View Full Version : I can't believe it, Florida voting woes again

10-29-2004, 03:21 AM
Well in case you haven't heard, Florida is having voting problems once again. Apparently a couple thousand of Absentee votes have gone missing. This has caused a major uproar once again and it has made Florida look like a fool for a second time. Michael Moore has even flown in and started recording for a possible 3rd documentary. At this point do you really blame him?

Voting is a very serious thing and I believe that it should no longer be a state by state controlled function. When you allow each state to have different methods of voting and different locations and procedures you end up with a tainted result time and time again. We need a voting standard in which all Americans across the land pulls the same damn lever or pushes the same damn button as their neighboring state. It's funny to me that a National decision such as this is left in to the hands of each state. This has got to stop! We need a national voting committee which is funded by the federal government. They need to make the voting process a national standard.

10-29-2004, 03:40 AM
LOL! its not that hard of a procedure.

even us eskimos up in Canada have no prob with it! hehehe

10-29-2004, 03:55 AM
LOL. Is that what you meant to say? Then again I'm sure our federal government is perfectly capable of making a piss poor voting process a national standard. :thumbs: :D
Nope it wasn't :P Thanks. ;)

10-29-2004, 05:37 AM
Did anyone see the Daily Show tonight? OMG that was some good sh1t!!!! :thumbs: :rofl:

10-29-2004, 05:53 AM
i find the whole thing pothetic myself. i bet you people do not know why the democrats want you to vote early for do you?

i hope there is a sniper waiting for moore when he arrives:cool:

10-29-2004, 10:49 AM
Don't worry, they'll straighten out the voting in 4 years :rolleyes:

Didn't Bush promise that there would be no more of this?

10-29-2004, 11:18 AM
Not a couple of thousand Slic. Try 58 Thousand mine included.

10-29-2004, 11:23 AM
i don't think most states even count the mail in votes unless the election is close enough to where they would make a difference...

10-29-2004, 12:03 PM

10-29-2004, 10:39 PM
it only goes to show how people do not know what the real problems are in th polls in florida.

people--get over it--bush won florida 4 years ago and he will win it again.

i will also inform you that he won it even though gore had all the absentee ballots from our service men overseas thrown away. i see none of you bring tha up. it's typical because you don't like bush so it's alright that things arent fair toward him. too bad. yu people also forget about what hapend with florida regarding the media when they said gore was the winner when the polls were not even closed. don't blame bush for that stupidity, blame your news source.

10-29-2004, 11:30 PM
it only goes to show how people do not know what the real problems are in th polls in florida.

people--get over it--bush won florida 4 years ago and he will win it again.

i will also inform you that he won it even though gore had all the absentee ballots from our service men overseas thrown away. i see none of you bring tha up. it's typical because you don't like bush so it's alright that things arent fair toward him. too bad. yu people also forget about what hapend with florida regarding the media when they said gore was the winner when the polls were not even closed. don't blame bush for that stupidity, blame your news source.
Bigg you missed the point. Every vote counts whether or not it goes to the winning president. I would be mighty pissed if they lost my vote as I am sure you would be. This is absolutely ridiculous that once again the State in which GWB's brother is governer of (Jeb) has done nothing about the voting problem when he had 4 damn years to do it in.

10-30-2004, 12:01 AM
you are mistaken to think that it was the republicans that caused this mess. as i said before, the democrats try to do many sneaky things to prevent votes to count. you say you would be pissed but what about the military that did not get ther vote counted. gore was happy that these votes were not counted and was even caught on camera high fiving his vice president he chose. also this is happening in many states not jusr florida. it based on seperate agenda's but all political.. you hear the demcrats playing the race crap also again and making it seem as blacks can't vote but the truth s the problem is with people that are nt citizens of america and because they are considered a minority they use the word race which pisses of the ignorant minoritys that are citizens. it's complete crap yet again facts are ignored by the people who do not want to look into it.