View Full Version : What do you think of this server logo

10-30-2004, 01:15 PM
First try. Now if I could just figure out how to do the rest and make it work. Maybe PJ? can help me . here the info

How to create custom server logos
First of all, create your logo image. You can either use 8 bit (256 colors)
with BMP or PCX or 32 or 24 bit (truecolor with or without alpha channel) with
TGA or DDS as the file format.
The image size must be powers of 2, i.e. 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 or
1024. The image doesn't have to be quadratic, so sizes like 128x512 are allowed
as well as long as width and height are powers of 2.
When saving your logo image make sure neither its file name nor the path you
save it in contains any space chars, otherwise you won't be able to import it
in UnrealEd from that location.
Now import the logo image as a texture in UnrealEd and make sure you specify a
new package name. See this page on the UnrealWiki for details on importing
textures: http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/Import_The_Texture
Especially you don't have to worry about the ServerLogo code, that's what the
configuration options are there for. And no, UT2003Fonts.utx has nothing to do
with the logo, it's only used for drawing the text in the transition example
screenshots. (see above)
The new logo's name for the ServerLogo4 configuration is in the form
PackageName.GroupName.TextureName, where PackageName, GroupName and TextureName
are the names you specified in the import dialog box.
When you are done importing and saving the logo package, you should make your
it client-optional, so it's not required for connecting or demo playback.
To do this, open a command prompt (Start -> Run..., enter "command" under
Windows 98/ME or "cmd" under Windows 2000/XP), switch to the UT2004 drive
("d:<RETURN>" if it's installed on drive D:) and directory
("cd \UT2004\System<RETURN>" if UT2004 is installed in e.g. D:\UT2004).
You should now see the prompt:
with the cursor blinking right after it. If your logo texture package is
located in UT204\Textures\MyLogo.utx you would now type:
UCC PackageFlag ..\Textures\MyLogo.utx ..\Textures\MyNewLogo.utx +ClientOptional
to make the package client-optional. The new file (MyNewLogo.utx) is the
client-optional version. You have to specify a different name and/or path for
the new package, but you can rename or move it back afterwards, of course.
To close the command prompt simply type "exit" and press the RETURN key.

someone please help :D
Thx Frag

10-30-2004, 02:04 PM
Looks cool, what would it look like whith a black border instead of the orange?

10-30-2004, 08:12 PM
that looks tight frag. the only suggestion i have is maybe a little more color coordinated rather than like 6 different colors. mess around with it, try exe's suggestion

10-30-2004, 08:31 PM
black dont work :(

it dont matter I cant seem to get it to work anyway

10-30-2004, 09:25 PM
Maybe you should PM PJ. I haven't looked at UnrealEd since 2003 was first released. I actuallly accomplished making my own skin, but man what a pain in the ass. I know that PJ had actually made some maps of his own so he may be a big help.

10-31-2004, 05:57 AM
i think it looks great. i would suggest maybe a bigger or bold font for the text. i think the logo looks great though:thumbs: