View Full Version : I feel like giving tonight....

01-27-2003, 02:03 AM
In regards to my post about 'us' being computer geeks....here is a little about me.

I will be 32 in March.
I chew, drink, play softball and lift weights.
My softball team took second in the state championship last year. I bench 305 pounds. I build models, collect toys, and watch anime. I enjoy books by Carl Hiaasen and movies by Troma. I listen to TOOL, Mudvayne, and Alice in Chains, and any other metal bad that kicks ass! I have both ears pierced. I am 6'2" and weigh in at 210. I kick box and also am known to play console games for 6 hours straight. I have turned my hobby into a job. I am the network administrator for MC Sporting Goods, a retail sporting goods chain in the midwest. I am recently divorced, and actually have a baby on the way. In essence, I am a geek. In reality, I am a mean SOB, that likes to play UT2003 (and some SSSE) along with any game that catches my fancy. I have two tattoos also.

So, if anyone was offended by what I wrote, I am sorry. I like this place, and I like to post. I like the majority of people that post here.
Again, if I call anyone a geek, I feel that is my right, and opinion, because if anyone is a geek around here, it is for certain, that it is me.

=DOA|MH= Dissectional, resident geek.

01-27-2003, 02:04 AM
lol i liked it

01-27-2003, 02:06 AM
I thought it was funny....I havent been called a mutant before, lol. I wasnt offended though.....
I never had any self-esteem in the first place, so nothing really affects me, lol.

01-27-2003, 02:07 AM
:WTF: u dont got to post that stuff about yourself just cause u feel bad beside some of that stuff u wrote is kinda personal :WTF:

01-27-2003, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by PlatinumFragMaster@Jan 26 2003, 09:07 PM
:WTF: u dont got to post that stuff about yourself just cause u feel bad beside some of that stuff u wrote is kinda personal :WTF:
It's no big deal man. Like I said, I like a lot of the guys around here, and I want to make sure that I am not making any bad vibes.
And I have nothing to hide, you know? Plus, the SuperBowl is getting boring, Tampa is kicking too much ass. :thumbs:

01-27-2003, 02:11 AM
dont worry Diss, Im sure no one was offended. My post was meant to be funny, i didnt mean to say that your post offended me. I could care less what a person feels about me over the interent. You cant really judge someone merely by a picture *yep, you guessed it, Im one of those sappy peeps who believes in "beauty is in the inside, not the outside" crap"* :lol:

01-27-2003, 02:11 AM
That's my main man Diss telling it like it is! I'd follow suit, but I already know that nobody cares! :jammin:

As for, =DOA|MH= Dissectional, resident geek....That's resident freek! J/K my friend.

One thing I'll say for Diss is he's a stand up guy! :cool:

01-27-2003, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Phoenix@Jan 26 2003, 09:11 PM
dont worry Diss, Im sure no one was offended. My post was meant to be funny, i didnt mean to say that your post offended me. I could care less what a person feels about me over the interent. You cant really judge someone merely by a picture *yep, you guessed it, Im one of those sappy peeps who believes in "beauty is in the inside, not the outside" crap"* :lol:
Ha Ha! All I can think about is that pic of you giving Strifer or Strider the finger....still cracks me up...

01-27-2003, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by Pure_Evil@Jan 26 2003, 09:11 PM
That's my main man Diss telling it like it is! I'd follow suit, but I already know that nobody cares! :jammin:

As for, =DOA|MH= Dissectional, resident geek....That's resident freek! J/K my friend.

One thing I'll say for Diss is he's a stand up guy! :cool:
My boy Evil...what would I do without him? :jammin:

01-27-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Dissectional@Jan 27 2003, 02:12 AM

Ha Ha! All I can think about is that pic of you giving Strifer or Strider the finger....still cracks me up...
heh heh http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/icw/022.gif

01-27-2003, 03:48 AM
I thought your post was more self-effacing than offensive in any way to anyone, and the term 'geeks' isn't pejorative as you used it, as I saw it. I'm proud to be a geek, and was a high school and college (intramural) wrestler, enjoyed Vonnegut and Twain as my favorite writers, coach baseball, for 'normal' and disabled kids; my wife and I run a league for disabled children. I love music, especially live music.

I'm sure Dis meant nothing ill to anyone; let's let him off with a crucifixion - first offense. :bandhead: :rofl:

01-27-2003, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by Death-Dude@Jan 26 2003, 10:48 PM
I thought your post was more self-effacing than offensive in any way to anyone, and the term 'geeks' isn't pejorative as you used it, as I saw it. I'm proud to be a geek, and was a high school and college (intramural) wrestler, enjoyed Vonnegut and Twain as my favorite writers, coach baseball, for 'normal' and disabled kids; my wife and I run a league for disabled children. I love music, especially live music.

I'm sure Dis meant nothing ill to anyone; let's let him off with a crucifixion - first offense. :bandhead: :rofl:
I think Vonnegut is great..Breakfast of Champions, Blue Beard, Slaughterhouse 5. I did a report on him in contemporary american literature.
I loved it.

Thanks for the post DD. And the baseball for the disabled kids, great stuff. I had the pleasure of being a ref for the special olympics basketball tourney here in GR. One of the most fulfilling things I have ever done, and plan on doing it again this year.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
01-27-2003, 05:59 AM
Your geeky apology is geekily accepted. I myself have been transformed from an Operations Supervisor into a gaming geek, and I love it!

01-27-2003, 02:27 PM
I am a geek too. I realized this for the first time when I thought a "night on the town" was getting together with a bunch of my friends...........on the computer. :huh:

:wootrock: :wootrock: