other regardless of the others actions in the past and stance on things (and i do not mean what is said to win a vote) and how the other party is going to handle things which you do not even hear inthe media is just a joke. one thing is to have an oppinion which i can respect from everyone but i wish these oppinions could be made with clarity rather then just dumb and false statements they heard or read off the internet.

10-28-2004, 09:34 PM
WOW that has to be a new all time low /shrug

Honestly wishing ppl that something like this happens to them is just .... well i'm at a loss of words atm
yeah, i thought i would get that reaction but just to my point which i was making is that these people will say that i am a bad person for wishing this on people but they don't think it's a threat here so what's the difference.

ofcourse i would not like to see any american killed by terrorists but if this threat is not taken serious, it will happend again and again. this is the point i am making and where i take this serious, america is held back by the too many that don't. i hope you understand where i am coming from or my point.

and relating to your other comment, i do not judge the citizens of the other countries. it is their governments that did not back america and that's what i was referring to incase i didnt make it clear enough. when i was in cancun, i was shocked to meet people from europe and besides a few saying arnold should be president, they actually were for bush in the majority of the conversations i had with them. again, the original topic of this was thrown out since it was not kept to the first post i created.

10-28-2004, 09:43 PM
look at the numbers in Pure's statistics. more people have died in iraq than here. and you can bet that their families will not see any type of reparations aside from the meager funds that the government pays war widows. This is not to make light of 9/11, but to point out that people are still dying from it, families being destroyed and so forth. Are we currently "fixing" things in the Middle East? Sadly enough I believe the answer is no. I could go for this fight if it was for actual humanitarian reasons, but this is just a means for Bush and his cronies to get revenge, make money and demonstrate their power.

10-28-2004, 10:07 PM
here is how i feel about those deaths and list closely. this is my opinion so it means nothing to anyone who disagrees.

people here in america cry about the 1100 and counting deaths in the iraq war. i feel bad for the families that have lost a family member. the problem we ar having in iraq is not bad planing or anything like that. the problem is politics from both sides. here we have geroge bush a republican president. the democrats have done nothing but detor and make things hard for this president to be more succesful. many of you do not even kow what is going on there in iraq but just see the bad things. that's typical in todays media since they are voting for kerry. it is the media's fault and the democrats and john kerrys fault and even those here in america who go around talking about iraq when they do not even know why we are there for. dumb commnets that we should not be there will and has encouraged the other countries to continue to attack they see what s going on here and that's becas ewe are not together on the issues. this is why they will continue and test us. they will try to make it look like we shold leave and not complete the mission so they can again plan to atack us like 9/11. axis of evil as bush has said since day 1. this is true but kerry and the democrats have brainwashed you to think we have no right there but again, you people probably do not know what eacj of the sanctions were about placed on iraq. personally, i feel we should just eliminate a few of these countries to show we are not kidding. i have said that tme and time again regardless of anyone here thinking i am some nuke nut. the point is if we do not take this serious, we will get more americans and allies killed. the world is against america and has been before we went to war on iraq. the un sanctions were bypassed by our suposed allies. what kind of allies are these? thse are the allies that kerry feels we should be close with? why? i hae said it before and i will say it agian...their isnt a country in the mideast tha is worth 1 american life. the soldiers we lose there is because they are preventing deaths here in america in the future like our childrens life. it amazes me that many americans have turned on there own countr and feel that supporting or troops is wishing they were home. the polls sho that 73% of the troops support bush. ofcourse you will see some that do not want to be there but the majority do and are there to fight for americas future and that doesnt mean oil. believe it or not but those who show uncertainity toward this fight on terror only encourages those who want to harm innocent people here in america. you can add 1100 soldiers in a year but i am stil counting those from 9/11. the world is against us which makes this task more difficult but like many time before, america will prevail.

also i would like to comment on homeland security. kerry bashes bush on this alot but i am curious to think that if expects bush to say what he is doing to secure the nation. i mean should we tell the terrorists how we do things to prevent them from killing innocent people? i find that laughable but scary that some actually think kerry has a leg to stand on. kerry will try to ammend thing with fance and russia and germany and the un regardless of what these countries have done to us. this is where i respect bush and why i am going to vote for him. like bush said from day 1--you are either with us or against us. that my friend is a fact.

10-28-2004, 10:25 PM
there is no "us" in this. bush lost the popular vote, he does not speak for the people. he is the president of the U.S., but he has no mandate to do whatever he wants and screw you to everyone else. if the idiots running the election in florida did a better job he would not be in office. you can try to villainize people who disagree with his policies all you want. declare them/me unamerican, whatever. I am not brainwashed about kerry, i don't really care about him. my disagreement is with the general stupidity level of bush, his policies, his interests, and his actions while in office. and thank you for this bit of insignt:
personally, i feel we should just eliminate a few of these countries to show we are not kidding Why not just invade a couple instead? No wait, that is what GWB is doing...

10-28-2004, 10:48 PM
jim you prove my point that democrats have been doing everything they can to make bush look bad. ok that's fine. bush is president and you will vote for kerry which is your right and again that's fine.

now you say--my disagreement is with the general stupidity level of bush, his policies, his interests, and his actions while in office

i am curious to hwat you are saying here. can you list your own things where you find him to be stupid? i would like to read them and se where you are coming from where you call him a idoit. now i will not accept your opinon on wa but i am curious to know where he is stupid.

i find it funny that those who call bush stupid are voting on kerry. the funy this is everything kerry has said against bush has been a problem in america before bush. the thing is we are at war and during his presidencyhe has had more obstacles than any othe rpesident at once had to face in his first term. yet america is still standing and the economy is doing great. i could a valid complaint if we were all unemployed and the market was at 6000. it amazes me people that make statement saying we are doing so badly when the dumbest movie in the theatre makes 20 million last weekend. i am in business and see the markets doing well so i do not understand it when i hear people crying that bush failed. nobody gave me anything to move forward yet, i seem to be able to provide for my family and help others i see fit needed to help. if america is doing so bad, why are we able to buy things and do things. it's a democrat statictal bs campaign that does not show full evidence and the true reasons. fro an example, kerry keeps saying we ost more jobs with bush than any other president but the fact is we didnt have a 9/11 before and the world changed yet the democrats put it down and say we are doing so badly. we are still growing and regardless of the jobs lost, there were jobs created. kerry also talks about jobs moving over seas and out sourcing but that's funy considering that heinz products are made outside of america. did you know that? product of canada and mexico? i can agree that the grass looks greener sometimes but history should show that it's not.

10-28-2004, 11:37 PM
pure evil--out of everyone here that posts in these threads, i respect you the most. why some may ask? because i can respect your opinion and feelings on this whole thing. you and i differ in many opinions but i am sure you knw i am not so keen on george bush 100%. the difference between myself and kerry supporters is just that. i can see where i don't like bush but also see the differences between the main opponent. i was going to skip this election altogether because i am not happy with the candidates. i may have even jumped on your choice because i see where you are coming from and that is where i respect you the most for. you have stuck to your guns choosing someone who will not have a chance to win but because you do not like either of the parties. i on the other hand feel i have to vote for bush because if i dont, kerry will win and he will be worst for the country due to the actual research i have done unlike many of the kerry supporters who still havent been able to say anything out of all these dumb threadthat kerry will do to make america better. now if there was some kerry supporter that could actually debate here and say in there own words why they support kerry, that would be great. i think voting for someone because they think it's better to vote for the other regardless of the others actions in the past and stance on things (and i do not mean what is said to win a vote) and how the other party is going to handle things which you do not even hear inthe media is just a joke. one thing is to have an oppinion which i can respect from everyone but i wish these oppinions could be made with clarity rather then just dumb and false statements they heard or read off the internet.

Thanks Bro

To be honest with you, I just don't feel either canidate represents me, the only thing about the Green Party I do not stand behind is their pollicy on the death sentance, and pot, but the rest makes sense to me. The republican and democrat parties have way too many stances that I just can't vote for.

I'm glad that you do post in these threads, because even the people I don't agree with do open my eyes to different things.

Thanks again, and I hope to see you in January with the rest of the gang :D

10-28-2004, 11:41 PM
this is not a thread for who you want for president so please just stick to the topic. also i am only asking americans

oops, that request got shot straight to hell :(

10-28-2004, 11:42 PM
january, i am there. money is already put aside for that ummm business trip yeah that's what it is:D .

i too like to be enlightened by peoples comments. i guess that's why i get frustrated here sometimes because i just want to dicuss things rather than read peoples comments with out backup or explanation. i voted for ross perot when he ran but that cost bush his election and made clinton win. i for one do not want that to happend in this case because things are ery different today.

10-29-2004, 12:49 AM
I would say that this article has zero credibility and it was conveniently published less than a week before the elections. Come on give me a break already.

10-29-2004, 01:10 AM
yea stop blaming my people....the russians, they are cool!!!

10-29-2004, 10:58 AM
yea stop blaming my people....the russians, they are cool!!!
I thought you were a American citizen??

10-29-2004, 12:12 PM
I wouldn't be surprise if the WMD was send to those countries because remember when we first hit Iraq the whole entire air force of the Iraq was send to Iran for there protections against the Americans.

Also Germany and Frence giving weapons to those countries is old news because they have been for so long and that is no secret because there is proof. Keep this in mind that we too have done a few not so nice things in the past and now with Iraq the Bush admin is doing a poor job.

10-29-2004, 05:01 PM
looky here uh oh (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041029/ap_on_re_mi_ea/us_iraq_weapons_19) :rolleyes:

there goes the claim they were gone before the invasion..

10-29-2004, 05:11 PM
i am curious to hwat you are saying here. can you list your own things where you find him to be stupid? i would like to read them and se where you are coming from where you call him a idoit. now i will not accept your opinon on wa but i am curious to know where he is stupid.

sorry biggs, I guess I am just imagining the stoopid thing. I guess bush (and family) faithfully represent the greatest expression of what it means to be american... :thumbs: :thumbs:

10-29-2004, 05:12 PM
they say it's like the yawning thing....

10-29-2004, 06:03 PM
Daily Show Video (http://www.comedycentral.com/mp/play.jhtml?player=realplayer&type=v&quality=high&reposid=/multimedia/tds/headlines/9050.html)

10-29-2004, 08:41 PM
**PBW TELE NEWS FLASH** Pres. George W. the present Republican partys White House Wash N Spin Pres., Our Ever Unready Military Leader, has categorically denied these wild and atroicious and "Evil Doer" claims that are now being made by the Pres. Dem. Canidate John Kerry !!

Bush stating, Ah ah err ahhh........... how could John Kerry make such wild attacks and ahh ahhh (give me a minute !) ahh..... baseless assumptions on something so obviously an an ahh ahh emm ah attack on our troops !! And err ah ah err ahmm Kerry is merely attacking the integrity, honor and the safety of all our ahh ahh ahmm....... Troops !! Those troops today that ahh emm are trully the ahh ahh ahh ones falling ahh ahh emm in harms way !! Such a man we dont need and ahh ahh an ah or usetowant in teh ahh hmm White House!! Someone who ahh ahh cant support our ah troops and give them the Leaderships and emm ahh ahhh ahh thesupports they so ah ah heroically and ahh emmmm honorboriclies so deserved!!

Bush went on to state that......... It just goes to show you..... again and again and ahh ahh again that, John Kerry will say or do anything to ahh ahh win the Election atteha ahh ahh emm .........emm.....the expense of our ahh ahh ahhemm..........those troops!!

10-29-2004, 10:52 PM
sorry biggs, I guess I am just imagining the stoopid thing. I guess bush (and family) faithfully represent the greatest expression of what it means to be american... :thumbs: :thumbs:
jim showing a person picking his nose does not make him stupid. i picked my nose before , hell i may be doing it now. your points have nothing to do with truth or anything that has to do with america. big dal the guy isnt a trained or great speaker. i am not looking for a good bullship artist like kerry who has all the right things to say and a large group of ignorant voters that will vote for him with actually looking how he plans to do what he said he is going to do.

i find it comical that you people have the balls to comment on bush's intelligence because of what you read and grab from the media. typical but funny. i would like to say i find people to be stupid to not be able to explain why they are voting for the other candiate. ifind it even dumber that anyone would vote fo someone who will only make things worst and not even look into the information that is easy to find like his record or listen to people who served with him. i find is even dumber that people can support someone with out knowing facts.

stupid is, s:thumbs: tupid does--go vote for a man with no plan but to tax and not fight a war on terrorism that is so real that maybe just maybe you may get caught in the next attack. go vote for a man that is had american soldiers killed and tortued in vietnam and also in iraq. yeah bush is stupid:rolleyes:.

how about you people for once in thse debates pos you own information rather grabbing it from biased websites. it only proves you all know nothing about what's going on.

There is no terrorist threat--Micheal Moore (only intelligent people in their world believe this)

10-29-2004, 11:34 PM
what websites have I been posting from? bush's pictures and quotes? they speak for the character of the president and the respect of office of the presidency. With bush there I wouldn't be surprised to see streams of yellow piss shooting off from behind the whitehouse. sure, everybody does this stuff, but most people don't do it in public, and only one person is the president of the united states. maybe you should review the bush soverign nation quote. the guy is just clueless about anything.

10-29-2004, 11:51 PM
the fact is you base your oppinion on stupid character prints from bias websites and that has nothing to do with what he or kerry is doing for america. it sad to see so many ignore the true facts and basing their vote on this nonsense.

10-30-2004, 02:01 AM
As not to insult anyones intelligence by cutting and pasting............. :rolleyes:

525 reasons (http://www.525reasons.com/)

50 Bush flip flops

Bushs Flip Flop Song (http://www.politicalsongs.net/)

10-30-2004, 02:36 AM
sorry biggs, I guess I am just imagining the stoopid thing. I guess bush (and family) faithfully represent the greatest expression of what it means to be american... :thumbs: :thumbs:

He was at a game and mimicking the players. What you can't see is his other hand scratching his balls.

10-30-2004, 03:25 AM
As not to insult anyones intelligence by cutting and pasting............. :rolleyes:

525 reasons (http://www.525reasons.com/)

50 Bush flip flops

Bushs Flip Flop Song (http://www.politicalsongs.net/)

i rest my case

10-30-2004, 03:56 AM
the fact is you base your oppinion on stupid character prints from bias websites and that has nothing to do with what he or kerry is doing for america. it sad to see so many ignore the true facts and basing their vote on this nonsense.

lol, you are a fool if you think i waste any time on political websites. any images or quotes posted take like about 15 seconds coming from google, they are that easy to find. any bias i have is due to the sorry state of the economy, job losses, and the high price of gas. I live in an area that has lots of delta pilots and support people. When neighbors lose their jobs as specialized mechanics and others are going to have to suck up a 30% pay cut (oh boo-hoo, poor pilots), that isn't nothing. My own company has cut 2000 employees the past 3 years. this is not sh1t i am reading on a website. the question has been asked before, why are we not developing alternative means of fuel? I read a nice big article on brazil where they have lots of mixed (ethanol+gas) fuel cars. Ethanol is slightly less fuel efficient, but the advantage is that you can grow all you want!! So are we developing this? Hell no, tax cuts for oil operators instead. Sorry, but I don't support bush. I think he is a POS, and the only interests he is looking out for is #1, and screw the rest of us. The middle finger says it all. I won't even go into the stupidity of iraq, that has been rehashed so many times already. Bush = good for cronies, bad for the rest of the country. Add to that the fact that he is totally oblivious to any type of common sense. I really have to wonder what the hell you are thinking by supporting him.

10-30-2004, 04:05 AM
yeah, i know, kerry is the answer:rolleyes:

the economy is fine and the gas prices would be the same or maybe worst if kerry was in office. wait... it would actually be worst because the taxes will be higher:rolleyes:

all these problems were here before bush but you people find it easier to blame him for your problems. it's completely comical:D

10-30-2004, 04:08 AM
mmm, can you people imagine what the next terrorist attack if like 9/11 will do to our economy? i will laugh my ass off if kerry gets elected to see how this guy would bring america out of the kind of hole bush got us out of. chances are you will all be screwed.

10-30-2004, 04:30 AM
lol, what hole has he brought us out of? He is spending like he is trying to fill a bottomless pit. It was Clinton who pulled the US out of deficit spending. The republicans couldn't do it for 12 years before him. the term fiscal responsibility means pretty much nothing to bush and his cronies as long as the money is going to things that represent his interests...

10-30-2004, 04:41 AM
mmm, can you people imagine what the next terrorist attack if like 9/11 will do to our economy? i will laugh my ass off if kerry gets elected to see how this guy would bring america out of the kind of hole bush got us out of. chances are you will all be screwed.
You make it sound like Bush did something about the terrorist attack. He accomplished nothing. He caught the wrong guy. Personally I am really pissed that I am paying 2.03 a gallon for 87 octane gas now. What is going on Mr Bush? You freakin liar ass piece of sh1t president? Did the Saudies give you an ultimatum?

10-30-2004, 05:38 AM
if i need to tell you it doesnt matter. vote for kerry all 5 of you:D

4 more years for bush:thumbs:

10-30-2004, 11:40 AM
i rest my case

Mr. Bush and his aides also seem to go to great lengths to underline

the degree to which the president closes himself off from the news

media. In an interview with Fox News this week, the president said he

learned most of what he needs to know from morning briefings by his

national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, and his chief of staff,

Andrew Card.

As for newspapers, Mr. Bush said, "I glance at the headlines" but

"rarely read the stories." The people who brief him on current events

encounter many of the newsmakers personally, he said, and in any case

"probably read the news themselves."

Bush makes his own case..........hes still AWOL !!

10-30-2004, 12:30 PM
yeah, i know, kerry is the answer:rolleyes:

the economy is fine and the gas prices would be the same or maybe worst if kerry was in office. wait... it would actually be worst because the taxes will be higher:rolleyes:

all these problems were here before bush but you people find it easier to blame him for your problems. it's completely comical:D
as you just stated, Bush did NOTHING to improve this in his 4 years, and that's pathetic.

If he wins, enjoy 4 more years of patheticness :down:

11-01-2004, 05:11 PM
as you just stated, Bush did NOTHING to improve this in his 4 years, and that's pathetic.

If he wins, enjoy 4 more years of patheticness :down:

LOL, because Bush is the king of Strategery and Misunderestimation... :rolleyes: :P

11-01-2004, 05:42 PM
LOL, because Bush is the king of Strategery and Misunderestimation... :rolleyes: :P

And Kerry changes his mind/view as soon as he figures out he was wrong the first time. Typical politician who changes his views to fit whatever is conjured as politically correct at the moment.
:P :rolleyes:

11-01-2004, 06:01 PM
They BOTH suck! Vote GREEN!!!!

Halloween question: What's scarier than four more years of Bush?
Election Day answer: Forty more years of 'Bush vs. Kerry.'

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders are urging all Americans to vote on Election Day, to vote Green, and to think beyond November 2 and prepare for the next four years, whether the winner is George W. Bush or John Kerry.

"Regardless of whether Bush or Kerry wins, the occupation of Iraq will continue, our addiction to climate-wrecking fossil fuels will continue, and 45 million Americans will continue to lack health insurance," said Lisa Weltman, Green candidate for the U.S. House in Michigan's 14th District (Detroit) <http://www.weltman2004.org>. "Both Bush and Kerry are on the wrong side of these issues. John Kerry, if elected, will maintain the Iraq occupation, will allow more oil drilling and a new oil pipeline from Alaska, will keep corporate control over our health coverage, and will support antidemocratic international trade authorities like NAFTA and the WTO."

Greens are sending an Election Day challenge to voters who oppose the war on Iraq and the racist war on drugs, who demand real steps to curb global warming, who support single-payer national health insurance and repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act, and who desire global democracy instead of global corporate power:


Vote Green, beginning with David Cobb for President and Pat LaMarche for Vice President.

If you've already made up your mind to vote for the Democratic ticket in order to defeat Bush, show your support for ending the Iraq occupation and for other Green positions by voting for Green candidates for state and local office, and by joining the Green Party.

11-01-2004, 06:44 PM
And Kerry changes his mind/view as soon as he figures out he was wrong the first time. Typical politician who changes his views to fit whatever is conjured as politically correct at the moment.
:P :rolleyes:

I suppose you could look at it that way or you could also say that he realized he was WRONG and admitted it and moved on to correct the mistake... :P

11-01-2004, 09:34 PM
I suppose you could look at it that way or you could also say that he realized he was WRONG and admitted it and moved on to correct the mistake... :P
i see how many of you look at things but ignore facts so what's the difference.

11-01-2004, 10:08 PM
it was ignored that kerry voted againt bush's plan so they can say all this crap

11-01-2004, 10:27 PM
it was ignored that kerry voted againt bush's plan so they can say all this crap

Which plan? The one(s) that are all working so well that another friend of mine was just laid off last Monday? Or the plan that has Gas prices up around $2.15 a gallon again... Those wonderful plans??? What about the one that got that Lieutenant Governor in Iraq assassinated today, that's a great plan too... :down:

11-02-2004, 01:21 AM
Which plan? The one(s) that are all working so well that another friend of mine was just laid off last Monday? Or the plan that has Gas prices up around $2.15 a gallon again... Those wonderful plans??? What about the one that got that Lieutenant Governor in Iraq assassinated today, that's a great plan too... :down:
gas is 2.26 over here but i the difference is that i know what the cause of it. you people blame the weather on bush. your ignorance is disturbing and i really try to ignore it but i can not.

listen, you do not know what's going on in iraq as it shows in all of your posts. first, you blame bush for the assasination? you need to learn before speaking. i will enlighten you on this old news. america handed iraq over to the new iraqi administration. they are in charge over there at this point. i can tell you more but why bother because you make ignorant statements (yes they are ignorant because you base your facts on stuff you have no knowledge of) which has nothing to do with facts. oil prices are up not because of bush but because spoiled americans who spend all day playing pool or on the internet instead of realizing what is going on in the world. also oil is up due to the weather we have had in america such as florida. as far as your friend goes, tell us wha company it was that layed them off and the reason why before you start making up crap. you think people are getting ayed off now, wait... if kerry gets elected, more companies will ship their companes and offices to other countries due to the tax burden on them which will not be worth it to be in america.

do me a favor. go vote for kerry for your own reason but before you start posting crap that is not true or you do not have all the fact which none of you don't and it shows in the information you post, try doing research on the subject. this goes for all of you retards who post stuff on this subject and do not use facts. not once have any of you kerry supportes based anything on facts but use stupid nose picking clips like jiminator which proves my point. get real already because you base your opinions on bs:down:

11-02-2004, 01:41 AM
...use stupid nose picking clips...

why is the clip stupid but not the person who it was made from? anyway, you claim to know facts, etc. all i see is the same blah blah blah opinions from you that i see from everywhere else. it's like this. the president is directly responsible for everything that happens in the country. clinton was held to that standard while he was in office (at least in the beginning when things sucked) and I am holding bush responsible for his term. if kerry gets in office and sucks, I will be ripping him instead of kissing his ass like you do bush. anyway i am glad this is amost over...

11-02-2004, 02:39 AM
Here's some facts for you on how the rich get the breaks. Look at the way major coprations benefite from Bush's tax plan...

America's largest and most profitable companies paid less in corporate income taxes in the last three years, even as they increased profits, according to a study released yesterday.

Companies have always used write-offs, depreciation, deductions and loopholes to lower their taxes, but the study, by Citizens for Tax Justice and its affiliate, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, suggested that tax breaks and subsidies enacted during the Bush administration had accelerated the decline in tax payments.

The study also cited the proliferation of abusive tax shelters and increasingly aggressive corporate lobbying as fueling the decline in tax payments by corporations.

The study was done by nonprofit research and advocacy groups that have been supported in part by labor unions. They contend that the tax system favors wealthy corporations and individuals.

The study, Corporate Income Taxes in the Bush Years, surveyed public filings by 275 of the nation's largest and most profitable companies, based on revenue from the Fortune 500 list of 2004. The 275 companies reported pretax profits from operations in the United States of $1.1 trillion from 2001 through 2003, the study said, yet reported to the Internal Revenue Service and paid taxes on half that amount.

Robert S. McIntyre, the lead author of the study, wrote, "The fact that America's companies were allowed to report less than half of their actual U.S. profits to the I.R.S., while ordinary wage earners have to report every penny of their earnings, has to undermine public respect for the tax system."

The 275 companies surveyed include nearly all of the 2004 Fortune 500 companies that were profitable from 2001 through 2003. The list excluded those that reported losses in any year, including General Motors and Ford; certain companies whose finances were considered too opaque to decipher; and about 25 companies to maintain a balance.

The study cited, among other things, tax breaks enacted in 2002 and 2003 as prompting the decline in corporate payments. Such tax breaks, as used by the 275 companies, totaled more than $175 billion over the last three years, including $71 billion last year, up from $43.4 billion in 2001. That compares, roughly, with $98 billion in tax breaks for the top 250 profitable companies over 1996 through 1998, according to a similar study by Citizens for Tax Justice in 2000.

Not all experts agreed with the study's findings. William W. Beach, a tax policy expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group in Washington, said that even though the study surveyed the top 275 companies, he did not find it "typical of corporate America," adding that smaller and midsize businesses were "paying a lot in taxes."

According to the study, some 28 corporations paid no taxes from 2001 to 2003, despite having profits in the period of nearly $45 billion.

Industry sectors that paid the lowest taxes or no taxes included aerospace and military, telecommunications, transportation, and industrial and farm equipment.

The 2000 study found that from 1996 to 1998, 11 of the 250 largest and most profitable companies paid no taxes, even though all reported profits. The earlier study found that the 250 companies showed a 23.5 percent increase in pretax profit, while the tax payments rose 7.7 percent.

The current study seemed to echo government data. Commerce Department figures showed that pretax corporate profit rose 26 percent from 2001 to 2003 but that corporate tax payments fell 21 percent.

Corporate taxes as a share of the national economy are at their lowest sustained level since World War II, the study said, and financed only 6 percent of government expenses in the last two fiscal years.

The current study found that nearly one in three companies, or 82, of the 275 examined paid no federal income tax in at least one year from 2001 to 2003, the period covered by the study. In the period, 82 companies had pretax profit of $102 billion.

Last year, 46 of the 275 companies surveyed paid no federal income tax, up from 42 companies in 2002 and 33 in 2001, according to the study. Over all, the number of companies that paid no taxes increased 40 percent during the period.

The current study attributed lower corporate payments in part to legislation supported by President Bush and enacted by Congress in 2002 that increased accelerated depreciation, an accounting move that allows profitable companies to write off capital investments and claim tax deferrals. Accelerated depreciation was intended in part to encourage capital investment, but the study argued that it had done the opposite. Capital investment by corporations dropped 12 percent in 2002 and 3 percent in 2003, the years when Congress enacted the new accelerated depreciation rules.
info can be found here (http://www.ctj.org/corpfed04an.pdf)

11-02-2004, 02:57 AM
The real reason oil is up is because the oil pimps (the Saudies) are fearful that they might actually lose their oil buddy puppets in the Whitehouse. Therefore they intend to squeeze every last nickel out of us before policies change.

11-02-2004, 03:43 AM
they better change tomorrow

11-02-2004, 05:24 AM
gas is 2.26 over here but i the difference is that i know what the cause of it. you people blame the weather on bush. your ignorance is disturbing and i really try to ignore it but i can not.

listen, you do not know what's going on in iraq as it shows in all of your posts. first, you blame bush for the assasination? you need to learn before speaking. i will enlighten you on this old news. america handed iraq over to the new iraqi administration. they are in charge over there at this point. i can tell you more but why bother because you make ignorant statements (yes they are ignorant because you base your facts on stuff you have no knowledge of) which has nothing to do with facts. oil prices are up not because of bush but because spoiled americans who spend all day playing pool or on the internet instead of realizing what is going on in the world. also oil is up due to the weather we have had in america such as florida. as far as your friend goes, tell us wha company it was that layed them off and the reason why before you start making up crap. you think people are getting ayed off now, wait... if kerry gets elected, more companies will ship their companes and offices to other countries due to the tax burden on them which will not be worth it to be in america.

do me a favor. go vote for kerry for your own reason but before you start posting crap that is not true or you do not have all the fact which none of you don't and it shows in the information you post, try doing research on the subject. this goes for all of you retards who post stuff on this subject and do not use facts. not once have any of you kerry supportes based anything on facts but use stupid nose picking clips like jiminator which proves my point. get real already because you base your opinions on bs:down:

I am so tired of you calling me ignorant when you ar so ignorant in your views as well. You refuse to admit that the people dying in Iraq are BUSH'S FAULT. I do my research and I do not base my views on some crazy left wing propaganda website, I am more than willing to hear something substantive that you can tell me that proves why Bush is not at fault for the travesty happening in Iraq... I do fully hold Bush responsible for the people who are dying daily in Iraq. Bush did not finish one job (Afghanistan) before taking away resources and starting the attack on Iraq... That was poor judgement on his part and we are paying dearly for it... Yes, Saddam was a bad man and he was horrible to his citizens, but there were NO WMD's and there were Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda. That was what he said justified us going to war with Iraq... It was not true. Don't tell me that I am ignorant when I acknowledge the truth and you refuse to do the same. Your President lied. and it was not about getting some nookie from an intern. Let's talk about the Saudi's, they LOVE President Bush. Why??? Because he is money to them. When you can prove to me that what Bush has done for this country is in the past 4 years is a good thing, I will listen, until then, I could care less that you think I am ignorant because, the feeling is mutual... :mad:

11-02-2004, 04:39 PM
I am so tired of you calling me ignorant when you ar so ignorant in your views as well. You refuse to admit that the people dying in Iraq are BUSH'S FAULT. I do my research and I do not base my views on some crazy left wing propaganda website, I am more than willing to hear something substantive that you can tell me that proves why Bush is not at fault for the travesty happening in Iraq... I do fully hold Bush responsible for the people who are dying daily in Iraq. Bush did not finish one job (Afghanistan) before taking away resources and starting the attack on Iraq... That was poor judgement on his part and we are paying dearly for it... Yes, Saddam was a bad man and he was horrible to his citizens, but there were NO WMD's and there were Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda. That was what he said justified us going to war with Iraq... It was not true. Don't tell me that I am ignorant when I acknowledge the truth and you refuse to do the same. Your President lied. and it was not about getting some nookie from an intern. Let's talk about the Saudi's, they LOVE President Bush. Why??? Because he is money to them. When you can prove to me that what Bush has done for this country is in the past 4 years is a good thing, I will listen, until then, I could care less that you think I am ignorant because, the feeling is mutual... :mad:
the problem is you think your opinions are right. you think it was wrong and lied and i don't. i call your comments ignorance because you are not statng the facts but just opinions. you are entitiled to your own opinion but if they are not based on facts, what would you call that?

11-02-2004, 04:40 PM
Oops, missed one. Add racial slurs to the list. :rolleyes:jism, you are ignorant. i do not spell check either or do i take the best typer trophy. i take it you feel you are a better person because i type sloppy? let's compare real things.

11-02-2004, 05:03 PM
you know i am done with these topics. i disagree with the 7-10 people here on many things and i am sick and tired of it. my personal opinion on you people as yours on me makes no difference. i really could care less as i have said. i am done so fill this thread and the otherslike it with your dumb comments and such but first lean over, pucker and kiss my ---:P

11-02-2004, 05:14 PM
Sorry, but I've met you, and even if you shaved it, I'm not kissing it! :ha:

Now if Thundarr wants to make that offer............ :D

11-02-2004, 05:43 PM
the problem is you think your opinions are right. you think it was wrong and lied and i don't. i call your comments ignorance because you are not statng the facts but just opinions. you are entitiled to your own opinion but if they are not based on facts, what would you call that?

I don't see where you are posting any facts for why you think you are right. I have posted plenty of facts to back my opinions. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't make them opinion... :rolleyes: Hmm, is this an opinion? (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showpost.php?p=555041&postcount=13)
Opinion? (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=548621#post548621)
Opinion? (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=555043#post555043)
Opinion? Again, nope... (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=534397#post534397)
Opinion?? (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=534361#post534361)

11-02-2004, 07:30 PM
you know i am done with these topics. i disagree with the 7-10 people here on many things and i am sick and tired of it. my personal opinion on you people as yours on me makes no difference. i really could care less as i have said. i am done so fill this thread and the otherslike it with your dumb comments and such but first lean over, pucker and kiss my ---:P
Have we heard something like this before??? Now who's the flip flopper??? :P (I'm just teasing you!!!)

Here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=549332#post549332)
Here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=549333#post549333)
Whoops! (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=549291#post549291)
What conflict? (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=547854#post547854) Here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=547590#post547590)
Here (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=542946#post542946)
See my other post! (http://www.gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?p=542946#post542946) I have posted plenty of facts, you just choose to ignore them since they do not support your view...

11-02-2004, 09:38 PM
...but first lean over, pucker and kiss my ---:P

we would have to wait until GWB "finished" first... and we wouldn't be kissing you either.... :hmmm:

11-02-2004, 10:11 PM
i see how many of you look at things but ignore facts so what's the difference.

Conservative Lies #4: Clinton Let Osama Go
Conservatives love to rattle on about how Clinton was offered Osama bin Laden in 1996 (and possibly in 2000), but let him go. Quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of this old overcooked falsehood repeated again and again. The idea is that Clinton was given a viable chance to get bin Laden and somehow decided, "nah, we could take him and put him in prison but let's intentionally let him go free." This is unadulterated Drudge-style garbage.

The oft-repeated right-wing version of the story originates from one Mansoor Ijaz, an investment banker now based in New York, a former "lobbyist for Pakistan" who is now a regular Clinton hit-man on conservative FOX News and the National Review. The story seems to have many variations, that Osama was offered up once, twice, even three times. However, Ijaz has no evidence that he was integral, and the Clinton White House denied he ever was. They saw him as self-serving, having business ties with Sudan, which was then under embargo for their terrorist ties, wanting the embargo lifted so he could position himself profitably when Sudan opened its oil fields for export as planned in 1997. Clinton's people had worked with Ijaz before in dealing with Pakistan, but this time disregarded him because of the conflicts inherent in his Sudan business connections, not to mention Ijaz's later tendencies to present himself inaccurately to several foreign nations as "agent" of the U.S. government. The Clinton administration underwent negotiations with Sudan without Ijaz, but Ijaz's self-important story gets repeated ad nauseam--by Ijaz himself--with right-wing platforms eager to give him air time and column space. Ijaz later made even more fantastic claims that he could get Osama extradited in 2000, again unsupported. Apparently, Ijaz would have us believe that he had Osama in a bottle and pleaded with Clinton to take him, but Clinton maliciously unleashed him to wreak havoc upon the world.

Here is the story (http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/Web%20Pages/HERALD%20TRIBUNE_Sudan%20Offered%20to%20Arrest%20B in%20Laden%20in%20'96.htm) as it happened:

The government of Sudan, using a back channel direct from its president to the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States, offered in the early spring of 1996 to arrest Osama bin Laden and place him in custody in Saudi Arabia, according to officials and former officials in all three countries.

The Clinton administration struggled to find a way to accept the offer in secret contacts that stretched from a meeting at hotel in Arlington, Virginia, on March 3, 1996, to a fax that closed the door on the effort 10 weeks later.

Unable to persuade the Saudis to accept Mr. bin Laden, and lacking a case to indict him in U.S. courts, the Clinton administration finally gave up on the capture. ...

Resigned to Mr. bin Laden's departure from Sudan, some officials raised the possibility of shooting down his chartered aircraft, but the idea was never seriously pursued because Mr. bin Laden had not been linked to a dead American, and it was inconceivable that Mr. Clinton would sign the "lethal finding" necessary under the circumstances.

In short, Sudan claimed that it would arrest Osama and extradite him to another country, though the veracity of that offer has never been confirmed, and was doubted by many. But the Clinton administration tried to achieve this. However, the U.S. itself could not take him because at that time (and this is what the right-wing hatchet stories usually leave out), bin Laden had not been connected with any U.S. deaths, and the U.S. did not have any jurisdiction to try him. So they tried to convince the Saudis to take him, but the Saudis refused. To suggest that Clinton had the ability to nab bin Laden but decided not to goes contrary to Clinton's 10-week effort to get bin Laden put in a Saudi jail and possibly executed there. The deal was simply unworkable, pure and simple.