View Full Version : Canadian Question to Americans

Dangerous Dan
11-03-2004, 06:16 AM
I've always wondered this, and thought i should bring it up seeing how the face of the off topic section is mainly political in current times.

Do you, as an American, feel that Canadians are obligated to sign onto the proposed north american missile defence program proposed by the USA despite our wish to not associate with the USA in terms of international war? Do you feel that Canadians should be able to say no despite that essentually leaving a hole in America's proposed defense grid. And lastly, would you support the USA coercing (forcing) Canada to sign onto the plan.

I'm quite curious to hear your responses.

11-03-2004, 07:07 AM
canada has to do their own thing. frankly I am glad that there are people on this continent that do not have a knee-jerk reaction to everything our high commanders say and do....

11-03-2004, 10:08 AM
i do not think they are obligated. i actually havent heard anything on this subject regarding canada but i can see where a hole in the security would be. i am interested in some articles if you do not mind regarding this issue. i am actually shocked that they have a design finished already.

i would also like to know if this is big news in canada because again i havent heard anything on it anywhere. i would think if this plan works, canada would want it for their own security since we are connected. i don't know but obligated means has to and i doubt another country has to do anything and if they don't want to, they won't.

if you want to pm me the links that would be great because i am interested in the defense system i have only read about a while ago. i am still shocked it's done already. i just wonder if it works and how do they know.

11-03-2004, 11:19 AM
I too would like to see the links, works slow :P

11-04-2004, 07:41 PM
as close as the 2 countries are canada still has to do whats best for them

11-04-2004, 10:07 PM
No way! Canada should be free to do as they wish!! :thumbs:

Caged Anger
11-05-2004, 01:24 AM
No, i don't think you're obligated to, though it may be a benefit.

But seriously, I don't think it matters much considering the tests rarely achieve being able to shoot down a missile in air, lol

11-05-2004, 01:50 AM
No, i don't think you're obligated to, though it may be a benefit.

But seriously, I don't think it matters much considering the tests rarely achieve being able to shoot down a missile in air, lol
You would be surprised what they are able to do now. ;) On the issue, I would love to be able to sit here and say no you shouldn't have to, but unfortunately I think that Canada ultimately will have to. I personally wouldn't support the decision as an American tax payer though. My taxes are wasted enough on stupid spending as it is....

Dangerous Dan
11-05-2004, 01:56 AM
You would be surprised what they are able to do now. ;) On the issue, I would love to be able to sit here and say no you shouldn't have to, but unfortunately I think that Canada ultimately will have to. I personally wouldn't support the decision as an American tax payer though. My taxes are wasted enough on stupid spending as it is....i guarentee you that when we do have to sign on the american press and canadian press will be reporting two VERY different stories... one will be a story of coersion and forced influence, while the other will be mentioned mearly in passing with little or no comment on the factors that resulted in Canada signing on...

also, i wish whoever voted "yes" would come out and say why american policy should over-rule the decision of a seperate self governing nation...

11-05-2004, 02:18 AM
No, i don't think you're obligated to, though it may be a benefit.

But seriously, I don't think it matters much considering the tests rarely achieve being able to shoot down a missile in air, lol

eh, they can easily shoot down test missles when they detonate the missle as they get near...

Caged Anger
11-05-2004, 07:17 PM
You would be surprised what they are able to do now. ;) On the issue, I would love to be able to sit here and say no you shouldn't have to, but unfortunately I think that Canada ultimately will have to. I personally wouldn't support the decision as an American tax payer though. My taxes are wasted enough on stupid spending as it is....

I should hope the should be able to hit something by now, they've only been working on it for...how long? sheesh, lol, a great waste of money if they aren't getting back at least a couple hits

11-05-2004, 11:21 PM
i guarentee you that when we do have to sign on the american press and canadian press will be reporting two VERY different stories... one will be a story of coersion and forced influence, while the other will be mentioned mearly in passing with little or no comment on the factors that resulted in Canada signing on...

also, i wish whoever voted "yes" would come out and say why american policy should over-rule the decision of a seperate self governing nation...
Don't worry Michael Moore will be there covering the news with the real story for us. :)

11-05-2004, 11:31 PM
sheesh, lol, a great waste of money if they aren't getting back at least a couple hits

military contracts are the way our goverment provides welfare to the rich. no real need for accountability if you can claim to be providing jobs :thumbs::thumbs: