View Full Version : The Creepy Myths of San Andreas! (SPOILERS)

11-02-2004, 01:39 AM
OK, so after rushing through the game with friends on story mode over four days (35 hours...a very long story) it's time to start hunting some of the myths and believe me, some of them are SERIOUSLY creepy.

Most of the pictures are in fact links to other forums, so unless SAL states otherwise, I cannae post 'em.

Bigfoot/The Yeti
(currently a massive debate rages throughout GTA fan forums and on the major sites - many pictures which were eventually revealed to be fakes, but well over a hundred people claim to have seen this. Bigfoot allegedly appears by two horse shoe shapes on the map in San Fierro - the Back of Beyond, by the ghost cars ((cars which drive around the area with no passengers)). People claim to have seen the Yeti in the Las Venturas Quarry and some form of "black, blurry shape" in the airports. Bigfoot is accompanied by a roaring sound and some of the tiny trees falling down. Most people see him when the fog rolls in, just after midnight. I got shivers now.)

Jaws/The Megalodon/Giant Turtle/Sea Serpent
You know what I mean by Jaws, and after googling it, I discovered Megalodon is apparently an extinct prehistoric shark that is bastard huge, even by Jaws standards. People have reported the thing swimming far out at sea. Going deep underwater with CJ creeps me out, as does this potential secret.

The UFO's
This wouldn't be a big surprise. Rockstar have already stated if you hang around in the desert too long you freak out and hallucinate, and there were some great pictures of a UFO floating above CJ around Mt. Chilliad on some French GTA site.

CJ's Mother's Ghost
Apparently people have seen her walking round The Johnson House if you enter close to 0:04.

Worm Hole
Rumours if you fly high enough...but no evidence, and it could just be a skybox glitch.

solid snake295
11-02-2004, 03:04 AM
cool :thumbs: