View Full Version : Guild Wars Thumbs Up!!!!!!!!

10-29-2004, 10:18 AM
I like the game and I will be posting screen shots later on today.

It's only a test this game so many things were left out so don't expect
everything like DAOC but they will have it very similar.

I was able to do missions with my Brother, uncle who join in and the graphics are awesome and beauitful. The toons are so much better looking especially the girls and fighting together was cool as a team.

I done the mission several times to get the Long bow for My brother because he is a ranger and he looks really cool and I am the Elementalist of Fire and my uncle is the mighty Warrior. Man I have this rain fire that drops and kills and very deadly and powerful.

I was able to get my team and never failed the mission.

I was told that we needed 6 in order to do the mission and I did it with four twice. Sweet!!!!

We played until 4 am in the morning because we lost track and was having so much fun. This was worth testing out this small part of the game.

10-29-2004, 01:40 PM
You can download and play for free here:


The free event runs until Oct 31st. I think I'll try it out also just because its made by ex-Blizzard guys.

10-29-2004, 05:26 PM
its so much fun, try it!

10-29-2004, 05:40 PM
You can download and play for free here:


The free event runs until Oct 31st. I think I'll try it out also just because its made by ex-Blizzard guys.

Wait until you see the graphics SAl.

I just finish doing a difficult mission and we failed once doing it but this time we got it right.

I can't wait to post some screenies because I need to setup my ftp.

He Is Legend
10-29-2004, 09:49 PM
This game is awesome

Everyone should dl it and make a 6 team party and lets kill some ****!

10-30-2004, 02:27 AM
Downloaded it today and played for a bit this afternoon. Going back in.

In as Tipster

Herbus Maximus
10-30-2004, 02:52 AM
It does look very nice! I'll be playing this for a bit I think.:D

10-30-2004, 04:37 AM
Downloaded and got about 30 mins in. I can't wait to try more tomorrow.

10-30-2004, 05:39 AM
Listen guys I will be on tomorrow and I have items and can help you with the mission.
I have done this mission many times already and just finish playing with a few Exodus clan members and we rocked and I had a blast.

You can find me by the name Sas Sir Williams and I will help you all out and setup a team for missions. Looking forward to it believe me. Sweet!

He Is Legend
10-30-2004, 07:23 AM
my name is Switch Blade

Msg me!

10-30-2004, 08:01 AM
i am Tel Marine.

10-30-2004, 11:17 AM
my name is Switch Blade

Msg me!

Got it I will catch you at the game.

BTW guys when you guys are ready to do the fourth mission let me know because your going to need help for that one and it has to be done right trust me. LOL hehehehe

10-30-2004, 11:18 AM
i am Tel Marine.

Got it sweet!

10-31-2004, 10:49 AM
Great fun battle grounds.

I did lose once because I only had 15 lvl players and it was my first time but after that I never lost again and we went up against guys that were lvl 20 and I was the highest lvl at 19.

We planned it just right and made surprise attacks and cut them off all the time. It was like playing as a mid and the odds were against us at merlin and still kicked ass never knowing where or when our next attack was going to be hahahahaha.

I must say the warriors are very powerful when protected by healers because there was two warriors that were giving us trouble and they were very powerful.

I never killed so many and then they started going after me but couldn't catch me, however I did die a few times LOL.

My Rain of fire almost knocked out the entire group.

They hated me so much because they kept hitting me so I had to start hiding behind trees and walls and got many of them. LOL

I still haven't found out my password for my FTP to post but I have Psycho Dad posting at exodus forum with some of my screenshots.

The missions are awesome and getting much harder as you level up.

10-31-2004, 01:58 PM
They called me chicken sh1T and go figure they had 8 20 lvl toons with 2 healers
And there was a warrior who was hard to put down and got me twice but I got him four times hehehe. I only had one healer and 5 toons at 15 lvl and had to protect because I couldn’t go after them we were too weak compare to those guys. They were so upset because they couldn’t take control where I manage to find a good spot to hold them off.

For 43 mins I was able to hold them off and they quit on me. LOL

NOOBS without plans can be really a pain in the as*. LOL hehehehe

10-31-2004, 02:08 PM
:) Looks like a fun time,Sas.. :thumbs:

Wish I could have joined you, too much going on here this weekend.. :(

I'll be there next time though !! :wootrock: